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Hoje à(s) 2:41 pm
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Sex Ago 23, 2024 3:23 pm
Qua Ago 21, 2024 5:48 pm
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Qua Ago 14, 2024 10:57 am
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Dom Ago 04, 2024 3:16 pm
Qui Jul 25, 2024 2:48 pm
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Qui Jun 20, 2024 12:30 pm
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Dom Jun 09, 2024 2:16 pm
Seg Jun 03, 2024 11:39 am
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Sáb maio 11, 2024 8:55 am
Qui maio 09, 2024 11:33 pm
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Seg Abr 08, 2024 9:27 pm
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Qui Abr 04, 2024 11:34 pm
Qui Abr 04, 2024 11:13 pm
Sex Mar 22, 2024 2:41 pm
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Qui Fev 22, 2024 9:57 pm
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Dom Fev 11, 2024 11:16 am
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Dom Fev 04, 2024 9:39 pm
Qua Jan 31, 2024 11:59 pm
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Ter Jan 23, 2024 6:33 pm
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Sáb Jan 20, 2024 6:58 pm
Sáb Jan 20, 2024 6:39 pm
Sex Jan 19, 2024 8:40 am
Dom Jan 14, 2024 5:30 pm
Qua Jan 10, 2024 10:29 pm
Qua Jan 10, 2024 8:55 pm
Qua Jan 10, 2024 7:14 pm
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Ter Jan 09, 2024 8:04 am
Sáb Jan 06, 2024 8:02 pm
Sex Jan 05, 2024 7:01 am
Sex Jan 05, 2024 12:12 am
Qui Jan 04, 2024 6:55 pm
Qui Jan 04, 2024 12:52 pm
Qui Jan 04, 2024 4:34 am
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Qua Dez 27, 2023 3:08 pm
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Qui Nov 30, 2023 7:49 am
Seg Nov 27, 2023 1:35 am
Qua Nov 22, 2023 7:37 am
Qui Nov 09, 2023 1:22 pm
Seg Nov 06, 2023 11:59 am
Ter Out 31, 2023 9:53 am
Dom Out 29, 2023 8:05 pm
Dom Out 29, 2023 3:03 am

FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM

2 participantes

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DÚVIDA FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM

Mensagem por Sheyk Seg Jun 05, 2017 12:44 pm

Olá membros Smile 

Eu tenho um pequeno problema para ser resolvido e preciso da ajuda de vocês Smile 

Quando eu faço kill no outro jogador não aparece na tela como deveria. ele tem que mostrar assim : Player 1 killed Player 2 (Um exemplo)
eu atualizei o photon para versão mais recente e não mostrou nenhum erro no console sobre o photon ou de outros scripts.

O único erro que dá no console é o que só aparece quando eu dou Play na cena.

Aparece isso no console quando entro em algum time :

FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM Erro10

PONTOS : 3278
Idade : 25
Respeito as regras : FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM WvDYdlf

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DÚVIDA Re: FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM

Mensagem por Sheyk Seg Jun 05, 2017 12:50 pm

//Delta Squad @
//Sheyk @ 2017

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable; //Replace default Hashtables with Photon hashtables

public class PlayerNetwork : Photon.MonoBehaviour

   //This is main script that coordinate our player in game, it decides which component to enable/disable
   //Also it sync's our data with remote instances over network

   public SoldierAnimation soldierAnimation;
   public Renderer soldierBody;
   public Material teamALook;
   public Material teamBLook;
   public Material fpsHandMaterial;
   public PlayerWeapons playerWeapons;
   public GameObject firstPersonView;

   public Transform nameLabelTransform;
   public GUIText nameLabel;
   public GUIText nameLabelShadow;

   public AudioSource playerAudio;
   public AudioSource walkingAudio;

   public AudioClip hitSound;
   public AudioClip[] walkingSounds;
   public AudioClip[] ladderSounds;

   public Collider[] headHitBoxes;
   public Collider[] torsoHitBoxes;
   public Collider[] limbsHitBoxes;

   Vector3 playerPos =;
   public Vector3 aimPos =;
   Vector3 smoothAimPos =;
   float positionSmoother = 17.5f;
   float d;

   public FPSController fpsController;
   FPSMouseLook localMouseLook;
   public FPSMouseLook cameraMouseLook;
   public Transform thisT;
   //public RoomController rc;
   public int playerID;
   public bool playerKilled = false;
   int currentWeaponIndex = -1;
   int previousWeaponIndex = -1;
   bool isFiringRemote = false;
   int playerTeam;
   Camera mainCamera;
   Transform mainCameraT;
   Vector3 screenPos; //For name label display
   float offset;
   //Save references incase we kill this player
   string lastWeaponName = "";
   int lastBodyPart = -1;
   //Position Interpolation Sync
   double interpolationBackTime = 0.37d;
   internal struct State
      internal double timestamp;
      internal Vector3 pos;
      internal Quaternion rot;

   //double currentTime;
   // We store twenty states with "playback" information
   State[] m_BufferedState = new State[20];
   // Keep track of what slots are used
   int m_TimestampCount;
   int movementStateLocal = -1;
   int receivedMovementState = -1;
   float stepLength; //Used for playing walking sounds
   // Use this for initialization
   void Start ()
      photonView.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.Unreliable;

      localMouseLook = GetComponent<FPSMouseLook>();
      fpsController = GetComponent<FPSController>(); = this;

      playerWeapons.playerNetwork = this;
      playerWeapons.soldierAnimation = soldierAnimation;
      playerWeapons.fpsController = fpsController;
      playerWeapons.QuickSetup(photonView.isMine); = photonView.owner.NickName;
      thisT = transform;

      playerKilled = false;

      gameObject.layer = 2; //Set layer to Ignore Raycast

         //Deactivate all scripts and object that are not used by remote instance
         localMouseLook.enabled = false;
         fpsController.enabled = false;
         playerWeapons.enabled = false;
         soldierAnimation.playerWeapons = playerWeapons;
         soldierAnimation.playerNetwork = this;

         SetupBoxes(headHitBoxes, HitBox.BodyPart.Head);
         SetupBoxes(torsoHitBoxes, HitBox.BodyPart.Torso);
         SetupBoxes(limbsHitBoxes, HitBox.BodyPart.Limbs);

         //Add this player to reference
         cameraMouseLook = playerWeapons.playerCamera.GetComponent<FPSMouseLook>();
         gameObject.tag = "Player";

         //Set player HP
         Hashtable setPlayerData = new Hashtable();
         setPlayerData.Add("PlayerHP", (int)100);

      playerTeam = (int)photonView.owner.CustomProperties["Team"];
      playerID = photonView.owner.ID;

      if(playerTeam == 1 || playerTeam == 2)
         if(playerTeam == 1)
            soldierBody.sharedMaterial = teamALook;
            soldierBody.sharedMaterial = teamBLook;

            fpsHandMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", soldierBody.sharedMaterial.GetTexture("_MainTex"));
            fpsHandMaterial.color = soldierBody.sharedMaterial.color;
            nameLabel.text =;
            nameLabelShadow.text =;
            nameLabel.color = playerTeam == 1 ? GameSettings.teamAColor : GameSettings.teamBColor;

   void SetupBoxes (Collider[] tmpBoxes, HitBox.BodyPart bp)
      for(int i = 0; i < tmpBoxes.Length; i++)
         tmpBoxes[i].isTrigger = true;
         tmpBoxes[i].gameObject.AddComponent<HitBox>().AssignVariables(this, bp);
         tmpBoxes[i].tag = "Body";

   //Sync player over network
   void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info)
      if (stream.isWriting)
         //Send data

         stream.SendNext(playerWeapons.playerCamera.position + playerWeapons.playerCamera.forward * 100);
         //Receive data
         playerPos = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext();
         aimPos = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext();
         currentWeaponIndex = (int)stream.ReceiveNext();
         isFiringRemote = (bool)stream.ReceiveNext();
         soldierAnimation.movementState = (int)stream.ReceiveNext();

         // Shift buffer contents, oldest data erased, 18 becomes 19, ... , 0 becomes 1
         for (int i=m_BufferedState.Length-1;i>=1;i--)
            m_BufferedState[i] = m_BufferedState[i-1];
         // Save currect received state as 0 in the buffer, safe to overwrite after shifting
         State state = new State();
         state.timestamp = info.timestamp;
         state.pos = playerPos;
         //state.rot = rot;
         m_BufferedState[0] = state;
         // Increment state count but never exceed buffer size
         m_TimestampCount = Mathf.Min(m_TimestampCount + 1, m_BufferedState.Length);
         // Check integrity, lowest numbered state in the buffer is newest and so on
         for (int i=0;i<m_TimestampCount-1;i++)
            if (m_BufferedState[i].timestamp < m_BufferedState[i+1].timestamp)
               Debug.Log("State inconsistent");
   // Update is called once per frame
   void Update ()
         InterpolatePosition ();

         smoothAimPos = Vector3.Lerp(smoothAimPos, aimPos, Time.deltaTime * positionSmoother);

         if(aimPos !=
            thisT.LookAt(new Vector3(smoothAimPos.x, thisT.position.y, smoothAimPos.z));


         if(previousWeaponIndex != currentWeaponIndex)
            previousWeaponIndex = currentWeaponIndex;
            playerWeapons.globalWeaponIndex = currentWeaponIndex;

         //Show name label for our teammates
         if(!playerKilled && ((playerTeam == GameSettings.ourTeam && GameSettings.currentGameMode != "FFA") || GameSettings.ourTeam == 0))
            if(!mainCamera || !mainCamera.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                  mainCamera = Camera.main;
                  mainCameraT = mainCamera.transform;
               offset = Vector3.Distance(mainCameraT.position, thisT.position)/50;
               screenPos = mainCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(new Vector3(thisT.position.x, thisT.position.y + 2.6f + offset, thisT.position.z));

               if(screenPos.z > 0)
                  nameLabelTransform.position = new Vector3(screenPos.x, screenPos.y);
                  nameLabelTransform.position = new Vector3(-350, -350);

            nameLabelTransform.eulerAngles =;

         receivedMovementState = soldierAnimation.movementState;
         //Send cameraFOV to reduce mouse sensitivity when aiming
         //localMouseLook.cameraFOV = playerWeapons.mainPlayerCamera.fieldOfView;
         //cameraMouseLook.cameraFOV = playerWeapons.mainPlayerCamera.fieldOfView;

         receivedMovementState = fpsController.movementState;

      //Play footstep sound for both local and remote player instances
         if(movementStateLocal != receivedMovementState)
            movementStateLocal = receivedMovementState;
   void InterpolatePosition ()
      d = Vector3.Distance(thisT.position, m_BufferedState[0].pos);
      soldierAnimation.isMoving = d > 0.1f;

      double currentTime = PhotonNetwork.time;
      double interpolationTime = currentTime - interpolationBackTime;
      // We have a window of interpolationBackTime where we basically play
      // By having interpolationBackTime the average ping, you will usually use interpolation.
      // And only if no more data arrives we will use extrapolation
      // Use interpolation
      // Check if latest state exceeds interpolation time, if this is the case then
      // it is too old and extrapolation should be used
      if (m_BufferedState[0].timestamp > interpolationTime)
         for (int i=0;i<m_TimestampCount;i++)
            // Find the state which matches the interpolation time (time+0.1) or use last state
            if (m_BufferedState[i].timestamp <= interpolationTime || i == m_TimestampCount-1)
               // The state one slot newer (<100ms) than the best playback state
               State rhs = m_BufferedState[Mathf.Max(i-1, 0)];
               // The best playback state (closest to 100 ms old (default time))
               State lhs = m_BufferedState[i];
               // Use the time between the two slots to determine if interpolation is necessary
               double length = rhs.timestamp - lhs.timestamp;
               float t = 0.0F;
               // As the time difference gets closer to 100 ms t gets closer to 1 in
               // which case rhs is only used
               if (length > 0.0001)
                  t = (float)((interpolationTime - lhs.timestamp) / length);
               // if t=0 => lhs is used directly
               thisT.position = Vector3.Lerp(lhs.pos, rhs.pos, t);
               //transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(lhs.rot, rhs.rot, t);
         // Use extrapolation. Here we do something really simple and just repeat the last
         // received state. You can do clever stuff with predicting what should happen

         State latest = m_BufferedState[0];
         thisT.position = latest.pos;
         //transform.localRotation = latest.rot;
         //print ("Moving DIrectly to latest pos " + Random.Range(111, 333).ToString());

   //Called from Weapon.cs when player shooting single fire weapons
   public void FireSingleRemote()
      photonView.RPC("FireRemoteRPC", PhotonTargets.Others);

   void FireRemoteRPC()

   //Reload Sync
   public void DoReload ()
      photonView.RPC("DoReloadRemote", PhotonTargets.Others);

   void DoReloadRemote()

   //Do player damage, called from HitBox.cs
   public void ApplyDamage(int[] values)
      if(!playerKilled && (playerTeam != GameSettings.ourTeam || photonView.isMine || GameSettings.currentGameMode == "FFA"))
         photonView.RPC("DamageRemote", PhotonTargets.All, values, PhotonNetwork.player.ID);

   void DamageRemote (int[] values, int killerID)
         fpsController.fallSlowDown = 0.5f;


         if(PhotonNetwork.player.ID == killerID)
            //Save temp references
            lastWeaponName = GameSettings.rc.ourPlayer ? GameSettings.rc.ourPlayer.playerWeapons.currentSelectedWeapon.weaponName : "";
            lastBodyPart = values[1];

            int currentHP = photonView.owner.CustomProperties["PlayerHP"] != null ? (int)photonView.owner.CustomProperties["PlayerHP"] : 100;
            currentHP -= GetDMG((int)values[0], (int)values[1]);
            Hashtable setPlayerData = new Hashtable();
            setPlayerData.Add("PlayerHP", currentHP); //Setup player HP by master client

            if(currentHP < 1)
               photonView.RPC("KillPlayer", PhotonTargets.All, killerID);
               playerKilled = true;

   void KillPlayer (int killerID)
      playerKilled = true;


         localMouseLook.enabled = false;
         //fpsController.enabled = false;
         playerWeapons.enabled = false;
         playerWeapons.isFiring = false;

         GameSettings.rc.PrepareRespawn(-killerID, false);

         //Set killed player deaths
         if(photonView.owner != null)
            int newDeaths = photonView.owner.CustomProperties["Deaths"] == null ? 1 : (int)photonView.owner.CustomProperties["Deaths"] + 1;
            Hashtable setPlayerProperties = new Hashtable();
            setPlayerProperties.Add("Deaths", newDeaths);

            //Do not add kills nor team score if we killed ourselves (fell down etc.)
            if(photonView.owner.ID != killerID)
               //Find killer player instance
               PhotonPlayer killerPLayer = null;
               PhotonPlayer[] allPlayers = PhotonNetwork.playerList;
               for(int i = 0; i < allPlayers.Length; i++)
                  if(allPlayers[i].ID == killerID)
                     killerPLayer = allPlayers[i];

               if(killerPLayer != null)
                  //Add kills for killer
                  int newKills = killerPLayer.CustomProperties["Kills"] == null ? 1 : (int)killerPLayer.CustomProperties["Kills"] + 1;
                  setPlayerProperties = new Hashtable();
                  setPlayerProperties.Add("Kills", newKills);

                  //Update team scores
                  if(GameSettings.currentGameMode == "TDM")
                     Hashtable setRoomProperties = new Hashtable();
                     int currentTeamScore = 0;

                     if((int)killerPLayer.CustomProperties["Team"] == 1)
                        currentTeamScore =["TeamAScore"] != null ? (int)["TeamAScore"] + 1: 1;
                        setRoomProperties.Add("TeamAScore", currentTeamScore);
                     if((int)killerPLayer.CustomProperties["Team"] == 2)
                        currentTeamScore =["TeamBScore"] != null ? (int)["TeamBScore"] + 1 : 1;
                        setRoomProperties.Add("TeamBScore", currentTeamScore);

                     if(setRoomProperties.Count > 0)

      if(PhotonNetwork.player.ID == killerID)
         //Check what weapon we used right before
         string selectedWeaponNameTmp = "[" + lastWeaponName + "]";
         string killedPlayerName = photonView.owner.NickName;
         int killedPlayerTeam = (int)photonView.owner.CustomProperties["Team"];

         if(lastBodyPart == -35)
            selectedWeaponNameTmp = "fell";
            killedPlayerName = "down";
            killedPlayerTeam = 0;
            if(lastBodyPart == 0)
               selectedWeaponNameTmp += " -> Headshot";
         //Notify others on kill and add cash
         GameSettings.rc.ReportKill(killedPlayerName, selectedWeaponNameTmp, killedPlayerTeam);
         GameSettings.rc.AddKillCash(lastBodyPart );


   int GetDMG (int weaponIndex, int bodyPart)
      if(weaponIndex > -1 && weaponIndex < playerWeapons.totalWeapons.Count)
         //For shotgun we divide damage for number of fractions
         int divideBy = playerWeapons.totalWeapons[weaponIndex].fireType == PlayerWeapons.FireType.Shotgun ? 5 : 1;

         if(bodyPart == 0 || bodyPart == 1)
            if(bodyPart == 0)
               return  playerWeapons.totalWeapons[weaponIndex].headDamage/divideBy;
               return playerWeapons.totalWeapons[weaponIndex].torsoDamage/divideBy;
            return playerWeapons.totalWeapons[weaponIndex].limbsDamage/divideBy;
         return Mathf.Abs(weaponIndex);

   void PlayHitSound ()
      if(playerAudio.clip != hitSound)
         playerAudio.clip = hitSound;

   void PlayWalkingSound ()
      //print ("Changed walking state");


      stepLength = 0;

      if(movementStateLocal == 0 || movementStateLocal == 1 || movementStateLocal == 2 || movementStateLocal == 4)
         if(movementStateLocal == 4)
            //On ladder
            stepLength = 2.5f/fpsController.ladderSpeed;
            if(movementStateLocal == 2)
               stepLength = 3.5f/fpsController.crouchSpeed;
               if(movementStateLocal == 0)
                  stepLength = 3.5f/fpsController.walkSpeed;
                  stepLength = 3.5f/fpsController.runSpeed;

      if(stepLength > 0)
         InvokeRepeating("PlayWalkingSoundInvoke", 0.09f, stepLength);

   void PlayWalkingSoundInvoke ()

      if(fpsController.isMoving || soldierAnimation.isMoving)
         if(movementStateLocal == 4)
            //On ladder
            walkingAudio.clip = ladderSounds[Random.Range(0, ladderSounds.Length - 1)];
            walkingAudio.clip = walkingSounds[Random.Range(0, walkingSounds.Length - 1)];


PONTOS : 3278
Idade : 25
Respeito as regras : FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM WvDYdlf

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DÚVIDA Re: FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM

Mensagem por MarcosSchultz Seg Jun 05, 2017 12:51 pm

da 2 cliques em cima do erro e veja qual linha está acusando o erro.

Masculino PONTOS : 64909
Idade : 28
Áreas de atuação : Administrador do fórum
Respeito as regras : FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM Aad8pUi

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DÚVIDA Re: FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM

Mensagem por Sheyk Seg Jun 05, 2017 12:53 pm

Na linha 150 Smile 

      playerTeam = (int)photonView.owner.CustomProperties["Team"];

PONTOS : 3278
Idade : 25
Respeito as regras : FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM WvDYdlf

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DÚVIDA Re: FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM

Mensagem por Sheyk Seg Jun 05, 2017 1:00 pm

Me ajuda ai MarcosSchultz

PONTOS : 3278
Idade : 25
Respeito as regras : FPS MULTIPLAYER : Não está mostrando os nick´s na tela !! POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM WvDYdlf

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