[DÚVIDA]Ajuda para como fazer esse script voltar a funcionar
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[DÚVIDA]Ajuda para como fazer esse script voltar a funcionar
Oi gente,tenho um script que ha um tempo atras funcionava certinho mas a unity atualizou e da esse erro agr:Assets/RealisticCarControllerV3/Scripts/RCC_CarControllerV3.cs(738,: error CS0619: `UnityEngine.Mesh.Optimize()' is obsolete: `This method is no longer supported (UnityUpgradable)'
O script :
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Audio;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
[AddComponentMenu("BoneCracker Games/Realistic Car Controller/Realistic Car Controller V3")]
[RequireComponent (typeof(Rigidbody))]
public class RCC_CarControllerV3 : MonoBehaviour {
private RCC_Settings RCCSettings{get{return RCC_Settings.Instance;}}
private Rigidbody rigid; // Rigidbody.
internal bool sleepingRigid = false; // Used For Disabling Unnecessary Raycasts When RB Is Sleeping.
public bool AIController = false; // Use AI Controller.
// Wheel Transforms Of The Vehicle.
public Transform FrontLeftWheelTransform;
public Transform FrontRightWheelTransform;
public Transform RearLeftWheelTransform;
public Transform RearRightWheelTransform;
// Wheel Colliders Of The Vehicle.
public RCC_WheelCollider FrontLeftWheelCollider;
public RCC_WheelCollider FrontRightWheelCollider;
public RCC_WheelCollider RearLeftWheelCollider;
public RCC_WheelCollider RearRightWheelCollider;
private RCC_WheelCollider FrontLeftRCCWheelCollider;
private RCC_WheelCollider FrontRightRCCWheelCollider;
// All Wheel Colliders.
internal RCC_WheelCollider[] allWheelColliders;
// Extra Wheels. In case of if your vehicle has extra wheels.
public Transform[] ExtraRearWheelsTransform;
public RCC_WheelCollider[] ExtraRearWheelsCollider;
public bool applyEngineTorqueToExtraRearWheelColliders = true; //Applies Engine Torque To Extra Rear Wheels.
public Transform SteeringWheel; // Driver Steering Wheel. In case of if your vehicle has individual steering wheel model in interior.
// Set wheel drive of the vehicle. If you are using rwd, you have to be careful with your rear wheel collider
// settings and com of the vehicle. Otherwise, vehicle will behave like a toy.
public WheelType _wheelTypeChoise = WheelType.RWD;
public enum WheelType{FWD, RWD, AWD, BIASED}
[Range(0f, 100f)]public float biasedWheelTorque = 100f;
//Center of mass.
public Transform COM;
public bool canControl = true; // Enables/Disables controlling the vehicle.
public bool runEngineAtAwake{get{return RCCSettings.runEngineAtAwake;}} // Engine Running At Awake?
public bool engineRunning = false; // Engine Running Now?
public bool autoReverse{get{return RCCSettings.autoReverse;}} // Enables/Disables auto reversing when player press brake button. Useful for if you are making parking style game.
public bool automaticGear{get{return RCCSettings.useAutomaticGear;}} // Enables/Disables automatic gear shifting of the vehicle.
public bool semiAutomaticGear = false; // Enables/Disables automatic gear shifting of the vehicle.
public bool automaticClutch = true; // Enables/Disables automatic clutch of the vehicle.
private bool canGoReverseNow = false;
public AnimationCurve[] engineTorqueCurve; // Each Gear Ratio Curves Generated By Editor Script.
public float[] gearSpeed; // Target Speed For Changing Gear.
public float engineTorque = 3000f; // Default Engine Torque.
public float maxEngineRPM = 7000f; // Maximum Engine RPM.
public float minEngineRPM = 1000f; // Minimum Engine RPM.
[Range(.75f, 2f)]public float engineInertia = 1f;
public bool useRevLimiter = true;
public bool useExhaustFlame = true;
public float steerAngle = 40f; // Maximum Steer Angle Of Your Vehicle.
public float highspeedsteerAngle = 15f; // Maximum Steer Angle At Highest Speed.
public float highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed = 100f; // Highest Speed For Maximum Steer Angle.
public float antiRollFrontHorizontal = 5000f; // Anti Roll Force For Preventing Flip Overs And Stability.
public float antiRollRearHorizontal = 5000f; // Anti Roll Force For Preventing Flip Overs And Stability.
public float antiRollVertical = 500f; // Anti Roll Force For Preventing Flip Overs And Stability.
public float downForce = 25f; // Applies Downforce Related With Vehicle Speed.
public float speed; // Vehicle Speed.
public float brake = 2500f; // Maximum Brake Torque.
private float defMaxSpeed;
public float maxspeed = 220f; //Maximum Speed.
private float resetTime = 0f;
private float orgSteerAngle = 0f;
public float fuelInput = 1f;
// Gears.
public int currentGear = 0; // Current Gear Of The Vehicle.
public int totalGears = 6; // Total Gears Of The Vehicle.
[Range(0f, .5f)]public float gearShiftingDelay = .35f;
public bool changingGear = false; // Changing Gear Currently.
public int direction = 1; // Reverse Gear Currently.
public bool autoGenerateGearCurves = true;
public bool autoGenerateTargetSpeedsForChangingGear = true;
private bool engineStarting = false;
//AudioSources and AudioClips.
private AudioSource engineStartSound;
public AudioClip engineStartClip;
internal AudioSource engineSoundOn;
public AudioClip engineClipOn;
private AudioSource engineSoundOff;
public AudioClip engineClipOff;
private AudioSource engineSoundIdle;
public AudioClip engineClipIdle;
private AudioSource gearShiftingSound;
private AudioClip[] gearShiftingClips{get{return RCCSettings.gearShiftingClips;}}
private AudioSource crashSound;
private AudioClip[] crashClips{get{return RCCSettings.crashClips;}}
private AudioSource reversingSound;
private AudioClip reversingClip{get{return RCCSettings.reversingClip;}}
private AudioSource windSound;
private AudioClip windClip{get{return RCCSettings.windClip;}}
private AudioSource brakeSound;
private AudioClip brakeClip{get{return RCCSettings.brakeClip;}}
private AudioSource NOSSound;
private AudioClip NOSClip{get{return RCCSettings.NOSClip;}}
private AudioSource turboSound;
private AudioClip turboClip{get{return RCCSettings.turboClip;}}
private AudioSource blowSound;
private AudioClip blowClip{get{return RCCSettings.turboClip;}}
[Range(.25f, 1f)]public float minEngineSoundPitch = .75f;
[Range(1.25f, 2f)]public float maxEngineSoundPitch = 1.75f;
[Range(0f, 1f)]public float minEngineSoundVolume = .05f;
[Range(0f, 1f)]public float maxEngineSoundVolume = .85f;
private GameObject allAudioSources;
private GameObject allContactParticles;
// Inputs.
[HideInInspector]public float gasInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float brakeInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float steerInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float clutchInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float handbrakeInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float boostInput = 1f;
[HideInInspector]public bool cutGas = false;
[HideInInspector]public float idleInput = 0f;
internal float _gasInput{get{
if(fuelInput <= .25f)
return 0f;
if(!automaticGear || semiAutomaticGear){
if(!changingGear && !cutGas)
return Mathf.Clamp01(gasInput);
return 0f;
if(!changingGear && !cutGas)
return (direction == 1 ? Mathf.Clamp01(gasInput) : Mathf.Clamp01(brakeInput));
return 0f;
}set{gasInput = value;}}
internal float _brakeInput{get{
if(!automaticGear || semiAutomaticGear){
return Mathf.Clamp01(brakeInput);
return (direction == 1 ? Mathf.Clamp01(brakeInput) : Mathf.Clamp01(gasInput));
return 0f;
}set{brakeInput = value;}}
internal float _boostInput{get{
if(useNOS && NoS > 5 && _gasInput >= .5f){
return boostInput;
return 1f;
}set{boostInput = value;}}
internal float engineRPM = 0f; // Actual Engine RPM.
internal float rawEngineRPM = 0f; // Smoothed Engine RPM.
public GameObject chassis; // Script Will Simulate Chassis Movement Based On Vehicle Rigidbody Velocity.
// Lights.
public bool lowBeamHeadLightsOn = false;
public bool highBeamHeadLightsOn = false;
// For Indicators.
public IndicatorsOn indicatorsOn;
public enum IndicatorsOn{Off, Right, Left, All}
public float indicatorTimer = 0f;
// Damage.
public bool useDamage = true;
struct originalMeshVerts{public Vector3[] meshVerts;}
public MeshFilter[] deformableMeshFilters;
public float randomizeVertices = 1f;
public float damageRadius = .5f;
private float minimumVertDistanceForDamagedMesh = .002f; // Comparing Original Vertex Positions Between Last Vertex Positions To Decide Mesh Is Repaired Or Not.
private Vector3[] colliderVerts;
private originalMeshVerts[] originalMeshData;
[HideInInspector]public bool sleep = true;
public float maximumDamage = .5f; // Maximum Vert Distance For Limiting Damage. 0 Value Will Disable The Limit.
private float minimumCollisionForce = 5f;
public float damageMultiplier = 1f;
public GameObject contactSparkle{get{return RCCSettings.contactParticles;}}
public int maximumContactSparkle = 5;
private List<ParticleSystem> contactSparkeList = new List<ParticleSystem>();
public bool repairNow = false;
private Vector3 localVector;
private Quaternion rot = Quaternion.identity;
private float oldRotation;
//Driving Assistances.
public bool ABS = true;
public bool TCS = true;
public bool ESP = true;
public bool steeringHelper = true;
public bool tractionHelper = true;
public bool ABSAct = false;
public bool TCSAct = false;
public bool ESPAct = false;
[Range(.05f, .5f)]public float ABSThreshold = .35f;
[Range(.05f, .5f)]public float TCSThreshold = .25f;
[Range(0f, 1f)]public float TCSStrength = 1f;
[Range(.05f, .5f)]public float ESPThreshold = .25f;
[Range(.1f, 1f)]public float ESPStrength = .5f;
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float steerHelperStrength = .1f;
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float tractionHelperStrength = .1f;
public bool overSteering = false;
public bool underSteering = false;
// Drift Variables
internal float driftAngle = 0f;
internal bool driftingNow = false;
private bool applyCounterSteering = false;
public float frontCamber = 0f;
public float rearCamber = 0f;
public float frontSlip = 0f;
public float rearSlip = 0f;
float angle;
float angularVelo;
//private WheelCollider anyWheel;
public float turboBoost = 0f;
public float NoS = 100f;
private float NoSConsumption = 25f;
private float NoSRegenerateTime = 10f;
public bool useNOS = false;
public bool useTurbo = false;
void Awake (){
Time.fixedDeltaTime = RCCSettings.fixedTimeStep;
rigid = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
rigid.maxAngularVelocity = RCCSettings.maxAngularVelocity;
rigid.drag = .05f;
rigid.angularDrag = .5f;
allWheelColliders = GetComponentsInChildren<RCC_WheelCollider>();
//anyWheel = GetComponentInChildren<WheelCollider>();
http://anyWheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(10f, 5, 5);
FrontLeftRCCWheelCollider = FrontLeftWheelCollider.GetComponent<RCC_WheelCollider>();
FrontRightRCCWheelCollider = FrontRightWheelCollider.GetComponent<RCC_WheelCollider>();
FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelModel = FrontLeftWheelTransform;
FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelModel = FrontRightWheelTransform;
RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelModel = RearLeftWheelTransform;
RearRightWheelCollider.wheelModel = RearRightWheelTransform;
for (int i = 0; i < ExtraRearWheelsCollider.Length; i++) {
ExtraRearWheelsCollider[i].wheelModel = ExtraRearWheelsTransform[i];
orgSteerAngle = steerAngle;
allAudioSources = new GameObject("All Audio Sources");
allAudioSources.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
allContactParticles = new GameObject("All Contact Particles");
allContactParticles.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.SemiArcade:
steeringHelper = true;
tractionHelper = true;
ABS = false;
ESP = false;
TCS = false;
steerHelperStrength = Mathf.Clamp(steerHelperStrength, .25f, 1f);
tractionHelperStrength = Mathf.Clamp(tractionHelperStrength, .25f, 1f);
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 10000f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 10000f, Mathf.Infinity);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Drift:
steeringHelper = false;
tractionHelper = false;
ABS = false;
ESP = false;
TCS = false;
highspeedsteerAngle = Mathf.Clamp(highspeedsteerAngle, 40f, 50f);
highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed = Mathf.Clamp(highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed, 100f, maxspeed);
applyCounterSteering = true;
engineTorque = Mathf.Clamp(engineTorque, 5000f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 3500f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 3500f, Mathf.Infinity);
gearShiftingDelay = Mathf.Clamp(gearShiftingDelay, 0f, .15f);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Fun:
steeringHelper = false;
tractionHelper = false;
ABS = false;
ESP = false;
TCS = false;
highspeedsteerAngle = Mathf.Clamp(highspeedsteerAngle, 30f, 50f);
highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed = Mathf.Clamp(highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed, 100f, maxspeed);
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 50000f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 50000f, Mathf.Infinity);
gearShiftingDelay = Mathf.Clamp(gearShiftingDelay, 0f, .1f);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Racing:
steeringHelper = true;
tractionHelper = true;
steerHelperStrength = Mathf.Clamp(steerHelperStrength, .25f, 1f);
tractionHelperStrength = Mathf.Clamp(tractionHelperStrength, .25f, 1f);
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 10000f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 10000f, Mathf.Infinity);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Simulator:
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 2500f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 2500f, Mathf.Infinity);
void Start(){
if(GetComponent AIController = true;
rigid.centerOfMass = transform.InverseTransformPoint(COM.transform.position);
if(RCC_Settings.Instance.controllerType == RCC_Settings.ControllerType.Mobile){
void OnEnable(){
IEnumerator ReEnable(){
yield return null;
GameObject _joint = chassis.GetComponentInParent<ConfigurableJoint>().gameObject;
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
rigid.centerOfMass = transform.InverseTransformPoint(COM.transform.position);
changingGear = false;
public void CreateWheelColliders (){
List <Transform> allWheelModels = new List<Transform>();
allWheelModels.Add(FrontLeftWheelTransform); allWheelModels.Add(FrontRightWheelTransform); allWheelModels.Add(RearLeftWheelTransform); allWheelModels.Add(RearRightWheelTransform);
if(allWheelModels != null && allWheelModels[0] == null){
Debug.LogError("You haven't choose your Wheel Models. Please select all of your Wheel Models before creating Wheel Colliders. Script needs to know their sizes and positions, aye?");
transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
GameObject WheelColliders = new GameObject("Wheel Colliders");
WheelColliders.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
WheelColliders.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
WheelColliders.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
WheelColliders.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
foreach(Transform wheel in allWheelModels){
GameObject wheelcollider = new GameObject(wheel.transform.name);
wheelcollider.transform.position = wheel.transform.position;
wheelcollider.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
wheelcollider.transform.name = wheel.transform.name;
wheelcollider.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
Bounds biggestBound = new Bounds();
Renderer[] renderers = wheel.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();
foreach (Renderer render in renderers) {
if (render != GetComponent<Renderer>()){
if(render.bounds.size.z > biggestBound.size.z)
biggestBound = render.bounds;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().radius = (biggestBound.extents.y) / transform.localScale.y;
JointSpring spring = wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().suspensionSpring;
spring.spring = 40000f;
spring.damper = 2000f;
spring.targetPosition = .4f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().suspensionSpring = spring;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().suspensionDistance = .2f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().forceAppPointDistance = .1f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().mass = 40f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().wheelDampingRate = 1f;
WheelFrictionCurve sidewaysFriction;
WheelFrictionCurve forwardFriction;
sidewaysFriction = wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().sidewaysFriction;
forwardFriction = wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().forwardFriction;
wheelcollider.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(wheelcollider.transform.localPosition.x, wheelcollider.transform.localPosition.y + wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().suspensionDistance, wheelcollider.transform.localPosition.z);
forwardFriction.extremumSlip = .2f;
forwardFriction.extremumValue = 1;
forwardFriction.asymptoteSlip = .8f;
forwardFriction.asymptoteValue = .75f;
forwardFriction.stiffness = 1.5f;
sidewaysFriction.extremumSlip = .25f;
sidewaysFriction.extremumValue = 1;
sidewaysFriction.asymptoteSlip = .5f;
sidewaysFriction.asymptoteValue = .75f;
sidewaysFriction.stiffness = 1.5f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().sidewaysFriction = sidewaysFriction;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().forwardFriction = forwardFriction;
RCC_WheelCollider[] allWheelColliders = new RCC_WheelCollider[allWheelModels.Count];
allWheelColliders = GetComponentsInChildren<RCC_WheelCollider>();
FrontLeftWheelCollider = allWheelColliders[0];
FrontRightWheelCollider = allWheelColliders[1];
RearLeftWheelCollider = allWheelColliders[2];
RearRightWheelCollider = allWheelColliders[3];
void SoundsInitialize (){
engineSoundOn = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Engine Sound On AudioSource", 5, 100, 0, engineClipOn, true, true, false);
engineSoundOff = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Engine Sound Off AudioSource", 5, 100, 0, engineClipOff, true, true, false);
engineSoundIdle = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Engine Sound Idle AudioSource", 5, 100, 0, engineClipIdle, true, true, false);
reversingSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Reverse Sound AudioSource", 5, 10, 0, reversingClip, true, false, false);
windSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Wind Sound AudioSource", 5, 10, 0, windClip, true, true, false);
brakeSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Brake Sound AudioSource", 5, 10, 0, brakeClip, true, true, false);
NOSSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "NOS Sound AudioSource", 5, 10, 1f, NOSClip, true, false, false);
if(useNOS || useTurbo)
blowSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "NOS Blow", 3f, 10f, 1f, null, false, false, false);
turboSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Turbo Sound AudioSource", .1f, .5f, 0f, turboClip, true, true, false);
RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewHighPassFilter(turboSound, 10000f, 10);
public void KillOrStartEngine (){
if(engineRunning && !engineStarting){
engineRunning = false;
fuelInput = 0f;
}else if(!engineStarting){
public IEnumerator StartEngine (){
engineRunning = false;
engineStarting = true;
engineStartSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Engine Start AudioSource", 5, 10, 1, engineStartClip, false, true, true);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
engineRunning = true;
fuelInput = 1f;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
engineStarting = false;
void ChassisJoint(){
GameObject colliders = new GameObject("Colliders");
colliders.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
GameObject chassisJoint;
Transform[] childTransforms = chassis.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
foreach(Transform t in childTransforms){
if(t.gameObject.activeSelf && t.GetComponent<Collider>()){
GameObject newGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(t.gameObject, t.transform.position, t.transform.rotation);
newGO.transform.SetParent(colliders.transform, true);
newGO.transform.localScale = t.lossyScale;
Component[] components = newGO.GetComponents(typeof(Component));
foreach(Component comp in components){
if(!(comp is Transform) && !(comp is Collider)){
chassisJoint = (GameObject)Instantiate((Resources.Load("RCCAssets/Chassis Joint", typeof(GameObject))), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
chassisJoint.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().connectedBody = rigid;
chassis.transform.SetParent(chassisJoint.transform, false);
Collider[] collidersInChassis = chassis.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>();
foreach(Collider c in collidersInChassis){
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Fun:
SoftJointLimit joint = new SoftJointLimit();
joint.limit = -10f;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().lowAngularXLimit = joint;
joint.limit = 10f;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().linearLimit = joint;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().highAngularXLimit = joint;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().angularYLimit = joint;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().angularZLimit = joint;
JointDrive jointDrive = new JointDrive();
jointDrive.positionSpring = 300f;
jointDrive.positionDamper = 5f;
jointDrive.maximumForce = chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().xDrive.maximumForce;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().xDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().yDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().zDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().angularXDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().angularYZDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().centerOfMass = transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(chassisJoint.transform.position.x, chassisJoint.transform.position.y + 1f, chassisJoint.transform.position.z));
void DamageInit (){
if (deformableMeshFilters.Length == 0){
MeshFilter[] allMeshFilters = GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>();
List <MeshFilter> properMeshFilters = new List<MeshFilter>();
foreach(MeshFilter mf in allMeshFilters){
if(!mf.transform.IsChildOf(FrontLeftWheelTransform) && !mf.transform.IsChildOf(FrontRightWheelTransform) && !mf.transform.IsChildOf(RearLeftWheelTransform) && !mf.transform.IsChildOf(RearRightWheelTransform))
deformableMeshFilters = properMeshFilters.ToArray();
for(int i = 0; i < maximumContactSparkle; i++){
GameObject sparks = (GameObject)Instantiate(contactSparkle, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
contactSparkeList.Add(sparks.GetComponent ParticleSystem.EmissionModule em = sparks.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().emission;
em.enabled = false;
void LoadOriginalMeshData(){
originalMeshData = new originalMeshVerts[deformableMeshFilters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < deformableMeshFilters.Length; i++){
originalMeshData[i].meshVerts = deformableMeshFilters[i].mesh.vertices;
void Damage(){
if (!sleep && repairNow){
int k;
sleep = true;
for(k = 0; k < deformableMeshFilters.Length; k++){
Vector3[] vertices = deformableMeshFilters[k].mesh.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++){
vertices[i] += (originalMeshData[k].meshVerts[i] - vertices[i]) * (Time.deltaTime * 2f);
if((originalMeshData[k].meshVerts[i] - vertices[i]).magnitude >= minimumVertDistanceForDamagedMesh)
sleep = false;
repairNow = false;
void DeformMesh(Mesh mesh, Vector3[] originalMesh, Collision collision, float cos, Transform meshTransform, Quaternion rot){
Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
foreach (ContactPoint contact in collision.contacts){
Vector3 point = meshTransform.InverseTransformPoint(contact.point);
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++){
if ((point - vertices[i]).magnitude < damageRadius){
vertices[i] += rot * ((localVector * (damageRadius - (point - vertices[i]).magnitude) / damageRadius) * cos + (UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * (randomizeVertices / 500f)));
if (maximumDamage > 0 && ((vertices[i] - originalMesh[i]).magnitude) > maximumDamage){
vertices[i] = originalMesh[i] + (vertices[i] - originalMesh[i]).normalized * (maximumDamage);
mesh.vertices = vertices;
void CollisionParticles(Vector3 contactPoint){
for(int i = 0; i < contactSparkeList.Count; i++){
contactSparkeList[i].transform.position = contactPoint;
ParticleSystem.EmissionModule em = contactSparkeList[i].emission;
em.enabled = true;
void Update (){
}else if(!AIController){
// _gasInput = 0f;
// brakeInput = 0f;
// boostInput = 1f;
// handbrakeInput = 1f;
indicatorTimer += Time.deltaTime;
void Inputs(){
case RCC_Settings.ControllerType.Keyboard:
gasInput = Input.GetAxis(RCCSettings.verticalInput);
brakeInput = Mathf.Clamp01(-Input.GetAxis(RCCSettings.verticalInput));
handbrakeInput = Input.GetKey(RCCSettings.handbrakeKB) ? 1f : 0f;
steerInput = Input.GetAxis(RCCSettings.horizontalInput);
boostInput = Input.GetKey(RCCSettings.boostKB) ? 2.5f : 1f;
lowBeamHeadLightsOn = !lowBeamHeadLightsOn;
highBeamHeadLightsOn = true;
}else if(Input.GetKeyUp(RCCSettings.highBeamHeadlightsKB)){
highBeamHeadLightsOn = false;
if(indicatorsOn != IndicatorsOn.Right)
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Right;
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Off;
if(indicatorsOn != IndicatorsOn.Left)
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Left;
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Off;
if(indicatorsOn != IndicatorsOn.All){
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Off;
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.All;
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Off;
if(currentGear < totalGears - 1 && !changingGear){
if(direction != -1)
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear + 1);
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", 0);
if(currentGear >= 0){
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear - 1);
void FixedUpdate (){
ESPCheck(rigid.angularVelocity.y, FrontLeftWheelCollider.steerAngle);
if(RCCSettings.behaviorType == RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Drift){
rigid.angularVelocity = new Vector3(rigid.angularVelocity.x, rigid.angularVelocity.y + (direction * steerInput / 30f), rigid.angularVelocity.z);
if(RCCSettings.behaviorType == RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.SemiArcade || RCCSettings.behaviorType == RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Fun){
rigid.angularVelocity = new Vector3(rigid.angularVelocity.x, ((direction * (steerInput * Mathf.Lerp(0f, 2f, speed / 20f)))), rigid.angularVelocity.z);
http://rigid.angularVelocity = new Vector3(rigid.angularVelocity.x, Mathf.Lerp(rigid.angularVelocity.y, ((direction * (steerInput * 2f))), Time.fixedDeltaTime * 10f), rigid.angularVelocity.z);
void Engine (){
speed = rigid.velocity.magnitude * 3.6f;
//Steer Limit.
steerAngle = Mathf.Lerp(orgSteerAngle, highspeedsteerAngle, (speed / highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed));
//Driver SteeringWheel Transform.
SteeringWheel.transform.rotation = transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(20, 0, (FrontLeftWheelCollider.steerAngle) * -6);
if(rigid.velocity.magnitude < .01f && Mathf.Abs(steerInput) < .01f && Mathf.Abs(_gasInput) < .01f && Mathf.Abs(rigid.angularVelocity.magnitude) < .01f)
sleepingRigid = true;
sleepingRigid = false;
rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.MoveTowards(rawEngineRPM,
(maxEngineRPM * 1.1f) *
(Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, (1f - clutchInput) * ((((RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed + RearRightWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed) * direction) / 2f) / gearSpeed[currentGear])) + (((_gasInput) * clutchInput) + idleInput) * fuelInput))
, engineInertia * 100f), 0f, maxEngineRPM * 1.1f);
engineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(engineRPM, rawEngineRPM, Mathf.Lerp(Time.fixedDeltaTime * 5f, Time.fixedDeltaTime * 50f, rawEngineRPM / maxEngineRPM));
//Auto Reverse Bool.
canGoReverseNow = true;
if(_brakeInput < .1f && speed < 5)
canGoReverseNow = true;
else if(_brakeInput > 0 && transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigid.velocity).z > 1f)
canGoReverseNow = false;
#region Wheel Type Motor Torque.
//Applying WheelCollider Motor Torques Depends On Wheel Type Choice.
case WheelType.FWD:
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, engineTorque);
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, engineTorque);
case WheelType.RWD:
ApplyMotorTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, engineTorque);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, engineTorque);
case WheelType.AWD:
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, engineTorque / 2f);
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, engineTorque / 2f);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, engineTorque / 2f);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, engineTorque / 2f);
case WheelType.BIASED:
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, (engineTorque * (100 - biasedWheelTorque)) / 100f);
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, (engineTorque * (100 - biasedWheelTorque)) / 100f);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, (engineTorque * biasedWheelTorque) / 100f);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, (engineTorque * biasedWheelTorque) / 100f);
if(ExtraRearWheelsCollider.Length > 0 && applyEngineTorqueToExtraRearWheelColliders){
for(int i = 0; i < ExtraRearWheelsCollider.Length; i++){
ApplyMotorTorque(ExtraRearWheelsCollider[i], engineTorque);
#endregion Wheel Type
void Sounds(){
windSound.volume = Mathf.Lerp (0f, RCCSettings.maxWindSoundVolume, speed / 300f);
windSound.pitch = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.9f, 1f);
if(direction == 1)
brakeSound.volume = Mathf.Lerp (0f, RCCSettings.maxBrakeSoundVolume, Mathf.Clamp01((FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque + FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque) / (brake * 2f)) * Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, FrontLeftWheelCollider.rpm / 50f));
brakeSound.volume = 0f;
void ApplyMotorTorque(RCC_WheelCollider wc, float torque){
WheelHit hit;
wc.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
if(Mathf.Abs(wc.rpm) >= 100){
if(hit.forwardSlip > .25f){
TCSAct = true;
torque -= Mathf.Clamp(torque * (hit.forwardSlip) * TCSStrength, 0f, engineTorque);
TCSAct = false;
torque += Mathf.Clamp(torque * (hit.forwardSlip) * TCSStrength, -engineTorque, 0f);
TCSAct = false;
torque = 0;
wc.wheelCollider.motorTorque = ((torque * (1 - clutchInput) * _boostInput) * _gasInput) * (engineTorqueCurve[currentGear].Evaluate(wc.wheelRPMToSpeed * direction) * direction);
void ESPCheck(float velocity, float steering){
WheelHit frontHit1;
FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out frontHit1);
WheelHit frontHit2;
FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out frontHit2);
frontSlip = frontHit1.sidewaysSlip + frontHit2.sidewaysSlip;
WheelHit rearHit1;
RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out rearHit1);
WheelHit rearHit2;
RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out rearHit2);
rearSlip = rearHit1.sidewaysSlip + rearHit2.sidewaysSlip;
if(Mathf.Abs(frontSlip) >= ESPThreshold)
overSteering = true;
overSteering = false;
if(Mathf.Abs(rearSlip) >= ESPThreshold && !overSteering)
underSteering = true;
underSteering = false;
if(underSteering || overSteering)
ESPAct = true;
ESPAct = false;
if(Mathf.Abs(frontSlip) < ESPThreshold || Math.Abs(rearSlip) < ESPThreshold)
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, (brake * ESPStrength) * Mathf.Clamp(frontSlip, 0f, Mathf.Infinity));
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, (brake * ESPStrength) * Mathf.Clamp(-frontSlip, 0f, Mathf.Infinity));
ApplyBrakeTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, (brake * ESPStrength) * Mathf.Clamp(-rearSlip, 0f, Mathf.Infinity));
ApplyBrakeTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, (brake * ESPStrength) * Mathf.Clamp(rearSlip, 0f, Mathf.Infinity));
void ApplyBrakeTorque(RCC_WheelCollider wc, float brake){
if(ABS && handbrakeInput <= .1f){
WheelHit hit;
wc.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
if((Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip) * Mathf.Clamp01(brake)) >= ABSThreshold){
ABSAct = true;
brake = 0;
ABSAct = false;
wc.wheelCollider.brakeTorque = brake;
void ApplySteering(RCC_WheelCollider wc){
wc.wheelCollider.steerAngle = Mathf.Clamp((steerAngle * (steerInput + driftAngle)), -steerAngle, steerAngle);
wc.wheelCollider.steerAngle = Mathf.Clamp((steerAngle * steerInput), -steerAngle, steerAngle);
void ApplyEngineSound(float input){
engineSoundOn.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOn.pitch, 0, Time.deltaTime * 50f);
engineSoundOff.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOff.pitch, 0, Time.deltaTime * 50f);
engineSoundIdle.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOff.pitch, 0, Time.deltaTime * 50f);
if(engineSoundOn.pitch <= .1f && engineSoundOff.pitch <= .1f && engineSoundIdle.pitch <= .1f){
engineSoundOn.volume = _gasInput;
engineSoundOn.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOn.pitch, Mathf.Lerp (minEngineSoundPitch, maxEngineSoundPitch, engineRPM / 7000f), Time.deltaTime * 50f);
engineSoundOff.volume = (1 - _gasInput) - engineSoundIdle.volume;
engineSoundOff.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOff.pitch, Mathf.Lerp (minEngineSoundPitch, maxEngineSoundPitch, (engineRPM) / (7000f)), Time.deltaTime * 50f);
engineSoundIdle.volume = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0f, engineRPM / (maxEngineRPM / 2f));
engineSoundIdle.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundIdle.pitch, Mathf.Lerp (minEngineSoundPitch, maxEngineSoundPitch, (engineRPM) / (7000f)), Time.deltaTime * 50f);
void Braking (){
if(handbrakeInput > .1f){
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, (brake * 1.5f) * handbrakeInput);
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, (brake * 1.5f) * handbrakeInput);
// Braking.
ApplyBrakeTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, brake * (Mathf.Clamp(_brakeInput, 0, 1)));
ApplyBrakeTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, brake * (Mathf.Clamp(_brakeInput, 0, 1)));
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, brake * Mathf.Clamp(_brakeInput, 0, 1) / 2f);
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, brake * Mathf.Clamp(_brakeInput, 0, 1) / 2f);
void AntiRollBars (){
#region Horizontal
WheelHit FrontWheelHit;
float travelFL = 1.0f;
float travelFR = 1.0f;
bool groundedFL= FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out FrontWheelHit);
if (groundedFL)
travelFL = (-FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(FrontWheelHit.point).y - FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.radius) / FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.suspensionDistance;
bool groundedFR= FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out FrontWheelHit);
if (groundedFR)
travelFR = (-FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(FrontWheelHit.point).y - FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.radius) / FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.suspensionDistance;
float antiRollForceFrontHorizontal= (travelFL - travelFR) * antiRollFrontHorizontal;
if (groundedFL)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceFrontHorizontal, FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.position);
if (groundedFR)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceFrontHorizontal, FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.position);
WheelHit RearWheelHit;
float travelRL = 1.0f;
float travelRR = 1.0f;
bool groundedRL= RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out RearWheelHit);
if (groundedRL)
travelRL = (-RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(RearWheelHit.point).y - RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.radius) / RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.suspensionDistance;
bool groundedRR= RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out RearWheelHit);
if (groundedRR)
travelRR = (-RearRightWheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(RearWheelHit.point).y - RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.radius) / RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.suspensionDistance;
float antiRollForceRearHorizontal= (travelRL - travelRR) * antiRollRearHorizontal;
if (groundedRL)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceRearHorizontal, RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.position);
if (groundedRR)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(RearRightWheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceRearHorizontal, RearRightWheelCollider.transform.position);
#region Vertical
float antiRollForceFrontVertical= (travelFL - travelRL) * antiRollVertical;
if (groundedFL)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceFrontVertical, FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.position);
if (groundedRL)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceFrontVertical, RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.position);
float antiRollForceRearVertical= (travelFR - travelRR) * antiRollVertical;
if (groundedFR)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceRearVertical, FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.position);
if (groundedRR)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(RearRightWheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceRearVertical, RearRightWheelCollider.transform.position);
void SteerHelper(){
for (int i = 0; i < allWheelColliders.Length; i++){
WheelHit hit;
allWheelColliders[i].wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
if (hit.normal == Vector3.zero)
if (Mathf.Abs(oldRotation - transform.eulerAngles.y) < 10f){
float turnadjust = (transform.eulerAngles.y - oldRotation) * steerHelperStrength;
Quaternion velRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(turnadjust, Vector3.up);
rigid.velocity = (velRotation * rigid.velocity);
oldRotation = transform.eulerAngles.y;
void TractionHelper(){
Vector3 velocity =rigid.velocity;
velocity -= transform.up * Vector3.Dot(velocity, transform.up);
angle = -Mathf.Asin(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(transform.forward, velocity), transform.up));
angularVelo = rigid.angularVelocity.y;
if (angle * FrontLeftWheelCollider.steerAngle < 0)
FrontLeftRCCWheelCollider.tractionHelpedSidewaysStiffness = (1f - Mathf.Clamp01(tractionHelperStrength * Mathf.Abs(angularVelo)));
FrontLeftRCCWheelCollider.tractionHelpedSidewaysStiffness = 1f;
if (angle * FrontRightWheelCollider.steerAngle < 0)
FrontRightRCCWheelCollider.tractionHelpedSidewaysStiffness = (1f - Mathf.Clamp01(tractionHelperStrength * Mathf.Abs(angularVelo)));
FrontRightRCCWheelCollider.tractionHelpedSidewaysStiffness = 1f;
void Clutch(){
if(speed <= 10f && !cutGas){
clutchInput = Mathf.Lerp(clutchInput, (Mathf.Lerp(1f, (Mathf.Lerp(.2f, 0f, ((RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed + RearRightWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed) / 2f) / (10))), Mathf.Abs(_gasInput))), Time.deltaTime * 50f);
}else if(!cutGas){
clutchInput = Mathf.Lerp(clutchInput, 1, Time.deltaTime * 10f);
clutchInput = Mathf.Lerp(clutchInput, 0, Time.deltaTime * 10f);
if(cutGas || handbrakeInput >= .1f)
clutchInput = 1f;
clutchInput = Mathf.Clamp01(clutchInput);
void GearBox (){
idleInput = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0f, engineRPM / minEngineRPM);
idleInput = 0f;
//Reversing Bool.
if(brakeInput > .9f && transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigid.velocity).z < 1f && canGoReverseNow && automaticGear && !semiAutomaticGear && !changingGear && direction != -1)
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", -1);
else if(brakeInput < .1f && transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigid.velocity).z > -1f && direction == -1 && !changingGear && automaticGear && !semiAutomaticGear)
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", 0);
if(currentGear < totalGears - 1 && !changingGear){
if(speed >= (gearSpeed[currentGear] * .7f) && FrontLeftWheelCollider.rpm > 0){
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear + 1);
else if(semiAutomaticGear && direction != -1)
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear + 1);
if(currentGear > 0){
if(speed < (gearSpeed[currentGear - 1] * .5f) && direction != -1){
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear - 1);
if(direction == -1){
reversingSound.volume = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, speed / 60f);
reversingSound.pitch = reversingSound.volume;
reversingSound.volume = 0f;
reversingSound.pitch = 0f;
internal IEnumerator ChangingGear(int gear){
changingGear = true;
print ("Shifted to: " + (gear).ToString());
if(gearShiftingClips.Length > 0){
gearShiftingSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Gear Shifting AudioSource", 5, 5, RCCSettings.maxGearShiftingSoundVolume, gearShiftingClips[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, gearShiftingClips.Length)], false, true, true);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(gearShiftingDelay);
if(gear == -1){
currentGear = 0;
direction = -1;
currentGear = gear;
direction = 1;
changingGear = false;
void RevLimiter(){
if((useRevLimiter && engineRPM >= maxEngineRPM * 1.05f))
cutGas = true;
else if(engineRPM < maxEngineRPM)
cutGas = false;
void NOS(){
if(boostInput > 1.5f && _gasInput >= .8f && NoS > 5){
NoS -= NoSConsumption * Time.deltaTime;
NoSRegenerateTime = 0f;
if(NoS < 100 && NoSRegenerateTime > 3)
NoS += (NoSConsumption / 1.5f) * Time.deltaTime;
NoSRegenerateTime += Time.deltaTime;
blowSound.clip = RCCSettings.blowoutClip[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, RCCSettings.blowoutClip.Length)];
void Turbo(){
turboBoost = Mathf.Lerp(turboBoost, Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Pow(_gasInput, 10) * 30f + Mathf.Pow(engineRPM / maxEngineRPM, 10) * 30f, 0f, 30f), Time.deltaTime * 10f);
if(turboBoost >= 25f){
if(turboBoost < (turboSound.volume * 30f)){
blowSound.clip = RCCSettings.blowoutClip[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, RCCSettings.blowoutClip.Length)];
turboSound.volume = Mathf.Lerp(turboSound.volume, turboBoost / 30f, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
turboSound.pitch = Mathf.Lerp(Mathf.Clamp(turboSound.pitch, 2f, 3f), (turboBoost / 30f) * 2f, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
void DriftVariables(){
WheelHit hit;
RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
if(speed > 1f && driftingNow)
driftAngle = hit.sidewaysSlip * 1f;
driftAngle = 0f;
if(Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip) > .25f)
driftingNow = true;
driftingNow = false;
void ResetCar (){
if(speed < 5 && !rigid.isKinematic){
if(transform.eulerAngles.z < 300 && transform.eulerAngles.z > 60){
resetTime += Time.deltaTime;
if(resetTime > 3){
transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 3, transform.position.z);
resetTime = 0f;
void OnCollisionEnter (Collision collision){
if (collision.contacts.Length < 1 || collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude < minimumCollisionForce)
if(crashClips.Length > 0){
if (collision.contacts[0].thisCollider.gameObject.transform != transform.parent){
crashSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Crash Sound AudioSource", 5, 20, RCCSettings.maxCrashSoundVolume, crashClips[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, crashClips.Length)], false, true, true);
Vector3 colRelVel = collision.relativeVelocity;
colRelVel *= 1f - Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(transform.up,collision.contacts[0].normal));
float cos = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(collision.contacts[0].normal, colRelVel.normalized));
if (colRelVel.magnitude * cos >= minimumCollisionForce){
sleep = false;
localVector = transform.InverseTransformDirection(colRelVel) * (damageMultiplier / 50f);
if (originalMeshData == null)
for (int i = 0; i < deformableMeshFilters.Length; i++){
DeformMesh(deformableMeshFilters[i].mesh, originalMeshData[i].meshVerts, collision, cos, deformableMeshFilters[i].transform, rot);
if(GameObject.FindObjectOfType if(GameObject.FindObjectOfType<RCC_Camera>().playerCar == transform)
void OnGUI (){
if(RCCSettings.useTelemetry && canControl){
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 12;
GUI.skin.box.fontSize = 12;
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.gray;
float guiWidth = Screen.width / 2f;
GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - 400 - guiWidth, 10, 800, 270), "");
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 10, 400, 150), "Engine RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(engineRPM));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 10, 400, 150), "Engine Running : " + (engineRunning == true ? "Running" : "Stopped").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 30, 400, 150), "Engine Starter : " + (engineStarting == true ? "Starting" : "Stopped").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Engine Sound On Volume: " + engineSoundOn.volume.ToString("F1"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 110, 400, 150), "Engine Sound On Pitch: " + engineSoundOn.pitch.ToString("F1"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 130, 400, 150), "Engine Sound Off Volume: " + engineSoundOff.volume.ToString("F1"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 150, 400, 150), "Engine Sound Off Pitch: " + engineSoundOff.pitch.ToString("F1"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 30, 400, 150), "Speed " + (RCCSettings.units == RCC_Settings.Units.KMH ? "(KM/H)" : "(MP/H)") + Mathf.CeilToInt(speed));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 50, 400, 150), "Steer Angle : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontLeftWheelCollider.steerAngle));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 70, 400, 150), "Automatic Shifting : " + (automaticGear == true ? "Automatic" : "Manual").ToString());
// if(!changingGear)
// GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Gear No : " + (direction != -1 ? (currentGear + 1).ToString() : "R").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Gear No : " + (direction == 1 ? ((currentGear + 1).ToString()) : "R"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Gear No : " + "N");
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 230, 400, 150), "Mobile Horizontal Tilt : " + Input.acceleration.x);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 250, 400, 150), "Mobile Vertical Tilt : " + Input.acceleration.y);
//Front Wheels
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 10, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontLeftWheelCollider.rpm));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 10, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontRightWheelCollider.rpm));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 30, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel Torque : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.motorTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 30, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel Torque : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.motorTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 50, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel brake : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 50, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel brake : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque));
WheelHit hit;
FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
http://GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 190, 400, 150), "Speed: " + speed);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 210, 400, 150), "WCSpeed: " + RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 230, 400, 150), "UnderSteer: " + overSteering);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 250, 400, 150), "OverSteer: " + underSteering);
if(FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit)){
http://GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 50, 400, 150), "Ground Material : " + _groundMaterial.ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 70, 400, 150), "Ground Grip : " + FrontLeftWheelCollider.forwardFrictionCurve.stiffness);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 70, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel Force : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(hit.force));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel Sideways Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 110, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel Forward Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip)).ToString("F2"));
FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 70, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel Force : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(hit.force));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel Sideways Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 110, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel Forward Grip : " +(1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 170, 400, 150), "ABS: " + ABS + ". Current State: " + (ABSAct == true ? "Engaged" : "Safe").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 190, 400, 150), "TCS: " + TCS + ". Current State: " + (TCSAct == true ? "Engaged" : "Safe").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 210, 400, 150), "ESP: " + ESP + ". Current State: " + (ESPAct == true ? "Engaged" : "Safe").ToString());
//Rear Wheels
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 150, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearLeftWheelCollider.rpm));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 150, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearRightWheelCollider.rpm));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 170, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel Torque : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.motorTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 170, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel Torque : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.motorTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 190, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel brake : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 190, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel brake : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque));
RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 210, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel Force : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(hit.force));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 230, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel Sideways Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 250, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel Forward Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip)).ToString("F2"));
RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 210, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel Force : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(hit.force));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 230, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel Sideways Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 250, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel Forward Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green;
GUI.Button (new Rect(Screen.width-20 - guiWidth, 260, 10, Mathf.Clamp((-_gasInput * 100), -100, 0)), "");
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.red;
GUI.Button (new Rect(Screen.width-35 - guiWidth, 260, 10, Mathf.Clamp((-_brakeInput * 100), -100, 0)), "");
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.blue;
GUI.Button (new Rect(Screen.width-50 - guiWidth, 260, 10, Mathf.Clamp((-clutchInput * 100), -100, 0)), "");
bool OverTorque(){
if(speed > maxspeed || !engineRunning)
return true;
return false;
void OnDrawGizmos(){
WheelHit hit;
for(int i = 0; i < allWheelColliders.Length; i++){
allWheelColliders[i].wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
Matrix4x4 temp = Gizmos.matrix;
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(allWheelColliders[i].transform.position, Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.right), Vector3.one);
Gizmos.color = new Color((hit.force / rigid.mass) / 5f, (-hit.force / rigid.mass) / 5f, 0f);
Gizmos.DrawFrustum(Vector3.zero, 2f, hit.force / rigid.mass, .1f, 1f);
Gizmos.matrix = temp;
public void TorqueCurve (){
if(defMaxSpeed != maxspeed){
if(totalGears < 1){
Debug.LogError("You are trying to set your vehicle gear to 0 or below! Why you trying to do this???");
totalGears = 1;
gearSpeed = new float[totalGears];
engineTorqueCurve = new AnimationCurve[totalGears];
currentGear = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < engineTorqueCurve.Length; i ++){
engineTorqueCurve[i] = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 1));
for(int i = 0; i < totalGears; i ++){
gearSpeed[i] = Mathf.Lerp(0, maxspeed, ((float)(i+1)/(float)(totalGears)));
if(i != 0){
engineTorqueCurve[i].MoveKey(0, new Keyframe(0, Mathf.Lerp (.25f, 0, (float)(i+1) / (float)totalGears)));
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(Mathf.Lerp(0, maxspeed / 1f, ((float)(i)/(float)(totalGears))), Mathf.Lerp(1f, .25f, ((float)(i)/(float)(totalGears))));
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(gearSpeed[i], .1f);
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(gearSpeed[i] * 2f, -3f);
engineTorqueCurve[i].postWrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;
engineTorqueCurve[i].MoveKey(0, new Keyframe(0, 1));
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(Mathf.Lerp (0, maxspeed / 1f, (float)(i+1) / (float)totalGears), 1f);
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(Mathf.Lerp(25, maxspeed / 1f, ((float)(i+1) / (float)(totalGears))), 0f);
engineTorqueCurve[i].postWrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;
defMaxSpeed = maxspeed;
void OnDisable(){
if(gameObject.GetComponentInChildren gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<RCC_Camera>().transform.SetParent(null);
O problema é que agr o mesh.optimize nao funciona como faço a mesma funcao nas novas versoes do unity para tirar esse erro?
Obrigado pela atenção e flw
O script :
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Audio;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
[AddComponentMenu("BoneCracker Games/Realistic Car Controller/Realistic Car Controller V3")]
[RequireComponent (typeof(Rigidbody))]
public class RCC_CarControllerV3 : MonoBehaviour {
private RCC_Settings RCCSettings{get{return RCC_Settings.Instance;}}
private Rigidbody rigid; // Rigidbody.
internal bool sleepingRigid = false; // Used For Disabling Unnecessary Raycasts When RB Is Sleeping.
public bool AIController = false; // Use AI Controller.
// Wheel Transforms Of The Vehicle.
public Transform FrontLeftWheelTransform;
public Transform FrontRightWheelTransform;
public Transform RearLeftWheelTransform;
public Transform RearRightWheelTransform;
// Wheel Colliders Of The Vehicle.
public RCC_WheelCollider FrontLeftWheelCollider;
public RCC_WheelCollider FrontRightWheelCollider;
public RCC_WheelCollider RearLeftWheelCollider;
public RCC_WheelCollider RearRightWheelCollider;
private RCC_WheelCollider FrontLeftRCCWheelCollider;
private RCC_WheelCollider FrontRightRCCWheelCollider;
// All Wheel Colliders.
internal RCC_WheelCollider[] allWheelColliders;
// Extra Wheels. In case of if your vehicle has extra wheels.
public Transform[] ExtraRearWheelsTransform;
public RCC_WheelCollider[] ExtraRearWheelsCollider;
public bool applyEngineTorqueToExtraRearWheelColliders = true; //Applies Engine Torque To Extra Rear Wheels.
public Transform SteeringWheel; // Driver Steering Wheel. In case of if your vehicle has individual steering wheel model in interior.
// Set wheel drive of the vehicle. If you are using rwd, you have to be careful with your rear wheel collider
// settings and com of the vehicle. Otherwise, vehicle will behave like a toy.
public WheelType _wheelTypeChoise = WheelType.RWD;
public enum WheelType{FWD, RWD, AWD, BIASED}
[Range(0f, 100f)]public float biasedWheelTorque = 100f;
//Center of mass.
public Transform COM;
public bool canControl = true; // Enables/Disables controlling the vehicle.
public bool runEngineAtAwake{get{return RCCSettings.runEngineAtAwake;}} // Engine Running At Awake?
public bool engineRunning = false; // Engine Running Now?
public bool autoReverse{get{return RCCSettings.autoReverse;}} // Enables/Disables auto reversing when player press brake button. Useful for if you are making parking style game.
public bool automaticGear{get{return RCCSettings.useAutomaticGear;}} // Enables/Disables automatic gear shifting of the vehicle.
public bool semiAutomaticGear = false; // Enables/Disables automatic gear shifting of the vehicle.
public bool automaticClutch = true; // Enables/Disables automatic clutch of the vehicle.
private bool canGoReverseNow = false;
public AnimationCurve[] engineTorqueCurve; // Each Gear Ratio Curves Generated By Editor Script.
public float[] gearSpeed; // Target Speed For Changing Gear.
public float engineTorque = 3000f; // Default Engine Torque.
public float maxEngineRPM = 7000f; // Maximum Engine RPM.
public float minEngineRPM = 1000f; // Minimum Engine RPM.
[Range(.75f, 2f)]public float engineInertia = 1f;
public bool useRevLimiter = true;
public bool useExhaustFlame = true;
public float steerAngle = 40f; // Maximum Steer Angle Of Your Vehicle.
public float highspeedsteerAngle = 15f; // Maximum Steer Angle At Highest Speed.
public float highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed = 100f; // Highest Speed For Maximum Steer Angle.
public float antiRollFrontHorizontal = 5000f; // Anti Roll Force For Preventing Flip Overs And Stability.
public float antiRollRearHorizontal = 5000f; // Anti Roll Force For Preventing Flip Overs And Stability.
public float antiRollVertical = 500f; // Anti Roll Force For Preventing Flip Overs And Stability.
public float downForce = 25f; // Applies Downforce Related With Vehicle Speed.
public float speed; // Vehicle Speed.
public float brake = 2500f; // Maximum Brake Torque.
private float defMaxSpeed;
public float maxspeed = 220f; //Maximum Speed.
private float resetTime = 0f;
private float orgSteerAngle = 0f;
public float fuelInput = 1f;
// Gears.
public int currentGear = 0; // Current Gear Of The Vehicle.
public int totalGears = 6; // Total Gears Of The Vehicle.
[Range(0f, .5f)]public float gearShiftingDelay = .35f;
public bool changingGear = false; // Changing Gear Currently.
public int direction = 1; // Reverse Gear Currently.
public bool autoGenerateGearCurves = true;
public bool autoGenerateTargetSpeedsForChangingGear = true;
private bool engineStarting = false;
//AudioSources and AudioClips.
private AudioSource engineStartSound;
public AudioClip engineStartClip;
internal AudioSource engineSoundOn;
public AudioClip engineClipOn;
private AudioSource engineSoundOff;
public AudioClip engineClipOff;
private AudioSource engineSoundIdle;
public AudioClip engineClipIdle;
private AudioSource gearShiftingSound;
private AudioClip[] gearShiftingClips{get{return RCCSettings.gearShiftingClips;}}
private AudioSource crashSound;
private AudioClip[] crashClips{get{return RCCSettings.crashClips;}}
private AudioSource reversingSound;
private AudioClip reversingClip{get{return RCCSettings.reversingClip;}}
private AudioSource windSound;
private AudioClip windClip{get{return RCCSettings.windClip;}}
private AudioSource brakeSound;
private AudioClip brakeClip{get{return RCCSettings.brakeClip;}}
private AudioSource NOSSound;
private AudioClip NOSClip{get{return RCCSettings.NOSClip;}}
private AudioSource turboSound;
private AudioClip turboClip{get{return RCCSettings.turboClip;}}
private AudioSource blowSound;
private AudioClip blowClip{get{return RCCSettings.turboClip;}}
[Range(.25f, 1f)]public float minEngineSoundPitch = .75f;
[Range(1.25f, 2f)]public float maxEngineSoundPitch = 1.75f;
[Range(0f, 1f)]public float minEngineSoundVolume = .05f;
[Range(0f, 1f)]public float maxEngineSoundVolume = .85f;
private GameObject allAudioSources;
private GameObject allContactParticles;
// Inputs.
[HideInInspector]public float gasInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float brakeInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float steerInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float clutchInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float handbrakeInput = 0f;
[HideInInspector]public float boostInput = 1f;
[HideInInspector]public bool cutGas = false;
[HideInInspector]public float idleInput = 0f;
internal float _gasInput{get{
if(fuelInput <= .25f)
return 0f;
if(!automaticGear || semiAutomaticGear){
if(!changingGear && !cutGas)
return Mathf.Clamp01(gasInput);
return 0f;
if(!changingGear && !cutGas)
return (direction == 1 ? Mathf.Clamp01(gasInput) : Mathf.Clamp01(brakeInput));
return 0f;
}set{gasInput = value;}}
internal float _brakeInput{get{
if(!automaticGear || semiAutomaticGear){
return Mathf.Clamp01(brakeInput);
return (direction == 1 ? Mathf.Clamp01(brakeInput) : Mathf.Clamp01(gasInput));
return 0f;
}set{brakeInput = value;}}
internal float _boostInput{get{
if(useNOS && NoS > 5 && _gasInput >= .5f){
return boostInput;
return 1f;
}set{boostInput = value;}}
internal float engineRPM = 0f; // Actual Engine RPM.
internal float rawEngineRPM = 0f; // Smoothed Engine RPM.
public GameObject chassis; // Script Will Simulate Chassis Movement Based On Vehicle Rigidbody Velocity.
// Lights.
public bool lowBeamHeadLightsOn = false;
public bool highBeamHeadLightsOn = false;
// For Indicators.
public IndicatorsOn indicatorsOn;
public enum IndicatorsOn{Off, Right, Left, All}
public float indicatorTimer = 0f;
// Damage.
public bool useDamage = true;
struct originalMeshVerts{public Vector3[] meshVerts;}
public MeshFilter[] deformableMeshFilters;
public float randomizeVertices = 1f;
public float damageRadius = .5f;
private float minimumVertDistanceForDamagedMesh = .002f; // Comparing Original Vertex Positions Between Last Vertex Positions To Decide Mesh Is Repaired Or Not.
private Vector3[] colliderVerts;
private originalMeshVerts[] originalMeshData;
[HideInInspector]public bool sleep = true;
public float maximumDamage = .5f; // Maximum Vert Distance For Limiting Damage. 0 Value Will Disable The Limit.
private float minimumCollisionForce = 5f;
public float damageMultiplier = 1f;
public GameObject contactSparkle{get{return RCCSettings.contactParticles;}}
public int maximumContactSparkle = 5;
private List<ParticleSystem> contactSparkeList = new List<ParticleSystem>();
public bool repairNow = false;
private Vector3 localVector;
private Quaternion rot = Quaternion.identity;
private float oldRotation;
//Driving Assistances.
public bool ABS = true;
public bool TCS = true;
public bool ESP = true;
public bool steeringHelper = true;
public bool tractionHelper = true;
public bool ABSAct = false;
public bool TCSAct = false;
public bool ESPAct = false;
[Range(.05f, .5f)]public float ABSThreshold = .35f;
[Range(.05f, .5f)]public float TCSThreshold = .25f;
[Range(0f, 1f)]public float TCSStrength = 1f;
[Range(.05f, .5f)]public float ESPThreshold = .25f;
[Range(.1f, 1f)]public float ESPStrength = .5f;
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float steerHelperStrength = .1f;
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float tractionHelperStrength = .1f;
public bool overSteering = false;
public bool underSteering = false;
// Drift Variables
internal float driftAngle = 0f;
internal bool driftingNow = false;
private bool applyCounterSteering = false;
public float frontCamber = 0f;
public float rearCamber = 0f;
public float frontSlip = 0f;
public float rearSlip = 0f;
float angle;
float angularVelo;
//private WheelCollider anyWheel;
public float turboBoost = 0f;
public float NoS = 100f;
private float NoSConsumption = 25f;
private float NoSRegenerateTime = 10f;
public bool useNOS = false;
public bool useTurbo = false;
void Awake (){
Time.fixedDeltaTime = RCCSettings.fixedTimeStep;
rigid = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
rigid.maxAngularVelocity = RCCSettings.maxAngularVelocity;
rigid.drag = .05f;
rigid.angularDrag = .5f;
allWheelColliders = GetComponentsInChildren<RCC_WheelCollider>();
//anyWheel = GetComponentInChildren<WheelCollider>();
http://anyWheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(10f, 5, 5);
FrontLeftRCCWheelCollider = FrontLeftWheelCollider.GetComponent<RCC_WheelCollider>();
FrontRightRCCWheelCollider = FrontRightWheelCollider.GetComponent<RCC_WheelCollider>();
FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelModel = FrontLeftWheelTransform;
FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelModel = FrontRightWheelTransform;
RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelModel = RearLeftWheelTransform;
RearRightWheelCollider.wheelModel = RearRightWheelTransform;
for (int i = 0; i < ExtraRearWheelsCollider.Length; i++) {
ExtraRearWheelsCollider[i].wheelModel = ExtraRearWheelsTransform[i];
orgSteerAngle = steerAngle;
allAudioSources = new GameObject("All Audio Sources");
allAudioSources.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
allContactParticles = new GameObject("All Contact Particles");
allContactParticles.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.SemiArcade:
steeringHelper = true;
tractionHelper = true;
ABS = false;
ESP = false;
TCS = false;
steerHelperStrength = Mathf.Clamp(steerHelperStrength, .25f, 1f);
tractionHelperStrength = Mathf.Clamp(tractionHelperStrength, .25f, 1f);
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 10000f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 10000f, Mathf.Infinity);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Drift:
steeringHelper = false;
tractionHelper = false;
ABS = false;
ESP = false;
TCS = false;
highspeedsteerAngle = Mathf.Clamp(highspeedsteerAngle, 40f, 50f);
highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed = Mathf.Clamp(highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed, 100f, maxspeed);
applyCounterSteering = true;
engineTorque = Mathf.Clamp(engineTorque, 5000f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 3500f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 3500f, Mathf.Infinity);
gearShiftingDelay = Mathf.Clamp(gearShiftingDelay, 0f, .15f);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Fun:
steeringHelper = false;
tractionHelper = false;
ABS = false;
ESP = false;
TCS = false;
highspeedsteerAngle = Mathf.Clamp(highspeedsteerAngle, 30f, 50f);
highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed = Mathf.Clamp(highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed, 100f, maxspeed);
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 50000f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 50000f, Mathf.Infinity);
gearShiftingDelay = Mathf.Clamp(gearShiftingDelay, 0f, .1f);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Racing:
steeringHelper = true;
tractionHelper = true;
steerHelperStrength = Mathf.Clamp(steerHelperStrength, .25f, 1f);
tractionHelperStrength = Mathf.Clamp(tractionHelperStrength, .25f, 1f);
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 10000f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 10000f, Mathf.Infinity);
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Simulator:
antiRollFrontHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollFrontHorizontal, 2500f, Mathf.Infinity);
antiRollRearHorizontal = Mathf.Clamp(antiRollRearHorizontal, 2500f, Mathf.Infinity);
void Start(){
rigid.centerOfMass = transform.InverseTransformPoint(COM.transform.position);
if(RCC_Settings.Instance.controllerType == RCC_Settings.ControllerType.Mobile){
void OnEnable(){
IEnumerator ReEnable(){
yield return null;
GameObject _joint = chassis.GetComponentInParent<ConfigurableJoint>().gameObject;
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
rigid.centerOfMass = transform.InverseTransformPoint(COM.transform.position);
changingGear = false;
public void CreateWheelColliders (){
List <Transform> allWheelModels = new List<Transform>();
allWheelModels.Add(FrontLeftWheelTransform); allWheelModels.Add(FrontRightWheelTransform); allWheelModels.Add(RearLeftWheelTransform); allWheelModels.Add(RearRightWheelTransform);
if(allWheelModels != null && allWheelModels[0] == null){
Debug.LogError("You haven't choose your Wheel Models. Please select all of your Wheel Models before creating Wheel Colliders. Script needs to know their sizes and positions, aye?");
transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
GameObject WheelColliders = new GameObject("Wheel Colliders");
WheelColliders.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
WheelColliders.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
WheelColliders.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
WheelColliders.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
foreach(Transform wheel in allWheelModels){
GameObject wheelcollider = new GameObject(wheel.transform.name);
wheelcollider.transform.position = wheel.transform.position;
wheelcollider.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
wheelcollider.transform.name = wheel.transform.name;
wheelcollider.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
Bounds biggestBound = new Bounds();
Renderer[] renderers = wheel.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();
foreach (Renderer render in renderers) {
if (render != GetComponent<Renderer>()){
if(render.bounds.size.z > biggestBound.size.z)
biggestBound = render.bounds;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().radius = (biggestBound.extents.y) / transform.localScale.y;
JointSpring spring = wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().suspensionSpring;
spring.spring = 40000f;
spring.damper = 2000f;
spring.targetPosition = .4f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().suspensionSpring = spring;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().suspensionDistance = .2f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().forceAppPointDistance = .1f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().mass = 40f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().wheelDampingRate = 1f;
WheelFrictionCurve sidewaysFriction;
WheelFrictionCurve forwardFriction;
sidewaysFriction = wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().sidewaysFriction;
forwardFriction = wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().forwardFriction;
wheelcollider.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(wheelcollider.transform.localPosition.x, wheelcollider.transform.localPosition.y + wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().suspensionDistance, wheelcollider.transform.localPosition.z);
forwardFriction.extremumSlip = .2f;
forwardFriction.extremumValue = 1;
forwardFriction.asymptoteSlip = .8f;
forwardFriction.asymptoteValue = .75f;
forwardFriction.stiffness = 1.5f;
sidewaysFriction.extremumSlip = .25f;
sidewaysFriction.extremumValue = 1;
sidewaysFriction.asymptoteSlip = .5f;
sidewaysFriction.asymptoteValue = .75f;
sidewaysFriction.stiffness = 1.5f;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().sidewaysFriction = sidewaysFriction;
wheelcollider.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().forwardFriction = forwardFriction;
RCC_WheelCollider[] allWheelColliders = new RCC_WheelCollider[allWheelModels.Count];
allWheelColliders = GetComponentsInChildren<RCC_WheelCollider>();
FrontLeftWheelCollider = allWheelColliders[0];
FrontRightWheelCollider = allWheelColliders[1];
RearLeftWheelCollider = allWheelColliders[2];
RearRightWheelCollider = allWheelColliders[3];
void SoundsInitialize (){
engineSoundOn = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Engine Sound On AudioSource", 5, 100, 0, engineClipOn, true, true, false);
engineSoundOff = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Engine Sound Off AudioSource", 5, 100, 0, engineClipOff, true, true, false);
engineSoundIdle = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Engine Sound Idle AudioSource", 5, 100, 0, engineClipIdle, true, true, false);
reversingSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Reverse Sound AudioSource", 5, 10, 0, reversingClip, true, false, false);
windSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Wind Sound AudioSource", 5, 10, 0, windClip, true, true, false);
brakeSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Brake Sound AudioSource", 5, 10, 0, brakeClip, true, true, false);
NOSSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "NOS Sound AudioSource", 5, 10, 1f, NOSClip, true, false, false);
if(useNOS || useTurbo)
blowSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "NOS Blow", 3f, 10f, 1f, null, false, false, false);
turboSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Turbo Sound AudioSource", .1f, .5f, 0f, turboClip, true, true, false);
RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewHighPassFilter(turboSound, 10000f, 10);
public void KillOrStartEngine (){
if(engineRunning && !engineStarting){
engineRunning = false;
fuelInput = 0f;
}else if(!engineStarting){
public IEnumerator StartEngine (){
engineRunning = false;
engineStarting = true;
engineStartSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Engine Start AudioSource", 5, 10, 1, engineStartClip, false, true, true);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
engineRunning = true;
fuelInput = 1f;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
engineStarting = false;
void ChassisJoint(){
GameObject colliders = new GameObject("Colliders");
colliders.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
GameObject chassisJoint;
Transform[] childTransforms = chassis.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
foreach(Transform t in childTransforms){
if(t.gameObject.activeSelf && t.GetComponent<Collider>()){
GameObject newGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(t.gameObject, t.transform.position, t.transform.rotation);
newGO.transform.SetParent(colliders.transform, true);
newGO.transform.localScale = t.lossyScale;
Component[] components = newGO.GetComponents(typeof(Component));
foreach(Component comp in components){
if(!(comp is Transform) && !(comp is Collider)){
chassisJoint = (GameObject)Instantiate((Resources.Load("RCCAssets/Chassis Joint", typeof(GameObject))), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
chassisJoint.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().connectedBody = rigid;
chassis.transform.SetParent(chassisJoint.transform, false);
Collider[] collidersInChassis = chassis.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>();
foreach(Collider c in collidersInChassis){
case RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Fun:
SoftJointLimit joint = new SoftJointLimit();
joint.limit = -10f;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().lowAngularXLimit = joint;
joint.limit = 10f;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().linearLimit = joint;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().highAngularXLimit = joint;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().angularYLimit = joint;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().angularZLimit = joint;
JointDrive jointDrive = new JointDrive();
jointDrive.positionSpring = 300f;
jointDrive.positionDamper = 5f;
jointDrive.maximumForce = chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().xDrive.maximumForce;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().xDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().yDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().zDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().angularXDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>().angularYZDrive = jointDrive;
chassisJoint.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().centerOfMass = transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(chassisJoint.transform.position.x, chassisJoint.transform.position.y + 1f, chassisJoint.transform.position.z));
void DamageInit (){
if (deformableMeshFilters.Length == 0){
MeshFilter[] allMeshFilters = GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>();
List <MeshFilter> properMeshFilters = new List<MeshFilter>();
foreach(MeshFilter mf in allMeshFilters){
if(!mf.transform.IsChildOf(FrontLeftWheelTransform) && !mf.transform.IsChildOf(FrontRightWheelTransform) && !mf.transform.IsChildOf(RearLeftWheelTransform) && !mf.transform.IsChildOf(RearRightWheelTransform))
deformableMeshFilters = properMeshFilters.ToArray();
for(int i = 0; i < maximumContactSparkle; i++){
GameObject sparks = (GameObject)Instantiate(contactSparkle, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
em.enabled = false;
void LoadOriginalMeshData(){
originalMeshData = new originalMeshVerts[deformableMeshFilters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < deformableMeshFilters.Length; i++){
originalMeshData[i].meshVerts = deformableMeshFilters[i].mesh.vertices;
void Damage(){
if (!sleep && repairNow){
int k;
sleep = true;
for(k = 0; k < deformableMeshFilters.Length; k++){
Vector3[] vertices = deformableMeshFilters[k].mesh.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++){
vertices[i] += (originalMeshData[k].meshVerts[i] - vertices[i]) * (Time.deltaTime * 2f);
if((originalMeshData[k].meshVerts[i] - vertices[i]).magnitude >= minimumVertDistanceForDamagedMesh)
sleep = false;
repairNow = false;
void DeformMesh(Mesh mesh, Vector3[] originalMesh, Collision collision, float cos, Transform meshTransform, Quaternion rot){
Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
foreach (ContactPoint contact in collision.contacts){
Vector3 point = meshTransform.InverseTransformPoint(contact.point);
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++){
if ((point - vertices[i]).magnitude < damageRadius){
vertices[i] += rot * ((localVector * (damageRadius - (point - vertices[i]).magnitude) / damageRadius) * cos + (UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * (randomizeVertices / 500f)));
if (maximumDamage > 0 && ((vertices[i] - originalMesh[i]).magnitude) > maximumDamage){
vertices[i] = originalMesh[i] + (vertices[i] - originalMesh[i]).normalized * (maximumDamage);
mesh.vertices = vertices;
void CollisionParticles(Vector3 contactPoint){
for(int i = 0; i < contactSparkeList.Count; i++){
contactSparkeList[i].transform.position = contactPoint;
ParticleSystem.EmissionModule em = contactSparkeList[i].emission;
em.enabled = true;
void Update (){
}else if(!AIController){
// _gasInput = 0f;
// brakeInput = 0f;
// boostInput = 1f;
// handbrakeInput = 1f;
indicatorTimer += Time.deltaTime;
void Inputs(){
case RCC_Settings.ControllerType.Keyboard:
gasInput = Input.GetAxis(RCCSettings.verticalInput);
brakeInput = Mathf.Clamp01(-Input.GetAxis(RCCSettings.verticalInput));
handbrakeInput = Input.GetKey(RCCSettings.handbrakeKB) ? 1f : 0f;
steerInput = Input.GetAxis(RCCSettings.horizontalInput);
boostInput = Input.GetKey(RCCSettings.boostKB) ? 2.5f : 1f;
lowBeamHeadLightsOn = !lowBeamHeadLightsOn;
highBeamHeadLightsOn = true;
}else if(Input.GetKeyUp(RCCSettings.highBeamHeadlightsKB)){
highBeamHeadLightsOn = false;
if(indicatorsOn != IndicatorsOn.Right)
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Right;
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Off;
if(indicatorsOn != IndicatorsOn.Left)
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Left;
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Off;
if(indicatorsOn != IndicatorsOn.All){
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Off;
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.All;
indicatorsOn = IndicatorsOn.Off;
if(currentGear < totalGears - 1 && !changingGear){
if(direction != -1)
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear + 1);
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", 0);
if(currentGear >= 0){
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear - 1);
void FixedUpdate (){
ESPCheck(rigid.angularVelocity.y, FrontLeftWheelCollider.steerAngle);
if(RCCSettings.behaviorType == RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Drift){
rigid.angularVelocity = new Vector3(rigid.angularVelocity.x, rigid.angularVelocity.y + (direction * steerInput / 30f), rigid.angularVelocity.z);
if(RCCSettings.behaviorType == RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.SemiArcade || RCCSettings.behaviorType == RCC_Settings.BehaviorType.Fun){
rigid.angularVelocity = new Vector3(rigid.angularVelocity.x, ((direction * (steerInput * Mathf.Lerp(0f, 2f, speed / 20f)))), rigid.angularVelocity.z);
http://rigid.angularVelocity = new Vector3(rigid.angularVelocity.x, Mathf.Lerp(rigid.angularVelocity.y, ((direction * (steerInput * 2f))), Time.fixedDeltaTime * 10f), rigid.angularVelocity.z);
void Engine (){
speed = rigid.velocity.magnitude * 3.6f;
//Steer Limit.
steerAngle = Mathf.Lerp(orgSteerAngle, highspeedsteerAngle, (speed / highspeedsteerAngleAtspeed));
//Driver SteeringWheel Transform.
SteeringWheel.transform.rotation = transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(20, 0, (FrontLeftWheelCollider.steerAngle) * -6);
if(rigid.velocity.magnitude < .01f && Mathf.Abs(steerInput) < .01f && Mathf.Abs(_gasInput) < .01f && Mathf.Abs(rigid.angularVelocity.magnitude) < .01f)
sleepingRigid = true;
sleepingRigid = false;
rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.MoveTowards(rawEngineRPM,
(maxEngineRPM * 1.1f) *
(Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, (1f - clutchInput) * ((((RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed + RearRightWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed) * direction) / 2f) / gearSpeed[currentGear])) + (((_gasInput) * clutchInput) + idleInput) * fuelInput))
, engineInertia * 100f), 0f, maxEngineRPM * 1.1f);
engineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(engineRPM, rawEngineRPM, Mathf.Lerp(Time.fixedDeltaTime * 5f, Time.fixedDeltaTime * 50f, rawEngineRPM / maxEngineRPM));
//Auto Reverse Bool.
canGoReverseNow = true;
if(_brakeInput < .1f && speed < 5)
canGoReverseNow = true;
else if(_brakeInput > 0 && transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigid.velocity).z > 1f)
canGoReverseNow = false;
#region Wheel Type Motor Torque.
//Applying WheelCollider Motor Torques Depends On Wheel Type Choice.
case WheelType.FWD:
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, engineTorque);
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, engineTorque);
case WheelType.RWD:
ApplyMotorTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, engineTorque);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, engineTorque);
case WheelType.AWD:
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, engineTorque / 2f);
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, engineTorque / 2f);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, engineTorque / 2f);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, engineTorque / 2f);
case WheelType.BIASED:
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, (engineTorque * (100 - biasedWheelTorque)) / 100f);
ApplyMotorTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, (engineTorque * (100 - biasedWheelTorque)) / 100f);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, (engineTorque * biasedWheelTorque) / 100f);
ApplyMotorTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, (engineTorque * biasedWheelTorque) / 100f);
if(ExtraRearWheelsCollider.Length > 0 && applyEngineTorqueToExtraRearWheelColliders){
for(int i = 0; i < ExtraRearWheelsCollider.Length; i++){
ApplyMotorTorque(ExtraRearWheelsCollider[i], engineTorque);
#endregion Wheel Type
void Sounds(){
windSound.volume = Mathf.Lerp (0f, RCCSettings.maxWindSoundVolume, speed / 300f);
windSound.pitch = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.9f, 1f);
if(direction == 1)
brakeSound.volume = Mathf.Lerp (0f, RCCSettings.maxBrakeSoundVolume, Mathf.Clamp01((FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque + FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque) / (brake * 2f)) * Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, FrontLeftWheelCollider.rpm / 50f));
brakeSound.volume = 0f;
void ApplyMotorTorque(RCC_WheelCollider wc, float torque){
WheelHit hit;
wc.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
if(Mathf.Abs(wc.rpm) >= 100){
if(hit.forwardSlip > .25f){
TCSAct = true;
torque -= Mathf.Clamp(torque * (hit.forwardSlip) * TCSStrength, 0f, engineTorque);
TCSAct = false;
torque += Mathf.Clamp(torque * (hit.forwardSlip) * TCSStrength, -engineTorque, 0f);
TCSAct = false;
torque = 0;
wc.wheelCollider.motorTorque = ((torque * (1 - clutchInput) * _boostInput) * _gasInput) * (engineTorqueCurve[currentGear].Evaluate(wc.wheelRPMToSpeed * direction) * direction);
void ESPCheck(float velocity, float steering){
WheelHit frontHit1;
FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out frontHit1);
WheelHit frontHit2;
FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out frontHit2);
frontSlip = frontHit1.sidewaysSlip + frontHit2.sidewaysSlip;
WheelHit rearHit1;
RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out rearHit1);
WheelHit rearHit2;
RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out rearHit2);
rearSlip = rearHit1.sidewaysSlip + rearHit2.sidewaysSlip;
if(Mathf.Abs(frontSlip) >= ESPThreshold)
overSteering = true;
overSteering = false;
if(Mathf.Abs(rearSlip) >= ESPThreshold && !overSteering)
underSteering = true;
underSteering = false;
if(underSteering || overSteering)
ESPAct = true;
ESPAct = false;
if(Mathf.Abs(frontSlip) < ESPThreshold || Math.Abs(rearSlip) < ESPThreshold)
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, (brake * ESPStrength) * Mathf.Clamp(frontSlip, 0f, Mathf.Infinity));
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, (brake * ESPStrength) * Mathf.Clamp(-frontSlip, 0f, Mathf.Infinity));
ApplyBrakeTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, (brake * ESPStrength) * Mathf.Clamp(-rearSlip, 0f, Mathf.Infinity));
ApplyBrakeTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, (brake * ESPStrength) * Mathf.Clamp(rearSlip, 0f, Mathf.Infinity));
void ApplyBrakeTorque(RCC_WheelCollider wc, float brake){
if(ABS && handbrakeInput <= .1f){
WheelHit hit;
wc.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
if((Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip) * Mathf.Clamp01(brake)) >= ABSThreshold){
ABSAct = true;
brake = 0;
ABSAct = false;
wc.wheelCollider.brakeTorque = brake;
void ApplySteering(RCC_WheelCollider wc){
wc.wheelCollider.steerAngle = Mathf.Clamp((steerAngle * (steerInput + driftAngle)), -steerAngle, steerAngle);
wc.wheelCollider.steerAngle = Mathf.Clamp((steerAngle * steerInput), -steerAngle, steerAngle);
void ApplyEngineSound(float input){
engineSoundOn.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOn.pitch, 0, Time.deltaTime * 50f);
engineSoundOff.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOff.pitch, 0, Time.deltaTime * 50f);
engineSoundIdle.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOff.pitch, 0, Time.deltaTime * 50f);
if(engineSoundOn.pitch <= .1f && engineSoundOff.pitch <= .1f && engineSoundIdle.pitch <= .1f){
engineSoundOn.volume = _gasInput;
engineSoundOn.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOn.pitch, Mathf.Lerp (minEngineSoundPitch, maxEngineSoundPitch, engineRPM / 7000f), Time.deltaTime * 50f);
engineSoundOff.volume = (1 - _gasInput) - engineSoundIdle.volume;
engineSoundOff.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundOff.pitch, Mathf.Lerp (minEngineSoundPitch, maxEngineSoundPitch, (engineRPM) / (7000f)), Time.deltaTime * 50f);
engineSoundIdle.volume = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0f, engineRPM / (maxEngineRPM / 2f));
engineSoundIdle.pitch = Mathf.Lerp ( engineSoundIdle.pitch, Mathf.Lerp (minEngineSoundPitch, maxEngineSoundPitch, (engineRPM) / (7000f)), Time.deltaTime * 50f);
void Braking (){
if(handbrakeInput > .1f){
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, (brake * 1.5f) * handbrakeInput);
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, (brake * 1.5f) * handbrakeInput);
// Braking.
ApplyBrakeTorque(FrontLeftWheelCollider, brake * (Mathf.Clamp(_brakeInput, 0, 1)));
ApplyBrakeTorque(FrontRightWheelCollider, brake * (Mathf.Clamp(_brakeInput, 0, 1)));
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearLeftWheelCollider, brake * Mathf.Clamp(_brakeInput, 0, 1) / 2f);
ApplyBrakeTorque(RearRightWheelCollider, brake * Mathf.Clamp(_brakeInput, 0, 1) / 2f);
void AntiRollBars (){
#region Horizontal
WheelHit FrontWheelHit;
float travelFL = 1.0f;
float travelFR = 1.0f;
bool groundedFL= FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out FrontWheelHit);
if (groundedFL)
travelFL = (-FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(FrontWheelHit.point).y - FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.radius) / FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.suspensionDistance;
bool groundedFR= FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out FrontWheelHit);
if (groundedFR)
travelFR = (-FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(FrontWheelHit.point).y - FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.radius) / FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.suspensionDistance;
float antiRollForceFrontHorizontal= (travelFL - travelFR) * antiRollFrontHorizontal;
if (groundedFL)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceFrontHorizontal, FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.position);
if (groundedFR)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceFrontHorizontal, FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.position);
WheelHit RearWheelHit;
float travelRL = 1.0f;
float travelRR = 1.0f;
bool groundedRL= RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out RearWheelHit);
if (groundedRL)
travelRL = (-RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(RearWheelHit.point).y - RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.radius) / RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.suspensionDistance;
bool groundedRR= RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out RearWheelHit);
if (groundedRR)
travelRR = (-RearRightWheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(RearWheelHit.point).y - RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.radius) / RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.suspensionDistance;
float antiRollForceRearHorizontal= (travelRL - travelRR) * antiRollRearHorizontal;
if (groundedRL)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceRearHorizontal, RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.position);
if (groundedRR)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(RearRightWheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceRearHorizontal, RearRightWheelCollider.transform.position);
#region Vertical
float antiRollForceFrontVertical= (travelFL - travelRL) * antiRollVertical;
if (groundedFL)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceFrontVertical, FrontLeftWheelCollider.transform.position);
if (groundedRL)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceFrontVertical, RearLeftWheelCollider.transform.position);
float antiRollForceRearVertical= (travelFR - travelRR) * antiRollVertical;
if (groundedFR)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceRearVertical, FrontRightWheelCollider.transform.position);
if (groundedRR)
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(RearRightWheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceRearVertical, RearRightWheelCollider.transform.position);
void SteerHelper(){
for (int i = 0; i < allWheelColliders.Length; i++){
WheelHit hit;
allWheelColliders[i].wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
if (hit.normal == Vector3.zero)
if (Mathf.Abs(oldRotation - transform.eulerAngles.y) < 10f){
float turnadjust = (transform.eulerAngles.y - oldRotation) * steerHelperStrength;
Quaternion velRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(turnadjust, Vector3.up);
rigid.velocity = (velRotation * rigid.velocity);
oldRotation = transform.eulerAngles.y;
void TractionHelper(){
Vector3 velocity =rigid.velocity;
velocity -= transform.up * Vector3.Dot(velocity, transform.up);
angle = -Mathf.Asin(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(transform.forward, velocity), transform.up));
angularVelo = rigid.angularVelocity.y;
if (angle * FrontLeftWheelCollider.steerAngle < 0)
FrontLeftRCCWheelCollider.tractionHelpedSidewaysStiffness = (1f - Mathf.Clamp01(tractionHelperStrength * Mathf.Abs(angularVelo)));
FrontLeftRCCWheelCollider.tractionHelpedSidewaysStiffness = 1f;
if (angle * FrontRightWheelCollider.steerAngle < 0)
FrontRightRCCWheelCollider.tractionHelpedSidewaysStiffness = (1f - Mathf.Clamp01(tractionHelperStrength * Mathf.Abs(angularVelo)));
FrontRightRCCWheelCollider.tractionHelpedSidewaysStiffness = 1f;
void Clutch(){
if(speed <= 10f && !cutGas){
clutchInput = Mathf.Lerp(clutchInput, (Mathf.Lerp(1f, (Mathf.Lerp(.2f, 0f, ((RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed + RearRightWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed) / 2f) / (10))), Mathf.Abs(_gasInput))), Time.deltaTime * 50f);
}else if(!cutGas){
clutchInput = Mathf.Lerp(clutchInput, 1, Time.deltaTime * 10f);
clutchInput = Mathf.Lerp(clutchInput, 0, Time.deltaTime * 10f);
if(cutGas || handbrakeInput >= .1f)
clutchInput = 1f;
clutchInput = Mathf.Clamp01(clutchInput);
void GearBox (){
idleInput = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0f, engineRPM / minEngineRPM);
idleInput = 0f;
//Reversing Bool.
if(brakeInput > .9f && transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigid.velocity).z < 1f && canGoReverseNow && automaticGear && !semiAutomaticGear && !changingGear && direction != -1)
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", -1);
else if(brakeInput < .1f && transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigid.velocity).z > -1f && direction == -1 && !changingGear && automaticGear && !semiAutomaticGear)
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", 0);
if(currentGear < totalGears - 1 && !changingGear){
if(speed >= (gearSpeed[currentGear] * .7f) && FrontLeftWheelCollider.rpm > 0){
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear + 1);
else if(semiAutomaticGear && direction != -1)
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear + 1);
if(currentGear > 0){
if(speed < (gearSpeed[currentGear - 1] * .5f) && direction != -1){
StartCoroutine("ChangingGear", currentGear - 1);
if(direction == -1){
reversingSound.volume = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, speed / 60f);
reversingSound.pitch = reversingSound.volume;
reversingSound.volume = 0f;
reversingSound.pitch = 0f;
internal IEnumerator ChangingGear(int gear){
changingGear = true;
print ("Shifted to: " + (gear).ToString());
if(gearShiftingClips.Length > 0){
gearShiftingSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Gear Shifting AudioSource", 5, 5, RCCSettings.maxGearShiftingSoundVolume, gearShiftingClips[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, gearShiftingClips.Length)], false, true, true);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(gearShiftingDelay);
if(gear == -1){
currentGear = 0;
direction = -1;
currentGear = gear;
direction = 1;
changingGear = false;
void RevLimiter(){
if((useRevLimiter && engineRPM >= maxEngineRPM * 1.05f))
cutGas = true;
else if(engineRPM < maxEngineRPM)
cutGas = false;
void NOS(){
if(boostInput > 1.5f && _gasInput >= .8f && NoS > 5){
NoS -= NoSConsumption * Time.deltaTime;
NoSRegenerateTime = 0f;
if(NoS < 100 && NoSRegenerateTime > 3)
NoS += (NoSConsumption / 1.5f) * Time.deltaTime;
NoSRegenerateTime += Time.deltaTime;
blowSound.clip = RCCSettings.blowoutClip[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, RCCSettings.blowoutClip.Length)];
void Turbo(){
turboBoost = Mathf.Lerp(turboBoost, Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Pow(_gasInput, 10) * 30f + Mathf.Pow(engineRPM / maxEngineRPM, 10) * 30f, 0f, 30f), Time.deltaTime * 10f);
if(turboBoost >= 25f){
if(turboBoost < (turboSound.volume * 30f)){
blowSound.clip = RCCSettings.blowoutClip[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, RCCSettings.blowoutClip.Length)];
turboSound.volume = Mathf.Lerp(turboSound.volume, turboBoost / 30f, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
turboSound.pitch = Mathf.Lerp(Mathf.Clamp(turboSound.pitch, 2f, 3f), (turboBoost / 30f) * 2f, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
void DriftVariables(){
WheelHit hit;
RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
if(speed > 1f && driftingNow)
driftAngle = hit.sidewaysSlip * 1f;
driftAngle = 0f;
if(Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip) > .25f)
driftingNow = true;
driftingNow = false;
void ResetCar (){
if(speed < 5 && !rigid.isKinematic){
if(transform.eulerAngles.z < 300 && transform.eulerAngles.z > 60){
resetTime += Time.deltaTime;
if(resetTime > 3){
transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 3, transform.position.z);
resetTime = 0f;
void OnCollisionEnter (Collision collision){
if (collision.contacts.Length < 1 || collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude < minimumCollisionForce)
if(crashClips.Length > 0){
if (collision.contacts[0].thisCollider.gameObject.transform != transform.parent){
crashSound = RCC_CreateAudioSource.NewAudioSource(gameObject, "Crash Sound AudioSource", 5, 20, RCCSettings.maxCrashSoundVolume, crashClips[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, crashClips.Length)], false, true, true);
Vector3 colRelVel = collision.relativeVelocity;
colRelVel *= 1f - Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(transform.up,collision.contacts[0].normal));
float cos = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(collision.contacts[0].normal, colRelVel.normalized));
if (colRelVel.magnitude * cos >= minimumCollisionForce){
sleep = false;
localVector = transform.InverseTransformDirection(colRelVel) * (damageMultiplier / 50f);
if (originalMeshData == null)
for (int i = 0; i < deformableMeshFilters.Length; i++){
DeformMesh(deformableMeshFilters[i].mesh, originalMeshData[i].meshVerts, collision, cos, deformableMeshFilters[i].transform, rot);
void OnGUI (){
if(RCCSettings.useTelemetry && canControl){
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 12;
GUI.skin.box.fontSize = 12;
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.gray;
float guiWidth = Screen.width / 2f;
GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - 400 - guiWidth, 10, 800, 270), "");
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 10, 400, 150), "Engine RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(engineRPM));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 10, 400, 150), "Engine Running : " + (engineRunning == true ? "Running" : "Stopped").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 30, 400, 150), "Engine Starter : " + (engineStarting == true ? "Starting" : "Stopped").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Engine Sound On Volume: " + engineSoundOn.volume.ToString("F1"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 110, 400, 150), "Engine Sound On Pitch: " + engineSoundOn.pitch.ToString("F1"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 130, 400, 150), "Engine Sound Off Volume: " + engineSoundOff.volume.ToString("F1"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 150, 400, 150), "Engine Sound Off Pitch: " + engineSoundOff.pitch.ToString("F1"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 30, 400, 150), "Speed " + (RCCSettings.units == RCC_Settings.Units.KMH ? "(KM/H)" : "(MP/H)") + Mathf.CeilToInt(speed));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 50, 400, 150), "Steer Angle : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontLeftWheelCollider.steerAngle));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 70, 400, 150), "Automatic Shifting : " + (automaticGear == true ? "Automatic" : "Manual").ToString());
// if(!changingGear)
// GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Gear No : " + (direction != -1 ? (currentGear + 1).ToString() : "R").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Gear No : " + (direction == 1 ? ((currentGear + 1).ToString()) : "R"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Gear No : " + "N");
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 230, 400, 150), "Mobile Horizontal Tilt : " + Input.acceleration.x);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 250, 400, 150), "Mobile Vertical Tilt : " + Input.acceleration.y);
//Front Wheels
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 10, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontLeftWheelCollider.rpm));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 10, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontRightWheelCollider.rpm));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 30, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel Torque : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.motorTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 30, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel Torque : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.motorTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 50, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel brake : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 50, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel brake : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque));
WheelHit hit;
FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
http://GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 190, 400, 150), "Speed: " + speed);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 210, 400, 150), "WCSpeed: " + RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelRPMToSpeed);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 230, 400, 150), "UnderSteer: " + overSteering);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 250, 400, 150), "OverSteer: " + underSteering);
if(FrontLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit)){
http://GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 50, 400, 150), "Ground Material : " + _groundMaterial.ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 200 - guiWidth, 70, 400, 150), "Ground Grip : " + FrontLeftWheelCollider.forwardFrictionCurve.stiffness);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 70, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel Force : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(hit.force));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel Sideways Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 110, 400, 150), "Front Left Wheel Forward Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip)).ToString("F2"));
FrontRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 70, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel Force : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(hit.force));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 90, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel Sideways Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 110, 400, 150), "Front Right Wheel Forward Grip : " +(1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 170, 400, 150), "ABS: " + ABS + ". Current State: " + (ABSAct == true ? "Engaged" : "Safe").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 190, 400, 150), "TCS: " + TCS + ". Current State: " + (TCSAct == true ? "Engaged" : "Safe").ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 390 - guiWidth, 210, 400, 150), "ESP: " + ESP + ". Current State: " + (ESPAct == true ? "Engaged" : "Safe").ToString());
//Rear Wheels
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 150, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearLeftWheelCollider.rpm));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 150, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel RPM : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearRightWheelCollider.rpm));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 170, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel Torque : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.motorTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 170, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel Torque : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.motorTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 190, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel brake : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 190, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel brake : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.brakeTorque));
RearLeftWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 210, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel Force : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(hit.force));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 230, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel Sideways Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 00 - guiWidth, 250, 400, 150), "Rear Left Wheel Forward Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip)).ToString("F2"));
RearRightWheelCollider.wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 210, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel Force : " + Mathf.CeilToInt(hit.force));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 230, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel Sideways Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width + 200 - guiWidth, 250, 400, 150), "Rear Right Wheel Forward Grip : " + (1 - Mathf.Abs(hit.forwardSlip)).ToString("F2"));
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green;
GUI.Button (new Rect(Screen.width-20 - guiWidth, 260, 10, Mathf.Clamp((-_gasInput * 100), -100, 0)), "");
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.red;
GUI.Button (new Rect(Screen.width-35 - guiWidth, 260, 10, Mathf.Clamp((-_brakeInput * 100), -100, 0)), "");
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.blue;
GUI.Button (new Rect(Screen.width-50 - guiWidth, 260, 10, Mathf.Clamp((-clutchInput * 100), -100, 0)), "");
bool OverTorque(){
if(speed > maxspeed || !engineRunning)
return true;
return false;
void OnDrawGizmos(){
WheelHit hit;
for(int i = 0; i < allWheelColliders.Length; i++){
allWheelColliders[i].wheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out hit);
Matrix4x4 temp = Gizmos.matrix;
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(allWheelColliders[i].transform.position, Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.right), Vector3.one);
Gizmos.color = new Color((hit.force / rigid.mass) / 5f, (-hit.force / rigid.mass) / 5f, 0f);
Gizmos.DrawFrustum(Vector3.zero, 2f, hit.force / rigid.mass, .1f, 1f);
Gizmos.matrix = temp;
public void TorqueCurve (){
if(defMaxSpeed != maxspeed){
if(totalGears < 1){
Debug.LogError("You are trying to set your vehicle gear to 0 or below! Why you trying to do this???");
totalGears = 1;
gearSpeed = new float[totalGears];
engineTorqueCurve = new AnimationCurve[totalGears];
currentGear = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < engineTorqueCurve.Length; i ++){
engineTorqueCurve[i] = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 1));
for(int i = 0; i < totalGears; i ++){
gearSpeed[i] = Mathf.Lerp(0, maxspeed, ((float)(i+1)/(float)(totalGears)));
if(i != 0){
engineTorqueCurve[i].MoveKey(0, new Keyframe(0, Mathf.Lerp (.25f, 0, (float)(i+1) / (float)totalGears)));
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(Mathf.Lerp(0, maxspeed / 1f, ((float)(i)/(float)(totalGears))), Mathf.Lerp(1f, .25f, ((float)(i)/(float)(totalGears))));
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(gearSpeed[i], .1f);
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(gearSpeed[i] * 2f, -3f);
engineTorqueCurve[i].postWrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;
engineTorqueCurve[i].MoveKey(0, new Keyframe(0, 1));
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(Mathf.Lerp (0, maxspeed / 1f, (float)(i+1) / (float)totalGears), 1f);
engineTorqueCurve[i].AddKey(Mathf.Lerp(25, maxspeed / 1f, ((float)(i+1) / (float)(totalGears))), 0f);
engineTorqueCurve[i].postWrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;
defMaxSpeed = maxspeed;
void OnDisable(){
O problema é que agr o mesh.optimize nao funciona como faço a mesma funcao nas novas versoes do unity para tirar esse erro?
Obrigado pela atenção e flw
Última edição por dstaroski em Qui Jan 18, 2018 1:04 pm, editado 1 vez(es) (Motivo da edição : Corrigido erro de português)
fabriciorsz34- Avançado
- PONTOS : 3339
Idade : 24
Áreas de atuação : C#,unity,cinema 4D, SketchUp
Respeito as regras :
Re: [DÚVIDA]Ajuda para como fazer esse script voltar a funcionar
Putz isso aki ficou grande hein
fabriciorsz34- Avançado
- PONTOS : 3339
Idade : 24
Áreas de atuação : C#,unity,cinema 4D, SketchUp
Respeito as regras :
Re: [DÚVIDA]Ajuda para como fazer esse script voltar a funcionar
Boa noite! dá uma olhadinha aqui: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MeshUtility.Optimize.html
Re: [DÚVIDA]Ajuda para como fazer esse script voltar a funcionar
Ah mas essa explicacao ta em js como façi em c# q é o formato do meu arquivo?
fabriciorsz34- Avançado
- PONTOS : 3339
Idade : 24
Áreas de atuação : C#,unity,cinema 4D, SketchUp
Respeito as regras :
Re: [DÚVIDA]Ajuda para como fazer esse script voltar a funcionar
Tente assim:
- Código:
void Start () {
Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
Phph09- Profissional
- PONTOS : 3790
Idade : 19
Respeito as regras :
Re: [DÚVIDA]Ajuda para como fazer esse script voltar a funcionar
Entao mano é q a linha de erro ta em outra void vai continuar funcionando do mesmo jeito assim?
fabriciorsz34- Avançado
- PONTOS : 3339
Idade : 24
Áreas de atuação : C#,unity,cinema 4D, SketchUp
Respeito as regras :
Re: [DÚVIDA]Ajuda para como fazer esse script voltar a funcionar
É só baixar a versão mais atual do Realistic Car Controller... ele ajeitou lá
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» Como fazer uma cena resetar ao voltar para ela
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