Configurar NPCs
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Configurar NPCs
Baixei o Realistic FPS Prefab para concluir um projeto mas ao usar um player[AI] pronto ele não se meche para nada apenas respira mas se eu atirar eles cai e morre. Logo de cara vi que o Asset está todo desconfigurado já arrumei um bocado de coisas mas essa parte dos NPCs não estou conseguindo.
mas quando vou testar uma cena pronta que vem junto tudo funciona normal já tentei importar dela para minha cena mas não adianta eles voltam a ficar parados lá e não saem do lugar. estou a muito tempo procurando arrumar isso é horrível tentar fazer uma coisa o dia inteiro e não conseguir alguém pode me ajudar?
Re: Configurar NPCs
Deixa a gente ver o Script do Npc
AdrianJps- Iniciante
- PONTOS : 2947
Idade : 26
Respeito as regras :
Re: Configurar NPCs
AI:AdrianJps escreveu:Deixa a gente ver o Script do Npc
- Código:
http://AI.cs by Azuline Studios All Rights Reserved
//Allows NPC to track and attack targets and patrol waypoints.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;//
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class AI : MonoBehaviour {
public bool spawned = false;
public GameObject playerObj;
public Transform playerTransform;
public GameObject NPCMgrObj;
public GameObject weaponObj;//currently equipped weapon object of player
public FPSRigidBodyWalker FPSWalker;
public NPCAttack NPCAttackComponent;
public PlayerWeapons PlayerWeaponsComponent;
private WeaponBehavior WeaponBehaviorComponent;
public CharacterDamage TargetCharacterDamageComponent;
public CharacterDamage CharacterDamageComponent;
public NPCSpawner NPCSpawnerComponent;
public NPCRegistry NPCRegistryComponent;
public AI TargetAIComponent;
public NavMeshAgent agent;
public Collider[] colliders;
private bool collisionState;
public Animation AnimationComponent;
public Animator AnimatorComponent;
private float animSpeed;
public bool recycleNpcObjOnDeath;
[Tooltip("The object with the Animation/Animator component which will be accessed by AI.cs to play NPC animations. If none, this root object will be checked for the Animator/Animations component.")]
public Transform objectWithAnims;
[Tooltip("Chance between 0 and 1 that NPC will spawn. Used to randomize NPC locations and surprise the player.")]
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float randomSpawnChance = 1.0f;
//NPC movement speeds
[Tooltip("Running speed of the NPC.")]
public float runSpeed = 6.0f;
[Tooltip("Walking speed of the NPC.")]
public float walkSpeed = 1.0f;
[Tooltip("Speed of running animation.")]
public float walkAnimSpeed = 1.0f;
[Tooltip("Speed of walking animation.")]
public float runAnimSpeed = 1.0f;
private float speedAmt = 1.0f;
private float lastRunTime;//to prevent rapid walking, then running when following player
[Tooltip("NPC yaw angle offset when standing.")]
public float idleYaw = 0.0f;
[Tooltip("NPC yaw angle offset when moving.")]
public float movingYaw = 0.0f;
private float yawAmt;
[Tooltip("Sets the alignment of this NPC. 1 = friendly to player and hostile to factions 2 and 3, 2 = hostile to player and factions 1 and 3, 3 = hostile to player and factions 1 and 2.")]
public int factionNum = 1;//1 = human(friendly to player), 2 = alien(hostile to player), 3 = zombie(hostile to all other factions)
[Tooltip("If false, NPC will attack any character that attacks it, regardless of faction.")]
public bool ignoreFriendlyFire;
public bool playerAttacked;//to make friendly NPCs go hostile if attacked by player
public float attackedTime;
//waypoints and patrolling
public Transform myTransform;
private Vector3 upVec;//cache this for optimization;
[Tooltip("True if NPC will hunt player accross map without needing to detect player first.")]
public bool huntPlayer;
[Tooltip("True if NPC should only follow patrol waypoints once.")]
public bool patrolOnce;
[Tooltip("True if NPC should walk on patrol, will run on patrol if false.")]
public bool walkOnPatrol = true;
private Transform curWayPoint;
[Tooltip("Drag the parent waypoint object with the WaypointGroup.cs script attached here. If none, NPC will stand watch instead of patrolling.")]
public WaypointGroup waypointGroup;
[Tooltip("The number of the waypoint in the waypoint group which should be followed first.")]
public int firstWaypoint = 1;
[Tooltip("True if NPC should stand in one place and not patrol waypoint path.")]
public bool standWatch;
[Tooltip("True if NPC is following player.")]
public bool followPlayer;
[Tooltip("True if NPC can be activated with the use button and start following the player.")]
public bool followOnUse;
[Tooltip("True if this NPC wants player to follow them (wont take move orders from player, only from MoveTrigger.cs).")]
public bool leadPlayer;
public bool orderedMove;
public bool playerFollow;//true if this NPC wants player to follow them (wont take move orders from player, only from MoveTrigger.cs)
private bool animInit;//to bypass normal AI update interval for correct animation initialization
private bool animInitialized;//to only initialize animations once
private float commandedTime;
private float talkedTime;
private bool countBackwards = false;
[Tooltip("Minimum distance to destination waypoint that NPC will consider their destination as reached.")]
public float pickNextDestDist = 2.5f;
private Vector3 startPosition;
private float spawnTime;
[Tooltip("Volume of NPC's vocal sound effects.")]
public float vocalVol = 0.7f;
[Tooltip("Sound to play when player commands NPC to stop following.")]
public AudioClip stayFx1;
[Tooltip("Sound to play when player commands NPC to stop following.")]
public AudioClip stayFx2;
[Tooltip("Sound to play when player commands NPC to start following.")]
public AudioClip followFx1;
[Tooltip("Sound to play when player commands NPC to start following.")]
public AudioClip followFx2;
[Tooltip("Sound to play when player commands NPC to move to position.")]
public AudioClip moveToFx1;
[Tooltip("Sound to play when player commands NPC to move to position.")]
public AudioClip moveToFx2;
[Tooltip("Sound to play when NPC has been activated more than joke activate times.")]
public AudioClip jokeFx;
[Tooltip("Sound to play when NPC has been activated more than joke activate times.")]
public AudioClip jokeFx2;
[Tooltip("Number of consecutive use button presses that activates joke fx.")]
public int jokeActivate = 33;
private float jokePlaying = 0.0f;
private int jokeCount;
[Tooltip("Sound effects to play when pursuing player.")]
public AudioClip[] tauntSnds;
[Tooltip("True if taunt sound shouldn't be played when attacking.")]
public bool cancelAttackTaunt;
private float lastTauntTime;
[Tooltip("Delay between times to check if taunt sound should be played.")]
public float tauntDelay = 2f;
[Tooltip("Chance that a taunt sound will play after taunt delay.")]
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float tauntChance = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Volume of taunt sound effects.")]
public float tauntVol = 0.7f;
[Tooltip("Sound effects to play when NPC discovers player.")]
public AudioClip[] alertSnds;
[Tooltip("Volume of alert sound effects.")]
public float alertVol = 0.7f;
private bool alertTaunt;
public AudioSource vocalFx;
private AudioSource footstepsFx;
[Tooltip("Sound effects to play for NPC footsteps.")]
public AudioClip[] footSteps;
[Tooltip("Volume of footstep sound effects.")]
public float footStepVol = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Time between footstep sound effects when walking (sync with anim).")]
public float walkStepTime = 1.0f;
[Tooltip("Time between footstep sound effects when running (sync with anim).")]
public float runStepTime = 1.0f;
private float stepInterval;
private float stepTime;
//targeting and attacking
[Tooltip("Minimum range to target to start attack.")]
public float shootRange = 15.0f;
[Tooltip("Range that NPC will start chasing target until they are within shoot range.")]
public float attackRange = 30.0f;
[Tooltip("Range that NPC will hear player attacks.")]
public float listenRange = 30.0f;
[Tooltip("Time between shots (longer for burst weapons).")]
public float shotDuration = 0.0f;
[Tooltip("Speed of attack animation.")]
public float shootAnimSpeed = 1.0f;
public float attackRangeAmt = 30.0f;//increased by character damage script if NPC is damaged by player
[Tooltip("Percentage to reduce enemy search range if player is crouching.")]
public float sneakRangeMod = 0.4f;
private float shootAngle = 3.0f;
[Tooltip("Time before atack starts, to allow weapon to be raised before firing.")]
public float delayShootTime = 0.35f;
[Tooltip("Random delay between NPC attacks.")]
public float randShotDelay = 0.75f;
[Tooltip("Height of rayCast origin which detects targets (can be raised if NPC origin is at their feet).")]
public float eyeHeight = 0.4f;
[Tooltip("Draws spheres in editor for position and eye height.")]
public bool drawDebugGizmos;
public Transform target = null;
public bool targetVisible;
private float lastVisibleTime;
private Vector3 targetPos;
public float targetRadius;
public float attackTime = -16.0f;//time last attacked
private bool attackFinished = true;
private bool turning;//true if turning to face target
public bool cancelRotate;
public bool followed;//true when npc is moving to destination defined by MoveTrigger.cs
private float targetDistance;
private Vector3 targetDirection;
private RaycastHit[] hits;
private bool sightBlocked;//true if sight to target is blocked
public bool playerIsBehind;//true if player is behind NPC
public float targetEyeHeight;
private bool pursueTarget;
public Vector3 lastVisibleTargetPosition;
public float timeout = 0.0f;//to allow NPC to resume initial behavior after searching for target
public bool heardPlayer = false;
public bool heardTarget = false;
public bool damaged;//true if attacked
private bool damagedState;
public float lastDamageTime;
public LayerMask searchMask = 0;//only layers to include in target search (for efficiency)
public RaycastHit attackHit;
void Start(){
NPCMgrObj = GameObject.Find("NPC Manager");
NPCRegistryComponent = NPCMgrObj.GetComponent<NPCRegistry>();
NPCRegistryComponent.Npcs.Add(myTransform.gameObject.GetComponent<AI>());//register this active NPC with the NPCRegistry
playerObj = Camera.main.transform.GetComponent<CameraControl>().playerObj;
agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
if(Random.value > randomSpawnChance){
void OnEnable(){
myTransform = transform;
upVec = Vector3.up;;
startPosition = myTransform.position;
timeout = 0.0f;
attackedTime = -16f;//set to negative value to prevent NPCs from having larger search radius briefly after spawning
jokePlaying = jokeFx.length * -2f;
collisionState = false;
//initialize audiosource for footsteps
footstepsFx = myTransform.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
footstepsFx.spatialBlend = 1.0f;
footstepsFx.volume = footStepVol;
footstepsFx.pitch = 1.0f;
footstepsFx.dopplerLevel = 0.0f;
footstepsFx.bypassEffects = true;
footstepsFx.bypassListenerEffects = true;
footstepsFx.bypassReverbZones = true;
footstepsFx.maxDistance = 10.0f;
footstepsFx.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;
footstepsFx.playOnAwake = false;
vocalFx = myTransform.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
vocalFx.spatialBlend = 1.0f;
vocalFx.volume = vocalVol;
vocalFx.pitch = 1.0f;
vocalFx.dopplerLevel = 0.0f;
vocalFx.bypassEffects = true;
vocalFx.bypassListenerEffects = true;
vocalFx.bypassReverbZones = true;
vocalFx.maxDistance = 10.0f;
vocalFx.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;
vocalFx.playOnAwake = false;
//set layermask to layers such as layer 10 (world collision) and 19 (interactive objects) for target detection
searchMask = ~(~(1 << 10) & ~(1 << 0) & ~(1 << 13) & ~(1 << 11) & ~(1 << 20));
//if there is no objectWithAnims defined, use the Animation Component attached to this game object
if(objectWithAnims == null){objectWithAnims = transform;}
AnimatorComponent = objectWithAnims.GetComponent<Animator>();//set reference to Mecanim animator component
//initialize AI vars
playerObj = Camera.main.transform.GetComponent<CameraControl>().playerObj;
playerTransform = playerObj.transform;
PlayerWeaponsComponent = Camera.main.transform.GetComponent<CameraControl>().weaponObj.GetComponentInChildren<PlayerWeapons>();
FPSWalker = playerObj.GetComponent<FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
NPCAttackComponent = GetComponent<NPCAttack>();
CharacterDamageComponent = GetComponent<CharacterDamage>();
//Get all colliders for this NPC's body parts
colliders = GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>();
attackRangeAmt = attackRange;
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger("AnimState", 0);
if(!spawned){//if spawned, SpawnNPC function will be called from NPCSpawner.cs. Otherwise, spawn now.
//initialize NPC behavior
public IEnumerator SpawnNPC(){
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);//wait for object to initialize
//initialize navmesh agent
agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
agent.enabled = false;//Navmesh agent should also be deactivated on prefab to prevent error when spawning
agent.enabled = true;
agent.speed = runSpeed;
agent.acceleration = 60.0f;
yield return null;//wait for navmesh agent to find navmesh and initialize
spawnTime = Time.time;
if(objectWithAnims != myTransform){
//determine if NPC should patrol or stand watch
if(!standWatch && waypointGroup && waypointGroup.wayPoints[firstWaypoint - 1]){
curWayPoint = waypointGroup.wayPoints[firstWaypoint - 1];
speedAmt = runSpeed;
startPosition = curWayPoint.position;
//hunt the player accross the map
factionNum = 2;
target = playerTransform;
targetEyeHeight = FPSWalker.capsule.height * 0.25f;
lastVisibleTargetPosition = target.position + (target.up * targetEyeHeight);
attackRange = 2048.0f;
speedAmt = runSpeed;
Debug.Log("<color=red>NPC can't find Navmesh:</color> Please bake Navmesh for this scene or reposition NPC closer to navmesh.");
//draw debug spheres in editor
void OnDrawGizmos() {
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.position, 0.2f);
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.position + new Vector3(0.0f, eyeHeight, 0.0f), 0.2f);
Vector3 myPos = transform.position + (transform.up * eyeHeight);
Vector3 targetPos = lastVisibleTargetPosition;
Vector3 testdir1 = (targetPos - myPos).normalized;
float distance = Vector3.Distance(myPos, targetPos);
Vector3 testpos3 = myPos + (testdir1 * distance);
if (Physics.Linecast(myPos, targetPos)) {
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawLine (myPos, testpos3);
Gizmos.DrawSphere(testpos3, 0.2f);
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
Gizmos.DrawLine (myPos, target.position + (transform.up * targetEyeHeight));
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.6f) + (transform.up * eyeHeight), 0.2f);
// Vector3 dirPerpGizmo = Vector3.Cross (transform.forward, Vector3.forward);
// dirPerpGizmo.Normalize();
Vector3 dirPerpGizmo = transform.forward;
dirPerpGizmo = Quaternion.Euler(0, -90, 0) * dirPerpGizmo;
agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.position + (transform.up * eyeHeight) + (dirPerpGizmo * agent.radius) , 0.2f);
Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.position + (transform.up * eyeHeight) - (dirPerpGizmo * agent.radius) , 0.2f);
//For when an NPC starts moving from a stationary/idle stance.
//This function bypasses normal AI Logic interval of 300ms (for efficiency) and runs the next AI logic pass immediately in the next frame.
//Doing this prevents NPCs from sliding on the ground when first encountering target or player (prevents delay in movement anim init).
private void InitializeAnim(){
if(!animInit && !animInitialized){
animInit = true;
animInitialized = true;//to only initialize anims once
animInit = false;
IEnumerator StandWatch(){
while (true) {
yield break;
//expand search radius if attacked
if(attackedTime + 6.0f > Time.time){
attackRangeAmt = attackRange * 6.0f;//expand enemy search radius if attacked to defend against sniping
attackRangeAmt = attackRange;
//allow player to push friendly NPCs out of their way
if(playerObj.activeInHierarchy && !collisionState && FPSWalker.capsule){
foreach(Collider col in colliders){
Physics.IgnoreCollision(col, FPSWalker.capsule, true);
collisionState = true;
if ((target && targetVisible) || heardPlayer || heardTarget){
yield return StartCoroutine(AttackTarget());
NPCRegistryComponent.FindClosestTarget(myTransform.gameObject, this, myTransform.position, attackRangeAmt, factionNum);
if(attackTime < Time.time){
if((!followPlayer || orderedMove) && Vector3.Distance(startPosition, myTransform.position) > pickNextDestDist){
speedAmt = walkSpeed;//walk to next patrol point, designated position, or starting point
speedAmt = runSpeed;//run to position designated by player
}else if(followPlayer && !orderedMove && Vector3.Distance(playerObj.transform.position, myTransform.position) > pickNextDestDist){
if(followPlayer && Vector3.Distance(playerObj.transform.position, myTransform.position) > pickNextDestDist * 2f){
speedAmt = runSpeed;//run to player if NPC is following and player is far away
lastRunTime = Time.time;
if(lastRunTime + 2.0f < Time.time){
speedAmt = walkSpeed;//walk to player if within walking distance
//play idle animation
speedAmt = 0.0f;
agent.isStopped = true;
if(attackFinished && attackTime < Time.time){
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger("AnimState", 0);
//only wait one frame till next pass so animations will be initialized now, instead of in 0.3 second normal AI calculation delay
yield return null;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);//wait 0.3 seconds (not every frame) untill next AI calculation (for efficiency)
IEnumerator Patrol(){
while (true) {
yield break;
if(curWayPoint && waypointGroup){//patrol if NPC has a current waypoint, otherwise stand watch
Vector3 waypointPosition = curWayPoint.position;
float waypointDist = Vector3.Distance(waypointPosition, myTransform.position);
int waypointNumber = waypointGroup.wayPoints.IndexOf(curWayPoint);
//if NPC is close to a waypoint, pick the next one
if((patrolOnce && waypointNumber == waypointGroup.wayPoints.Count - 1)){
if(waypointDist < pickNextDestDist){
speedAmt = 0.0f;
startPosition = waypointPosition;
yield break;//cancel patrol if patrolOnce var is true
if(waypointDist < pickNextDestDist){
if(waypointGroup.wayPoints.Count == 1){
speedAmt = 0.0f;
startPosition = waypointPosition;
yield break;//cancel patrol if NPC has reached their only waypoint
curWayPoint = PickNextWaypoint (curWayPoint, waypointNumber);
if(spawned && Vector3.Distance(waypointPosition, myTransform.position) < pickNextDestDist){
walkOnPatrol = true;//make spawned NPCs run to their first waypoint, but walk on the patrol
//expand search radius if attacked
if(attackedTime + 6.0f > Time.time){
attackRangeAmt = attackRange * 6.0f;//expand enemy search radius if attacked to defend against sniping
attackRangeAmt = attackRange;
//allow player to push friendly NPCs out of their way
if(playerObj.activeInHierarchy && !collisionState && FPSWalker.capsule){
foreach(Collider col in colliders){
Physics.IgnoreCollision(col, FPSWalker.capsule, true);
collisionState = true;
//determine if player is within sight of NPC
if((target && targetVisible) || heardPlayer || heardTarget){
yield return StartCoroutine(AttackTarget());
NPCRegistryComponent.FindClosestTarget(myTransform.gameObject, this, myTransform.position, attackRangeAmt, factionNum);
// Move towards our target
if(attackTime < Time.time){
if(orderedMove && !followPlayer){
if(Vector3.Distance(startPosition, myTransform.position) > pickNextDestDist){
speedAmt = runSpeed;
//play idle animation
speedAmt = 0.0f;
agent.isStopped = true;
if(attackFinished && attackTime < Time.time){
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger("AnimState", 0);
StartCoroutine(StandWatch());//npc reached player-designated position, stop patrolling and wait here
yield break;
}else if(!orderedMove && followPlayer){
if(Vector3.Distance(playerObj.transform.position, myTransform.position) > pickNextDestDist){
if(Vector3.Distance(playerObj.transform.position, myTransform.position) > pickNextDestDist * 2f){
speedAmt = runSpeed;
lastRunTime = Time.time;
if(lastRunTime + 2.0f < Time.time){
speedAmt = walkSpeed;
//play idle animation
speedAmt = 0.0f;
agent.isStopped = true;
if(attackFinished && attackTime < Time.time){
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger("AnimState", 0);
//determine if NPC should walk or run on patrol
if(walkOnPatrol){speedAmt = walkSpeed;}else{speedAmt = runSpeed;}
StartCoroutine(StandWatch());//don't patrol if we have no waypoints
yield break;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);
void CanSeeTarget(){
if(spawnTime + 1f > Time.time){//add small delay before checking target visibility
//stop tracking target if it is deactivated
if((TargetAIComponent && !TargetAIComponent.enabled) || (target && !target.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)){
target = null;
TargetAIComponent = null;
targetVisible = false;
heardTarget = false;
//target player
if((factionNum != 1 || playerAttacked) && FPSWalker.capsule){
float playerDistance = Vector3.Distance(myTransform.position + (upVec * eyeHeight), playerTransform.position + (upVec * FPSWalker.capsule.height * 0.25f));
//listen for player attacks
if(!heardPlayer && !huntPlayer && FPSWalker.dropTime + 2.5f < Time.time){
if(playerDistance < listenRange && (target == playerTransform || target == FPSWalker.leanObj.transform || target == null)){
if(PlayerWeaponsComponent && PlayerWeaponsComponent.CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent){
WeaponBehaviorComponent = PlayerWeaponsComponent.CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent;
if(WeaponBehaviorComponent.shootStartTime + 2.0f > Time.time && !WeaponBehaviorComponent.silentShots){
if(target == FPSWalker.leanObj.transform){
targetEyeHeight = 0.0f;
target = FPSWalker.leanObj.transform;
pursueTarget = true;
targetEyeHeight = FPSWalker.capsule.height * 0.25f;
target = playerTransform;
timeout = Time.time + 6.0f;
heardPlayer = true;
targetEyeHeight = FPSWalker.capsule.height * 0.25f;
target = playerTransform;
if(playerDistance < attackRangeAmt){
//target lean collider if player is leaning around a corner
if(Mathf.Abs(FPSWalker.leanAmt) > 0.1f
&& playerDistance > 2.0f && target == playerTransform
&& (attackedTime + 6.0f > Time.time || heardPlayer)){//allow player to peek around corners undetected if they haven't attacked this npc
targetEyeHeight = 0.0f;
target = FPSWalker.leanObj.transform;
//target main player object if they are not leaning
if((Mathf.Abs(FPSWalker.leanAmt) < 0.1f || playerDistance < 2.0f) && target == FPSWalker.leanObj.transform){
targetEyeHeight = FPSWalker.capsule.height * 0.25f;
target = playerTransform;
//calculate range and LOS to target
if(target == playerTransform || target == FPSWalker.leanObj.transform || (TargetAIComponent && TargetAIComponent.enabled && target != null)){
Vector3 myPos = myTransform.position + (upVec * eyeHeight);
targetPos = target.position + (target.up * targetEyeHeight);
targetDistance = Vector3.Distance(myPos, targetPos);
targetDirection = (targetPos - myPos).normalized;
Vector3 targetDirPerp = Vector3.Cross (targetDirection, Vector3.forward);
if(targetDistance > attackRangeAmt){
sightBlocked = true;
targetVisible = false;
return;//don't continue to check LOS if target is not within attack range
//check LOS with raycast
hits = Physics.RaycastAll (myPos, targetDirection, targetDistance, searchMask);
sightBlocked = false;
//detect if target is behind NPC
&& timeout < Time.time
&& attackedTime + 6.0f < Time.time
&& ((target == playerTransform || target == FPSWalker.leanCol) && !heardPlayer)
&& !FPSWalker.sprintActive){
Vector3 toTarget = (targetPos - myPos).normalized;
if(Vector3.Dot(toTarget, transform.forward) < -0.45f){
sightBlocked = true;
playerIsBehind = true;
targetVisible = false;
playerIsBehind = false;
//check if NPC can see their target
for(int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++){
if((!hits[i].transform.IsChildOf(target)//hit is not target
&& !hits[i].transform.IsChildOf(myTransform))//hit is not NPC's own colliders
|| (!playerAttacked//attack player if they attacked us (friendly fire)
&& (factionNum == 1 && target != playerObj && (hits[i].collider == FPSWalker.capsule//try not to shoot the player if we are a friendly NPC
|| hits[i].collider == FPSWalker.leanCol)))
sightBlocked = true;
attackHit = hits[i];
if(target != FPSWalker.leanObj.transform){
pursueTarget = false;
targetVisible = true;
pursueTarget = true;//true when NPC has seen only the player leaning around a corner
targetVisible = true;
if(TargetAIComponent && !huntPlayer){
if(TargetAIComponent.attackTime > Time.time && Vector3.Distance(myTransform.position, target.position) < listenRange ){
timeout = Time.time + 6.0f;
heardTarget = true;
targetVisible = false;
targetVisible = false;
IEnumerator Shoot(){
attackFinished = false;
//don't move during attack
speedAmt = 0.0f;
agent.isStopped = true;
// Start shoot animation
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger("AnimState", 3);
// Wait until delayShootTime to allow part of the animation to play
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayShootTime);
attackTime = Time.time + 2.0f;
// Wait for the rest of the animation to finish
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayShootTime + Random.Range(shotDuration, shotDuration + 0.75f));
attackFinished = true;
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger("AnimState", 0);
IEnumerator AttackTarget(){
while (true) {
if(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < 1f){//add small delay before checking target visibility
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
// no target - stop hunting
if(target == null || (TargetAIComponent && !TargetAIComponent.enabled) && !huntPlayer){
timeout = 0.0f;
heardPlayer = false;
heardTarget = false;
damaged = false;
TargetAIComponent = null;
yield break;
//play a taunt if hunting target
if(lastTauntTime + tauntDelay < Time.time
&& Random.value < tauntChance
&& (alertTaunt || alertSnds.Length <= 0)){
if(tauntSnds.Length > 0){
vocalFx.volume = tauntVol;
vocalFx.pitch = Random.Range(0.94f, 1f);
vocalFx.spatialBlend = 1.0f;
vocalFx.clip = tauntSnds[Random.Range(0, tauntSnds.Length)];
lastTauntTime = Time.time;
//play alert sound if target detected
if(alertSnds.Length > 0){
vocalFx.volume = alertVol;
vocalFx.pitch = Random.Range(0.94f, 1f);
vocalFx.spatialBlend = 1.0f;
vocalFx.clip = alertSnds[Random.Range(0, alertSnds.Length)];
lastTauntTime = Time.time;
alertTaunt = true;
float distance = Vector3.Distance(myTransform.position, target.position);
//search for player if their attacks have been heard
if(heardPlayer && (target == playerTransform || target == FPSWalker.leanObj.transform)){
speedAmt = runSpeed;
//search for target if their attacks have been heard
speedAmt = runSpeed;
// Target is too far away - give up
if(distance > attackRangeAmt){
speedAmt = walkSpeed;
target = null;
yield break;
target = playerTransform;
speedAmt = runSpeed;
if(pursueTarget){//should NPC attack player collider or leaning collider?
lastVisibleTargetPosition = FPSWalker.leanObj.transform.position;
lastVisibleTargetPosition = target.position + (target.up * targetEyeHeight);
timeout = Time.time + 6.0f;
if(distance > shootRange){
}else{//close to target, rotate NPC to face it
StartCoroutine(RotateTowards(lastVisibleTargetPosition, 20.0f, 2.0f));
speedAmt = 0.0f;
agent.speed = speedAmt;
speedAmt = runSpeed;
Vector3 forward = myTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
Vector3 targetDirection = lastVisibleTargetPosition - (myTransform.position + (myTransform.up * eyeHeight));
targetDirection.y = 0;
float angle = Vector3.Angle(targetDirection, forward);
// Start shooting if close and player is in sight
if(distance < shootRange && angle < shootAngle){
yield return StartCoroutine(Shoot());
speedAmt = 0.0f;
agent.isStopped = true;
if(attackFinished || huntPlayer){
if(timeout > Time.time){
speedAmt = runSpeed;
}else{//if timeout has elapsed and target is not visible, resume initial behavior
heardPlayer = false;
heardTarget = false;
alertTaunt = false;
speedAmt = 0.0f;
agent.isStopped = true;
target = null;
yield break;
//only wait one frame till next pass so animations will be initialized now, instead of in 0.3 second normal AI calculation delay
yield return null;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);//wait 0.3 seconds (not every frame) untill next AI calculation (for efficiency)
//look for target at a location
void SearchTarget( Vector3 position ){
if(target == playerTransform || target == FPSWalker.leanObj.transform || (TargetAIComponent && TargetAIComponent.enabled)){
speedAmt = runSpeed;
timeout = 0.0f;
damaged = false;
//rotate to face target
public IEnumerator RotateTowards( Vector3 position, float rotationSpeed, float turnTimer, bool attacking = true ){
float turnTime;
turnTime = Time.time;
agent.isStopped = true;
while(turnTime + turnTimer > Time.time && !cancelRotate){
turning = true;
position = FPSWalker.leanObj.transform.position;
if((target && attacking && (target == playerTransform || (TargetAIComponent && TargetAIComponent.enabled)))){
lastVisibleTargetPosition = target.position + (target.up * targetEyeHeight);
lastVisibleTargetPosition = position;
Vector3 direction = lastVisibleTargetPosition - myTransform.position;
direction.y = 0;
if(direction.x != 0 && direction.z != 0){
// Rotate towards the target
myTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (myTransform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(direction), rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
myTransform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, myTransform.eulerAngles.y, 0);
yield return null;
break;//stop rotating
cancelRotate = false;
turning = false;
//Allow tweaking of model yaw/facing direction from the inspector for NPC alignment with attack direction
private IEnumerator UpdateModelYaw(){
if(stepInterval > 0.0f){
yawAmt = Mathf.MoveTowards(yawAmt, movingYaw, Time.deltaTime * 180.0f);
yawAmt = Mathf.MoveTowards(yawAmt, idleYaw, Time.deltaTime * 180.0f);
objectWithAnims.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, yawAmt, 0.0f);
yield return null;
//set navmesh destination and set NPC speed
void TravelToPoint( Vector3 position ){
agent.isStopped = false;
agent.speed = speedAmt;
//pick the next waypoint and determine if patrol should continue forward or backward through waypoint group
Transform PickNextWaypoint( Transform currentWaypoint, int curWaypointNumber ){
Transform waypoint = currentWaypoint;
if(curWaypointNumber < waypointGroup.wayPoints.Count -1){
waypoint = waypointGroup.wayPoints[curWaypointNumber + 1];
waypoint = waypointGroup.wayPoints[curWaypointNumber - 1];
countBackwards = true;
if(curWaypointNumber != 0){
waypoint = waypointGroup.wayPoints[curWaypointNumber - 1];
waypoint = waypointGroup.wayPoints[curWaypointNumber + 1];
countBackwards = false;
return waypoint;
//play animations for NPC moving state/speed and set footstep sound intervals
void SetSpeed( float speed ){
if (speed > walkSpeed && agent.hasPath){
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger("AnimState", 2);
stepInterval = runStepTime;
if(speed > 0.0f && agent.hasPath){
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger("AnimState", 1);
stepInterval = walkStepTime;
if(attackFinished && attackTime < Time.time){
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger("AnimState", 0);
stepInterval = -1.0f;
IEnumerator PlayFootSteps(){
if(footSteps.Length > 0 && stepInterval > 0.0f ){
footstepsFx.pitch = 1.0f;
footstepsFx.volume = footStepVol;
footstepsFx.clip = footSteps[Random.Range(0, footSteps.Length)];
yield return new WaitForSeconds(stepInterval);
//Interact with NPC when pressing use key over them
public void CommandNPC () {
if(factionNum == 1 && followOnUse && commandedTime + 0.5f < Time.time){
orderedMove = false;
cancelRotate = false;
commandedTime = Time.time;
if(attackFinished && !turning){
StartCoroutine(RotateTowards(playerTransform.position, 10.0f, 2.0f, false));
if((followFx1 || followFx2) && ((jokeFx && jokePlaying + jokeFx.length < Time.time) || !jokeFx)){
if(Random.value > 0.5f){
vocalFx.clip = followFx1;
vocalFx.clip = followFx2;
vocalFx.pitch = Random.Range(0.94f, 1f);
vocalFx.spatialBlend = 1.0f;
followPlayer = true;
if((stayFx1 || stayFx2) && ((jokeFx && jokePlaying + jokeFx.length < Time.time) || !jokeFx)){
if(Random.value > 0.5f){
vocalFx.clip = stayFx1;
vocalFx.clip = stayFx2;
vocalFx.pitch = Random.Range(0.94f, 1f);
vocalFx.spatialBlend = 1.0f;
startPosition = myTransform.position;
followPlayer = false;
if(jokeFx && factionNum == 1 && followOnUse){
if(jokeCount == 0){
talkedTime = Time.time;
if(talkedTime + 0.5f > Time.time){
talkedTime = Time.time;
if(jokeCount > jokeActivate){
vocalFx.clip = jokeFx;
if(Random.value > 0.5f){
vocalFx.clip = jokeFx;
vocalFx.clip = jokeFx2;
vocalFx.pitch = Random.Range(0.94f, 1f);
vocalFx.spatialBlend = 1.0f;
jokePlaying = Time.time;
jokeCount = 0;
jokeCount = 0;
//Move an NPC to a specific position
public void GoToPosition (Vector3 position, bool runToPos) {
orderedMove = true;
orderedMove = false;
cancelRotate = true;
startPosition = position;
// //used to change the faction of the NPC
public void ChangeFaction(int factionChange){
target = null;
factionNum = factionChange;
Vou mandar os outros scripts pera aí
Re: Configurar NPCs
CHARACTER DAMAGE:AdrianJps escreveu:Deixa a gente ver o Script do Npc
- Código:
http://CharacterDamage.cs by Azuline Studios All Rights Reserved
//Applies damage to NPCs
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CharacterDamage : MonoBehaviour {
public UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent onDie; // for save addon by PixelCrushers
private AI AIComponent;
private RemoveBody RemoveBodyComponent;
[Tooltip("Number of hitpoints for this character or body part.")]
public float hitPoints = 100.0f;
private float initialHitPoints;
[Tooltip("Force to apply to this collider when NPC is killed.")]
public float attackForce = 2.75f;
[Tooltip("Item to spawn when NPC is killed.")]
public GameObject gunItem;
[Tooltip("Weapon mesh to hide when NPC dies (replaced with usable gun item).")]
public Transform gunObj;
private GameObject gunInst;
[Tooltip("Rotation of spawed gun object after NPC death.")]
public Vector3 gunItemRotation = new Vector3(0.0f, 180.0f, 180.0f);
private Rigidbody[] bodies;
[Tooltip("True if ragdoll mode is active for this NPC.")]
public bool ragdollActive;
private bool ragdollState;
[Tooltip("If NPC only has one capsule collider for hit detection, replace the NPC's character mesh with a ragdoll, instead of transitioning instantly to ragdoll.")]
public Transform deadReplacement;
private Transform dead;
[Tooltip("Sound effect to play when NPC dies.")]
public AudioClip dieSound;
[Tooltip("Determine if this object or parent should be removed on death. This is to allow for different hit detection collider types as children of NPC parent.")]
public bool notParent;
[Tooltip("Should this NPC's body be removed after Body Stay Time?")]
public bool removeBody;
[Tooltip("Time for body to stay in the scene before it is removed.")]
public float bodyStayTime = 15.0f;
[Tooltip("Time for dropped weapon item to stay in scene before it is removed.")]
public float gunStayTime = -1f;
[Tooltip("Chance between 0 and 1 that death of this NPC will trigger slow motion for a few seconds (regardless of the body part hit).")]
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float sloMoDeathChance = 0.0f;
[Tooltip("True if backstabbing this NPC should trigger slow motion for the duration of slo mo backstab time.")]
public bool sloMoBackstab = true;
[Tooltip("Duration of slow motion time in seconds if slo mo death chance check is successful.")]
public float sloMoDeathTime = 0.9f;
[Tooltip("Duration of slow motion time in seconds if this NPC is backstabbed.")]
public float sloMoBackstabTime = 0.9f;
//vars related to attacker position (for physics, and other effects)
private Vector3 attackerPos2;
private Vector3 attackDir2;
private Transform myTransform;
private bool explosionCheck;
private LayerMask raymask = 1 << 13;
void OnEnable (){
myTransform = transform;
RemoveBodyComponent = GetComponent<RemoveBody>();
if(removeBody && RemoveBodyComponent){//remove body timer starts if RwmoveBody.cs script is enabled
RemoveBodyComponent.enabled = false;
AIComponent = myTransform.GetComponent<AI>();
initialHitPoints = hitPoints;
bodies = GetComponentsInChildren<Rigidbody>();
void Update () {
if(bodies.Length > 1){
if(!ragdollActive){//deactivate ragdoll mode
foreach(Rigidbody rb in bodies){
rb.isKinematic = true;
AIComponent.AnimatorComponent.enabled = true;
ragdollState = true;
}else{//activate ragdoll mode
AIComponent.AnimatorComponent.enabled = false;
foreach(Collider col in AIComponent.colliders){
// foreach(Collider col2 in AIComponent.colliders){
// Physics.IgnoreCollision(col, col2, false);//ignore collisions with other body part colliders (is this even needed???)
// }
Physics.IgnoreCollision(col, AIComponent.FPSWalker.capsule, true);//ignore collisions with player
foreach(Rigidbody rb in bodies){
rb.isKinematic = false;
if(gunObj){//spawn gun pickup object
gunInst = Instantiate(gunItem, gunObj.position, gunObj.rotation) as GameObject;
foreach(Collider col in AIComponent.colliders){
Physics.IgnoreCollision(col, gunInst.GetComponent<Collider>(), true);//ignore collisions with other body part colliders
Vector3 tempGunpos = gunInst.transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.45f);
gunInst.transform.position = tempGunpos;
if(gunStayTime > 0.0f && gunInst.GetComponent<WeaponPickup>()){
ragdollState = false;
//damage NPC
public void ApplyDamage ( float damage, Vector3 attackDir, Vector3 attackerPos, Transform attacker, bool isPlayer, bool isExplosion, Rigidbody hitBody = null, float bodyForce = 0.0f ){
if (hitPoints <= 0.0f){
&& !AIComponent.huntPlayer
&& (((hitPoints / initialHitPoints) < 0.65f))//has NPC been damaged significantly?
&& attacker
&& !isExplosion
if(attacker.GetComponent<AI>().factionNum != AIComponent.factionNum){ = attacker;
AIComponent.TargetAIComponent = attacker.GetComponent<AI>();
AIComponent.targetEyeHeight = AIComponent.TargetAIComponent.eyeHeight;
AIComponent.damaged = true;
if(!AIComponent.ignoreFriendlyFire){//go hostile on a friendly if they repeatedly attacked us = AIComponent.playerObj.transform;
AIComponent.targetEyeHeight = AIComponent.FPSWalker.capsule.height * 0.25f;
AIComponent.playerAttacked = true;
AIComponent.TargetAIComponent = null;
AIComponent.damaged = true;
//prevent hitpoints from going into negative values
if(hitPoints - damage > 0.0f){
if(AIComponent.playerIsBehind && (AIComponent.PlayerWeaponsComponent.CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.meleeSwingDelay > 0 || AIComponent.PlayerWeaponsComponent.CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.meleeActive)){
hitPoints -= damage * 32.0f;//backstab npc
hitPoints -= damage;
hitPoints = 0.0f;
attackDir2 = attackDir;
attackerPos2 = attackerPos;
explosionCheck = isExplosion;
//to expand enemy search radius if attacked to defend against sniping
AIComponent.attackedTime = Time.time;
//Kill NPC
if (hitPoints <= 0.0f){
onDie.Invoke(); // for save addon by PixelCrushers
if(sloMoDeathChance >= Random.value && isPlayer){
if(bodies.Length < 2){//if NPC is only using one capsule collider for collision, instantiate ragdoll, instead of activating existing body part rigidbodies
RagDollDie(hitBody, bodyForce);
//this method called if NPC has died and has more than one capsule collider for collision, so transition to ragdoll
void RagDollDie(Rigidbody hitBody, float bodyForce) {
if (dieSound){
PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(dieSound, transform.position, 1.0f);
AIComponent.NPCRegistryComponent.UnregisterNPC(AIComponent);//unregister NPC from main NPC registry
if(AIComponent.spawned && AIComponent.NPCSpawnerComponent){
AIComponent.NPCSpawnerComponent.UnregisterSpawnedNPC(AIComponent);//unregister NPC from spawner registry
AIComponent.AnimatorComponent.enabled = false;
ragdollActive = true;
AIComponent.NPCAttackComponent.muzzleFlash.enabled = false;
AIComponent.NPCAttackComponent.enabled = false;
AIComponent.agent.enabled = false;
AIComponent.enabled = false;
StartCoroutine(ApplyForce(hitBody, bodyForce));
//initialize the RemoveBody.cs script attached to the NPC ragdoll
RemoveBodyComponent.enabled = true;
RemoveBodyComponent.bodyStayTime = bodyStayTime;//pass bodyStayTime to RemoveBody.cs script
RemoveBodyComponent.enabled = false;
public IEnumerator ApplyForce (Rigidbody body, float force) {
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.02f);
//apply damage force to the ragdoll rigidbody
body.AddForce(attackDir2 * attackForce, ForceMode.Impulse);
//apply explosive damage force to the ragdoll rigidbodies
foreach(Rigidbody rb in bodies) {
rb.AddForce((myTransform.position - (attackerPos2 + (Vector3.up * -2.5f))).normalized * Random.Range(2.5f, 4.5f), ForceMode.Impulse);
//this method called if the NPC dies and only has one capsule collider for collision
//which will be instantiated in place of the main NPC object (which is removed from the scene)
void Die() {
RaycastHit rayHit;
// Play a dying audio clip
if (dieSound){
PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(dieSound, transform.position, 1.0f);
AIComponent.NPCRegistryComponent.UnregisterNPC(AIComponent);//unregister NPC from main NPC registry
if(AIComponent.spawned && AIComponent.NPCSpawnerComponent){
AIComponent.NPCSpawnerComponent.UnregisterSpawnedNPC(AIComponent);//unregister NPC from spawner registry
AIComponent.agent.isStopped = true;
// Replace NPC object with the dead body
if (deadReplacement) {
//drop arrows if corpse disappears
ArrowObject[] arrows = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<ArrowObject>(true);
foreach (ArrowObject arr in arrows) {
arr.transform.parent = null;
arr.myRigidbody.isKinematic = false;
arr.myBoxCol.isTrigger = false;
arr.gameObject.tag = "Usable";
arr.falling = true;
dead = Instantiate(deadReplacement, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Transform;
RemoveBodyComponent = dead.GetComponent<RemoveBody>();
// Copy position & rotation from the old hierarchy into the dead replacement
CopyTransformsRecurse(transform, dead);
Collider[] colliders = dead.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>();
foreach(Collider col in colliders){
Physics.IgnoreCollision(col, AIComponent.FPSWalker.capsule, true);
//apply damage force to NPC ragdoll
if(Physics.SphereCast(attackerPos2, 0.2f, attackDir2, out rayHit, 750.0f, raymask)
&& rayHit.rigidbody
&& attackDir2.x !=0){
//apply damage force to the ragdoll rigidbody hit by the sphere cast (can be any body part)
rayHit.rigidbody.AddForce(attackDir2 * 10.0f, ForceMode.Impulse);
}else{//apply damage force to NPC ragdoll if being damaged by an explosive object or other damage source without a specified attack direction
Component[] bodies;
bodies = dead.GetComponentsInChildren<Rigidbody>();
foreach(Rigidbody body in bodies) {
//if( == "Chest"){//only apply damage force to the chest of the ragdoll if damage is from non-player source
//calculate direction to apply damage force to ragdoll
body.AddForce((myTransform.position - (attackerPos2 + (Vector3.up * -2.5f))).normalized * Random.Range(4.5f, 7.5f), ForceMode.Impulse);
if( == "Chest"){//only apply damage force to the chest of the ragdoll if damage is from non-player source
//calculate direction to apply damage force to ragdoll
body.AddForce((myTransform.position - attackerPos2).normalized * 10.0f, ForceMode.Impulse);
//initialize the RemoveBody.cs script attached to the NPC ragdoll
RemoveBodyComponent.enabled = true;
RemoveBodyComponent.bodyStayTime = bodyStayTime;//pass bodyStayTime to RemoveBody.cs script
RemoveBodyComponent.enabled = false;
//Determine if this object or parent should be removed.
//This is to allow for different hit detection collider types as children of NPC parent.
static void CopyTransformsRecurse ( Transform src , Transform dst ){
dst.position = src.position;
dst.rotation = src.rotation;
foreach(Transform child in dst) {
// Match the transform with the same name
Transform curSrc = src.Find(;
if (curSrc)
CopyTransformsRecurse(curSrc, child);
- Código:
http://NPCAttack.cs by Azuline Studios All Rights Reserved
//Manages timers for enemy attacks, damage application to other objects, and sound effects.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class NPCAttack : MonoBehaviour {
private AI AIComponent;
private WeaponEffects WeaponEffectsComponent;
private FPSRigidBodyWalker FPSWalker;
private GameObject playerObj;
private Transform myTransform;
private Vector3 targetPos;
[Tooltip("Maximum range of NPC attack.")]
public float range = 100.0f;
[Tooltip("Random range in units around target that NPC attack will hit (so NPCs won't have perfect aim).")]
public float inaccuracy = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Fire rate of NPC attack.")]
public float fireRate = 0.097f;
[Tooltip("Number of attacks to fire in quick succession during NPC attack (for automatic weapons).")]
public int burstShots = 0;
[Tooltip("Maximum number of random shots to add to end of attack (so automatic weapons will fire different number of bullets per attack).")]
public int randomShots = 0;
[Tooltip("Physics force to apply to collider hit by NPC attack.")]
public float force = 20.0f;
[Tooltip("Damage to inflict per NPC attack.")]
public float damage = 10.0f;
[Tooltip("True if this is a melee attack (so actions like blocking can identify attack type).")]
public bool isMeleeAttack;
private float damageAmt;
// public int bulletsPerClip = 50;
// public int ammo = 150;
// public float reloadTime = 1.75f;
private bool doneShooting = true;
private int shotsFired;
private bool randBurstState;
private int randShotsAmt;
private bool shooting = false;
private bool reloading = false;
private bool mFlashState = false;
//private bool noAmmoState = false;
private Vector3 rayOrigin;
private Vector3 targetDir;
private RaycastHit[] hits;
private bool hitObject;
[Tooltip("Muzzle flash object to display during NPC attacks.")]
public Renderer muzzleFlash;
private Transform muzzleFlashTransform;
[Tooltip("Sound effect for NPC attack.")]
public AudioClip firesnd;
[Tooltip("Random pitch chosen between this value and 1.0 for NPC attack sound variety.")]
public float fireFxRandPitch = 0.86f;
private AudioSource aSource;
// public AudioClip reloadsnd;
// public AudioClip noammosnd;
// private int bulletsLeft = 0;
private float shootStartTime = 0.0f;
void OnEnable (){
myTransform = transform;
if (muzzleFlash){
muzzleFlashTransform = muzzleFlash.transform;
AIComponent = myTransform.GetComponent<AI>();
WeaponEffectsComponent = AIComponent.playerObj.GetComponent<FPSPlayer>().weaponObj.GetComponent<WeaponEffects>();
playerObj = Camera.main.transform.GetComponent<CameraControl>().playerObj;
FPSWalker = playerObj.GetComponent<FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
aSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
//bulletsLeft = bulletsPerClip;
shootStartTime = -fireRate * 2;
void Update (){
if(shootStartTime + fireRate < Time.time){
shooting = false;
//fire more shots per attack if burstShots or randomShots is greater than zero
if(!doneShooting && shotsFired < (burstShots + randShotsAmt)
&& ( == AIComponent.playerTransform || == AIComponent.FPSWalker.leanObj.transform || (AIComponent.TargetAIComponent && AIComponent.TargetAIComponent.enabled))){
if(!randBurstState){//get random number of shots to add to this burst for variation
randShotsAmt = Random.Range(0,randomShots);
randBurstState = true;
}else{//reset burst shooting vars
doneShooting = true;
shotsFired = 0;
randBurstState = false;
void LateUpdate (){
//enable muzzle flash
if (muzzleFlash){
if(Time.time - shootStartTime < fireRate * 0.33){
muzzleFlash.enabled = true;
mFlashState = false;
// We didn't, disable the muzzle flash
muzzleFlash.enabled = false;
public void Fire (){
// if (bulletsLeft == 0){
// return;
// }
//fire weapon
shootStartTime = Time.time;
shooting = true;
doneShooting = false;
if(shootStartTime + fireRate < Time.time){
shooting = false;
shooting = false;
void FireOneShot (){
RaycastHit hit;
if(Vector3.Distance(myTransform.position, AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition) > 2.5f){
targetPos = new Vector3(AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.x + Random.Range(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy),
AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.y + Random.Range(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy),
AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.z + Random.Range(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy));
targetPos = new Vector3(AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.x,
if(Vector3.Distance(myTransform.position, AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition) > 2.5f){//only calculate inaccuracy if target is not in close range
if(FPSWalker.crouched || FPSWalker.prone){
targetPos = new Vector3(AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.x + Random.Range(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy),
AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.y + Random.Range(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy),
AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.z + Random.Range(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy));
targetPos = new Vector3(AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.x + Random.Range(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy),
AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.y + Random.Range(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy),
AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.z + Random.Range(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy))
+ (AIComponent.playerObj.transform.up * AIComponent.targetEyeHeight);
targetPos = new Vector3(AIComponent.lastVisibleTargetPosition.x,
rayOrigin = new Vector3(myTransform.position.x, myTransform.position.y + AIComponent.eyeHeight, myTransform.position.z);
targetDir = (targetPos - rayOrigin).normalized;
if (muzzleFlashTransform){
WeaponEffectsComponent.BulletTracers(targetDir, muzzleFlashTransform.position, -3.0f, 0.0f, false);
hitObject = false;
hit = new RaycastHit();
// Did we hit anything?
hits = Physics.RaycastAll (rayOrigin, targetDir, Vector3.Distance(rayOrigin, targetPos), AIComponent.searchMask);
//check if NPC can see their target
for(int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++){
if(!hits[i].transform.IsChildOf(myTransform) ){
hitObject = true;
hit = hits[i];
if (hitObject) {
// Apply a force to the rigidbody we hit
if (hit.rigidbody){
hit.rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(force * targetDir / (Time.fixedDeltaTime * 100.0f), hit.point);
//draw impact effects where the weapon hit
if(hit.collider.gameObject.layer != 20 && hit.collider.gameObject.layer != 11){
WeaponEffectsComponent.ImpactEffects(hit.collider, hit.point, true, false, hit.normal);
WeaponEffectsComponent.ImpactEffects(hit.collider, hit.point, true, true, hit.normal);
//calculate damage amount
damageAmt = Random.Range(damage, damage + damage);
//call the ApplyDamage() function in the script of the object hit
case 0://hit object is an apple
//hit object is a breakable or explosive object
}else if(hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<ExplosiveObject>()){
}else if(hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<MineExplosion>()){
case 13://hit object is an NPC
hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterDamage>().ApplyDamage(damageAmt,, myTransform.position, myTransform, false, false);
hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<LocationDamage>().ApplyDamage(damageAmt,, myTransform.position, myTransform, false, false);
case 11://hit object is player
hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<FPSPlayer>().ApplyDamage(damageAmt, myTransform, isMeleeAttack);
case 20://hit object is player lean collider
hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<FPSPlayer>().ApplyDamage(damageAmt, myTransform, isMeleeAttack);
aSource.clip = firesnd;
aSource.pitch = Random.Range(fireFxRandPitch, 1);
if(aSource.volume > 0){
aSource.PlayOneShot(aSource.clip, 0.8f / aSource.volume);
//track ammo and fired shots amount
enabled = true;
// Reload gun in reload Time
// if (bulletsLeft == 0){
// Reload();
// }
// IEnumerator Reload (){
// if(ammo > 0){
// audio.volume = 1.0f;
// audio.pitch = 1.0f;
// audio.PlayOneShot(reloadsnd, 1.0f / audio.volume);
// reloading = true;
// // Wait for reload time first, then proceed
// yield return new WaitForSeconds(reloadTime);
// //set reloading var in ironsights script to true after reloading delay
// reloading = false;
// // We have ammo left to reload
// if(ammo >= bulletsPerClip){
// ammo -= bulletsPerClip - bulletsLeft;
// bulletsLeft = bulletsPerClip;
// }else{
// bulletsLeft += ammo;
// ammo = 0;
// }
// }
// }
// private int GetBulletsLeft(){
// return bulletsLeft;
// }
- Código:
http://MonsterTrigger.cs by Azuline Studios All Rights Reserved
//used to spawn NPCs after player enters trigger to set up traps and ambushes
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MonsterTrigger : MonoBehaviour {
[Tooltip("NPC objects to deactivate on level load and activate when player walks into trigger.")]
public GameObject[] npcsToTrigger;
void Start () {
//deactivate the npcs in the npcsToTrigger array on start up
for (int i = 0; i < npcsToTrigger.Length; i++){
void OnTriggerEnter ( Collider col ){
if(col.gameObject.tag == "Player"){
//activate the npcs in the npcsToTrigger array when object is picked up/used by player
for (int i = 0; i < npcsToTrigger.Length; i++){
Re: Configurar NPCs
Não temos acesso ao asset, então não tem como saber o que pode estar errado... geralmente é falta de configuração no InputManager.
Tente ler a documentação ou mandar email diretamente para o criador do asset, informando os problemas, pois ele saberá o que é.
Tente ler a documentação ou mandar email diretamente para o criador do asset, informando os problemas, pois ele saberá o que é.
Re: Configurar NPCs
Cara então me mande seu email que upo o asset no drive e te envio para você ver e me ajudar, não existe uma documentação explicando como usa o produto e os desenvolvedores não respondem email[Você verá muitas reclamações desse tipo se olhar na loja].
Re: Configurar NPCs
E se vc tentar importar o seu projeto p dentro da scene q veio o asset q está funcionando?
Tiago95- Avançado
- PONTOS : 2628
Respeito as regras :
Re: Configurar NPCs
Tiago95 escreveu:E se vc tentar importar o seu projeto p dentro da scene q veio o asset q está funcionando?
Eu testei isso de varias maneiras e conclui que seja qual for o lugar que coloco o zumbi ou soldadinho mal para nascer ele sempre acaba nascendo no lugar onde seria o scene padrão do asset, mesmo que eu apague tudo daquele scene e bote o NPC em um lugar aleatório ele ficara parado nesse lugar fora da zona e quando eu for para o centro da scene ali estará ele flutuando como se estivesse caminhando em uma terra'in, e entrando em casas que não existem mais como se fosse uma área de spawn. Enfim, desisto desse asset estou migrando para o UNITz e ver se finalmente consigo um modo multiplayer ou boot funcional.
Re: Configurar NPCs
Eu descobri nesses últimos dias que não importa qual for o asset de npc eles só funciona se a terrain estiver na posição padrão de quando inicia um projeto unity, se por exemplo arrastar ela para mais embaixo deixando a posicao y de 0 para -100 os npcs não se movem mais, a animação de movimentação as vezes podem até funcionar mas os players não se movem. Descobri também que eles atravessam paredes!
Alguem tem uma ideia para fazer funcionar isso seja na posição que for que a terra ou gameobject como chao estiver, e como fazer para não atravessarem paredes?
Alguem tem uma ideia para fazer funcionar isso seja na posição que for que a terra ou gameobject como chao estiver, e como fazer para não atravessarem paredes?
Re: Configurar NPCs
Então se eu usar layers os inimigos do jogo vai funcionar normal mesmo se a escala do terreno estiver modificado? E quanto ao mesh collider eu ainda não vi o vídeo mas pelo que eu saiba colisores são colocados nos objetos, então um npc não detectaria ja que ele está configurado como um objeto animado que naturalmente quando se movimenta a animação atravessa aquele lugar como se nada existisse. Os npc como falei acima ele só funcionou no terreno na escala padrão de quando pega um terreno pronto de um projeto agora se eu junto esse terreno com um pedaco de Outro terreno quando o npc chegar aquele lugar ele não vai detectar o Outro terreno e vai atravessar o local, assim também com um objeto 3d ou qualquer outra coisa mesmo tendo terrain collider, box collider, mesh ou qualquer outro colisor tudo funciona normal para MEU PLAYER mas PARA OS NPCs nada adianta.
Re: Configurar NPCs
Os NPCs se tiverem collisor eles nao atrevessam as paredes eles bate e ficam
Assets prontos sao bons para adiantar nossos projetos mais uns antigos ou novos as vezes vem bugs com scripts e outras coisas.
Eles tem que vim manual,suporte e videos para nos ajudar.
Uma vez baixei um asset de corridas de carros tive que deleta-lo ele veio todo em Java nao tinha suporte,videos nadinha.
Ia da um trabalho para arrumar que desisti e comecei fazer do zero um projeto desse vai demorar mais vale a pena.
Assets prontos sao bons para adiantar nossos projetos mais uns antigos ou novos as vezes vem bugs com scripts e outras coisas.
Eles tem que vim manual,suporte e videos para nos ajudar.
Uma vez baixei um asset de corridas de carros tive que deleta-lo ele veio todo em Java nao tinha suporte,videos nadinha.
Ia da um trabalho para arrumar que desisti e comecei fazer do zero um projeto desse vai demorar mais vale a pena.
Re: Configurar NPCs
Voltando aqui porque descobri que para os npc não atravessar paredes é necessário ter navmesh obstacle nos objetos, ele funciona como um box collider que só colide entre eles mesmo.Callyde Jr escreveu:Os NPCs se tiverem collisor eles nao atrevessam as paredes eles bate e ficam...
E quanto ao problema deles não se movimentar descobri que eles só funciona em um terreno sem modificação na escala se tiver mais de um terreno ele vai ignorar e atravessar ou se coloca-los em cima de um objeto continuará sem movimentos um dia estudarei sobre isso também ...
Re: Configurar NPCs
Bom, vamos lá, boa tarde, eu possuo +/- quatro anos de experiencia com o RFPS, e embora este tópico seja antigo, tudo o que você precisa fazer, é criar a NavMesh do terreno, e definir as casas, paredes, murros etc como objetos não andáveis, para que eles não atravessem o que você deseja....Daniel Dória escreveu:Voltando aqui porque descobri que para os npc não atravessar paredes é necessário ter navmesh obstacle nos objetos, ele funciona como um box collider que só colide entre eles mesmo.Callyde Jr escreveu:Os NPCs se tiverem collisor eles nao atrevessam as paredes eles bate e ficam...
E quanto ao problema deles não se movimentar descobri que eles só funciona em um terreno sem modificação na escala se tiver mais de um terreno ele vai ignorar e atravessar ou se coloca-los em cima de um objeto continuará sem movimentos um dia estudarei sobre isso também ...
Se eu não me engano, todas as documentações de cada versão do RFPS falam li apenas até a 1.9...(não cheguei a ler mais sobre as novas...)
espero ter ajudado =)
*NavMesh obstacle serve apenas para objetos como barris, caixas, etc
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