Como deixar touch apenas 50% da tela (código que estou usando)
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Como deixar touch apenas 50% da tela (código que estou usando)
galera eu fiz um código quera rotacionar a câmera envolta do personagem (touch) , padrão igual esse jogos mobile 3d, porem o virtula joystick que também esta na tela sempre que eu movo o analógico a câmera gira em torno do personagem.
Basicamente o que eu quero é deixar metade da tela pra controlar o personagem e a outra matade pra controlar a câmera.
como faço isso ?
Galera esse aqui é o código que estou usando:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class texte : MonoBehaviour
public Transform target;
public Vector3 targetOffset;
public float distance = 5.0f;
public float maxDistance = 20;
public float minDistance = .6f;
public float xSpeed = 5.0f;
public float ySpeed = 5.0f;
public int yMinLimit = -80;
public int yMaxLimit = 80;
public float zoomRate = 10.0f;
public float panSpeed = 0.3f;
public float zoomDampening = 5.0f;
private float xDeg = 0.0f;
private float yDeg = 0.0f;
private float currentDistance;
private float desiredDistance;
private Quaternion currentRotation;
private Quaternion desiredRotation;
private Quaternion rotation;
private Vector3 position;
private Vector3 FirstPosition;
private Vector3 SecondPosition;
private Vector3 delta;
private Vector3 lastOffset;
private Vector3 lastOffsettemp;
//private Vector3 CameraPosition;
//private Vector3 Targetposition;
//private Vector3 MoveDistance;
RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
public float ajuste;
void Start() { Init(); }
void OnEnable() { Init(); }
public void Init()
//If there is no target, create a temporary target at 'distance' from the cameras current viewpoint
if (!target)
GameObject go = new GameObject("Cam Target");
go.transform.position = transform.position + (transform.forward * distance);
target = go.transform;
distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position);
currentDistance = distance;
desiredDistance = distance;
//be sure to grab the current rotations as starting points.
position = transform.position;
rotation = transform.rotation;
currentRotation = transform.rotation;
desiredRotation = transform.rotation;
xDeg = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right, transform.right);
yDeg = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, transform.up);
* Camera logic on LateUpdate to only update after all character movement logic has been handled.
void LateUpdate()
// If Control and Alt and Middle button? ZOOM!
/* if (Input.touchCount == 2)
Touch touchZero = Input.GetTouch(0);
Touch touchOne = Input.GetTouch(1);
Vector2 touchZeroPreviousPosition = touchZero.position - touchZero.deltaPosition;
Vector2 touchOnePreviousPosition = touchOne.position - touchOne.deltaPosition;
float prevTouchDeltaMag = (touchZeroPreviousPosition - touchOnePreviousPosition).magnitude;
float TouchDeltaMag = (touchZero.position - touchOne.position).magnitude;
float deltaMagDiff = prevTouchDeltaMag - TouchDeltaMag;
desiredDistance += deltaMagDiff * Time.deltaTime * zoomRate * 0.0025f * Mathf.Abs(desiredDistance);
// If middle mouse and left alt are selected? ORBIT
if (Input.touchCount >= 1 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
Vector2 touchposition = Input.GetTouch(0).deltaPosition;
xDeg += touchposition.x * xSpeed * 0.002f;
yDeg -= touchposition.y * ySpeed * 0.002f;
yDeg = ClampAngle(yDeg, yMinLimit, yMaxLimit);
desiredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, xDeg, 0);
currentRotation = transform.rotation;
rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(currentRotation, desiredRotation, Time.deltaTime * zoomDampening);
transform.rotation = rotation;
////////Orbit Position
// affect the desired Zoom distance if we roll the scrollwheel
desiredDistance = Mathf.Clamp(desiredDistance, minDistance, maxDistance);
currentDistance = Mathf.Lerp(currentDistance, desiredDistance, Time.deltaTime * zoomDampening);
position = target.position - (rotation * Vector3.forward * currentDistance);
position = position - targetOffset;
transform.position = position;
if (Physics.Linecast(target.position, transform.position, out hit))
transform.position = hit.point + transform.forward * ajuste;
private static float ClampAngle(float angle, float min, float max)
if (angle < -360)
angle += 360;
if (angle > 360)
angle -= 360;
return Mathf.Clamp(angle, min, max);
Basicamente o que eu quero é deixar metade da tela pra controlar o personagem e a outra matade pra controlar a câmera.
como faço isso ?
Galera esse aqui é o código que estou usando:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class texte : MonoBehaviour
public Transform target;
public Vector3 targetOffset;
public float distance = 5.0f;
public float maxDistance = 20;
public float minDistance = .6f;
public float xSpeed = 5.0f;
public float ySpeed = 5.0f;
public int yMinLimit = -80;
public int yMaxLimit = 80;
public float zoomRate = 10.0f;
public float panSpeed = 0.3f;
public float zoomDampening = 5.0f;
private float xDeg = 0.0f;
private float yDeg = 0.0f;
private float currentDistance;
private float desiredDistance;
private Quaternion currentRotation;
private Quaternion desiredRotation;
private Quaternion rotation;
private Vector3 position;
private Vector3 FirstPosition;
private Vector3 SecondPosition;
private Vector3 delta;
private Vector3 lastOffset;
private Vector3 lastOffsettemp;
//private Vector3 CameraPosition;
//private Vector3 Targetposition;
//private Vector3 MoveDistance;
RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
public float ajuste;
void Start() { Init(); }
void OnEnable() { Init(); }
public void Init()
//If there is no target, create a temporary target at 'distance' from the cameras current viewpoint
if (!target)
GameObject go = new GameObject("Cam Target");
go.transform.position = transform.position + (transform.forward * distance);
target = go.transform;
distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position);
currentDistance = distance;
desiredDistance = distance;
//be sure to grab the current rotations as starting points.
position = transform.position;
rotation = transform.rotation;
currentRotation = transform.rotation;
desiredRotation = transform.rotation;
xDeg = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right, transform.right);
yDeg = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, transform.up);
* Camera logic on LateUpdate to only update after all character movement logic has been handled.
void LateUpdate()
// If Control and Alt and Middle button? ZOOM!
/* if (Input.touchCount == 2)
Touch touchZero = Input.GetTouch(0);
Touch touchOne = Input.GetTouch(1);
Vector2 touchZeroPreviousPosition = touchZero.position - touchZero.deltaPosition;
Vector2 touchOnePreviousPosition = touchOne.position - touchOne.deltaPosition;
float prevTouchDeltaMag = (touchZeroPreviousPosition - touchOnePreviousPosition).magnitude;
float TouchDeltaMag = (touchZero.position - touchOne.position).magnitude;
float deltaMagDiff = prevTouchDeltaMag - TouchDeltaMag;
desiredDistance += deltaMagDiff * Time.deltaTime * zoomRate * 0.0025f * Mathf.Abs(desiredDistance);
// If middle mouse and left alt are selected? ORBIT
if (Input.touchCount >= 1 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
Vector2 touchposition = Input.GetTouch(0).deltaPosition;
xDeg += touchposition.x * xSpeed * 0.002f;
yDeg -= touchposition.y * ySpeed * 0.002f;
yDeg = ClampAngle(yDeg, yMinLimit, yMaxLimit);
desiredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, xDeg, 0);
currentRotation = transform.rotation;
rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(currentRotation, desiredRotation, Time.deltaTime * zoomDampening);
transform.rotation = rotation;
////////Orbit Position
// affect the desired Zoom distance if we roll the scrollwheel
desiredDistance = Mathf.Clamp(desiredDistance, minDistance, maxDistance);
currentDistance = Mathf.Lerp(currentDistance, desiredDistance, Time.deltaTime * zoomDampening);
position = target.position - (rotation * Vector3.forward * currentDistance);
position = position - targetOffset;
transform.position = position;
if (Physics.Linecast(target.position, transform.position, out hit))
transform.position = hit.point + transform.forward * ajuste;
private static float ClampAngle(float angle, float min, float max)
if (angle < -360)
angle += 360;
if (angle > 360)
angle -= 360;
return Mathf.Clamp(angle, min, max);
mateusoss- Iniciante
- PONTOS : 1657
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