Camera Height
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Camera Height
I have attached the camera controller to a UMA Avatar but it focuses at the avatars feet. How can I adjust the height of the camera? Can this be done in the script?
Since the avatar is created at runtime I do not know how else I could attach the camera controller to anything else as part of the avatar.
Here you help?
Since the avatar is created at runtime I do not know how else I could attach the camera controller to anything else as part of the avatar.
Here you help?
saccasolutions- Iniciante
- PONTOS : 1664
Respeito as regras :
Re: Camera Height
There's a "script" button in the page that you write your message, use it to paste your code.
In general, any camera controller look at the origin point of the transform, if is not a option to use a custom transform as position, you can add a offset in the code, like this:
Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 1 ,0)
This represents a height of 1 meter in Y axis.
Now you can sum this vector to the position of the transform.
Look for a line like this;
Change to this:
Transform.LookAt(player/target + offset)
I hope this helps.
In general, any camera controller look at the origin point of the transform, if is not a option to use a custom transform as position, you can add a offset in the code, like this:
Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 1 ,0)
This represents a height of 1 meter in Y axis.
Now you can sum this vector to the position of the transform.
Look for a line like this;
Change to this:
Transform.LookAt(player/target + offset)
I hope this helps.
Fagner- Moderador
- PONTOS : 4444
Áreas de atuação : Modelagem 3D, Programação.
Respeito as regras :
Re: Camera Height
I'm using the standard script and seeking to add this offset to the "Follow player" option. Here is the script.Fagner escreveu: There's a "script" button in the page that you write your message, use it to paste your code.
In general, any camera controller look at the origin point of the transform, if is not an option to use a custom transform as position, you can add a offset in the code, like this:
Vector3 offset = new Vector3 (0, 1, 0)
This represents a height of 1 meter in Y axis.
Now you can sum this vector to the position of the transform.
Look for a line like this;
Transform.LookAt (player / target)
Change to this:
Transform.LookAt (player / target + offset)
I hope this helps.
- Código:
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class MSACC_CameraType {
[Tooltip("A camera must be associated with this variable. The camera that is associated here, will receive the settings of this index.")]
public Camera _camera;
public enum TipoRotac{LookAtThePlayer, FirstPerson, FollowPlayer, Orbital, Stop, StraightStop, OrbitalThatFollows, ETS_StyleCamera, FlyCamera_OnlyWindows}
[Tooltip("Here you must select the type of rotation and movement that camera will possess.")]
public TipoRotac rotationType = TipoRotac.LookAtThePlayer;
[Range(0.01f,1.0f)][Tooltip("Here you must adjust the volume that the camera attached to this element can perceive. In this way, each camera can perceive a different volume.")]
public float volume = 1.0f;
public class MSACC_CameraSetting {
[Header("Configure Inputs")]
[Tooltip("The input that will define the horizontal movement of the cameras.")]
public string inputMouseX = "Mouse X";
[Tooltip("The input that will define the vertical movement of the cameras.")]
public string inputMouseY = "Mouse Y";
[Tooltip("The input that allows you to zoom in or out of the camera.")]
public string inputMouseScrollWheel = "Mouse ScrollWheel";
[Tooltip("In this variable you can configure the key responsible for switching cameras.")]
public KeyCode cameraSwitchKey = KeyCode.C;
public enum UpdateMode {Update, FixedUpdate, LateUpdate};
[Header("Update mode")]
[Tooltip("Here it is possible to decide whether the motion of the cameras will be processed in the void Update, FixedUpdate or LateUpdate. The mode that best suits most situations is the 'LateUpdate'.")]
public UpdateMode camerasUpdateMode = UpdateMode.LateUpdate;
[Header("General settings")]
[Tooltip("If this variable is checked, the script will automatically place the 'IgnoreRaycast' layer on the player when needed.")]
public bool ajustTheLayers = true;
[Tooltip("In this class you can configure the 'FirstPerson' style cameras.")]
public MSACC_SettingsCameraFirstPerson firstPerson;
[Tooltip("In this class you can configure the 'FollowPlayer' style cameras.")]
public MSACC_SettingsCameraFollow followPlayer;
[Tooltip("In this class you can configure the 'Orbital' style cameras.")]
public MSACC_SettingsCameraOrbital orbital;
[Tooltip("In this class you can configure the 'OrbitalThatFollows' style cameras.")]
public MSACC_SettingsCameraOrbitalThatFollows OrbitalThatFollows;
[Tooltip("In this class you can configure the 'ETS_StyleCamera' style cameras.")]
public MSACC_SettingsCameraETS_StyleCamera ETS_StyleCamera;
[Tooltip("In this class you can configure the 'FlyCamera' style cameras.")]
public MSACC_SettingsFlyCamera FlyCamera_OnlyWindows;
public class MSACC_SettingsCameraFirstPerson {
[Range(1,20)][Tooltip("Horizontal camera rotation sensitivity.")]
public float sensibilityX = 10.0f;
[Range(1,20)][Tooltip("Vertical camera rotation sensitivity.")]
public float sensibilityY = 10.0f;
[Range(0,1)][Tooltip("The speed with which the camera can approach your vision through the mouseScrool.")]
public float speedScroolZoom = 0.5f;
[Range(0,360)][Tooltip("The highest horizontal angle that camera style 'FistPerson' camera can achieve.")]
public float horizontalAngle = 65.0f;
[Range(0,85)][Tooltip("The highest vertical angle that camera style 'FistPerson' camera can achieve.")]
public float verticalAngle = 20.0f;
[Range(0,40)][Tooltip("The maximum the camera can approximate your vision.")]
public float maxScroolZoom = 30.0f;
[Header("Custom Rotation Input")]
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the camera will only rotate when the key selected in the 'KeyToRotate' variable is pressed. If this variable is false, the camera can rotate freely, even without pressing any key.")]
public bool rotateWhenClick = false;
[Tooltip("Here you can select the button that must be pressed in order to rotate the camera.")]
public string keyToRotate = "mouse 0";
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertXInput = false;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertYInput = false;
public class MSACC_SettingsCameraFollow {
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the camera ignores the colliders and crosses the walls freely.")]
public bool ignoreCollision = false;
[Range(1,20)][Tooltip("The speed at which the camera can follow the player.")]
public float displacementSpeed = 3.0f;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the code makes a lookAt using quaternions.")]
public bool customLookAt = false;
[Range(1,30)][Tooltip("The speed at which the camera rotates as it follows and looks at the player.")]
public float spinSpeedCustomLookAt = 15.0f;
[Header("Use Scrool")]
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the 'FollowPlayer' camera style will have the player's distance affected by the mouse scrool. This will allow the player to zoom in or out of the camera.")]
public bool useScrool = false;
[Range(0.01f,2.0f)][Tooltip("The speed at which the player can zoom in and out of the camera.")]
public float scroolSpeed = 1.0f;
[Range(1,30)][Tooltip("The minimum distance the camera can be relative to the player.")]
public float minDistance = 7.0f;
[Range(1,200)][Tooltip("The maximum distance the camera can be relative to the player.")]
public float maxDistance = 40.0f;
public class MSACC_SettingsCameraOrbital {
[Range(0.01f,2.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable you can configure the sensitivity with which the script will perceive the movement of the X and Y inputs. ")]
public float sensibility = 0.8f;
[Range(0.01f,2.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable, you can configure the speed at which the orbital camera will approach or distance itself from the player when the mouse scrool is used.")]
public float speedScrool = 1.0f;
[Range(0.01f,2.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable, you can configure the speed at which the orbital camera moves up or down.")]
public float speedYAxis = 0.5f;
[Range(3.0f,20.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable, you can set the minimum distance that the orbital camera can stay from the player.")]
public float minDistance = 5.0f;
[Range(20.0f,1000.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable, you can set the maximum distance that the orbital camera can stay from the player.")]
public float maxDistance = 50.0f;
[Range(-85,0)][Tooltip("In this variable it is possible to define the minimum angle that the camera can reach on the Y axis")]
public float minAngleY = 0.0f;
[Range(0,85)][Tooltip("In this variable it is possible to define the maximum angle that the camera can reach on the Y axis")]
public float maxAngleY = 80.0f;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the camera ignores the colliders and crosses the walls freely.")]
public bool ignoreCollision = false;
[Header("Custom Rotation Input")]
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the camera will only rotate when the key selected in the 'KeyToRotate' variable is pressed. If this variable is false, the camera can rotate freely, even without pressing any key.")]
public bool rotateWhenClick = false;
[Tooltip("Here you can select the button that must be pressed in order to rotate the camera.")]
public string keyToRotate = "mouse 0";
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertXInput = false;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertYInput = false;
public class MSACC_SettingsCameraOrbitalThatFollows {
[Range(1,20)][Tooltip("The speed at which the camera can follow the player.")]
public float displacementSpeed = 5.0f;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the code makes a lookAt using quaternions.")]
public bool customLookAt = false;
[Range(1,30)][Tooltip("The speed at which the camera rotates as it follows and looks at the player.")]
public float spinSpeedCustomLookAt = 15.0f;
[Range(0.01f,2.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable you can configure the sensitivity with which the script will perceive the movement of the X and Y inputs. ")]
public float sensibility = 0.8f;
[Range(0.01f,2.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable, you can configure the speed at which the orbital camera will approach or distance itself from the player when the mouse scrool is used.")]
public float speedScrool = 1.0f;
[Range(0.01f,2.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable, you can configure the speed at which the orbital camera moves up or down.")]
public float speedYAxis = 0.5f;
[Range(3.0f,20.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable, you can set the minimum distance that the orbital camera can stay from the player.")]
public float minDistance = 5.0f;
[Range(20.0f,1000.0f)][Tooltip("In this variable, you can set the maximum distance that the orbital camera can stay from the player.")]
public float maxDistance = 50.0f;
[Range(-85,0)][Tooltip("In this variable it is possible to define the minimum angle that the camera can reach on the Y axis")]
public float minAngleY = 0.0f;
[Range(0,85)][Tooltip("In this variable it is possible to define the maximum angle that the camera can reach on the Y axis")]
public float maxAngleY = 80.0f;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the camera will only rotate when the key selected in the 'KeyToRotate' variable is pressed. If this variable is false, the camera can rotate freely, even without pressing any key.")]
public bool rotateWhenClick = false;
[Tooltip("Here you can select the button that must be pressed in order to rotate the camera.")]
public string keyToRotate = "mouse 0";
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertXInput = false;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertYInput = false;
public enum ResetTimeType { Time, Input_OnlyWindows }
[Tooltip("In this variable it is possible to define how the control will be redefined for the camera that follows the player, through input or through a time.")]
public ResetTimeType ResetControlType = ResetTimeType.Time;
[Tooltip("If 'ResetControlType' is set to 'Input_OnlyWindows', the key that must be pressed to reset the control will be set by this variable.")]
public KeyCode resetKey = KeyCode.Z;
[Range(1.0f,50.0f)][Tooltip("If 'ResetControlType' is set to 'Time', the wait time for the camera to reset the control will be set by this variable.")]
public float timeToReset = 8.0f;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the camera ignores the colliders and crosses the walls freely.")]
public bool ignoreCollision = false;
public class MSACC_SettingsCameraETS_StyleCamera {
[Range(1,20)][Tooltip("Horizontal camera rotation sensitivity.")]
public float sensibilityX = 10.0f;
[Range(1,20)][Tooltip("Vertical camera rotation sensitivity.")]
public float sensibilityY = 10.0f;
[Range(0.5f,3.0f)][Tooltip("The distance the camera will move to the left when the mouse is also shifted to the left. This option applies only to cameras that have the 'ETS_StyleCamera' option selected.")]
public float ETS_CameraShift = 1.0f;
[Range(0,40)][Tooltip("The maximum the camera can approximate your vision.")]
public float maxScroolZoom = 30.0f;
[Range(0,1)][Tooltip("The speed with which the camera can approach your vision through the mouseScrool.")]
public float speedScroolZoom = 0.5f;
[Header("Custom Rotation Input")]
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the camera will only rotate when the key selected in the 'KeyToRotate' variable is pressed. If this variable is false, the camera can rotate freely, even without pressing any key.")]
public bool rotateWhenClick = false;
[Tooltip("Here you can select the button that must be pressed in order to rotate the camera.")]
public string keyToRotate = "mouse 0";
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertXInput = false;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertYInput = false;
public class MSACC_SettingsFlyCamera {
[Tooltip("Here you can configure the 'Horizontal' inputs that should be used to move the camera 'CameraFly'.")]
public string horizontalMove = "Horizontal";
[Tooltip("Here you can configure the 'Vertical' inputs that should be used to move the camera 'CameraFly'.")]
public string verticalMove = "Vertical";
[Tooltip("Here you can configure the keys that must be pressed to accelerate the movement of the camera 'CameraFly'.")]
public KeyCode speedKeyCode = KeyCode.LeftShift;
[Tooltip("Here you can configure the key that must be pressed to move the camera 'CameraFly' up.")]
public KeyCode moveUp = KeyCode.E;
[Tooltip("Here you can configure the key that must be pressed to move the camera 'CameraFly' down.")]
public KeyCode moveDown = KeyCode.Q;
[Range(1,20)][Tooltip("Horizontal camera rotation sensitivity.")]
public float sensibilityX = 10.0f;
[Range(1,20)][Tooltip("Vertical camera rotation sensitivity.")]
public float sensibilityY = 10.0f;
[Range(1,100)][Tooltip("The speed of movement of this camera.")]
public float movementSpeed = 20.0f;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertXInput = false;
[Tooltip("If this variable is true, the X-axis input will be inverted.")]
public bool invertYInput = false;
public class MSCameraController : MonoBehaviour {
[Tooltip("Here you must associate the object that the cameras will follow. If you leave this variable empty, the cameras will follow the object in which this script was placed.")]
public Transform target;
[Space(7)][Tooltip("Here you must associate all the cameras that you want to control by this script, associating each one with an index and selecting your preferences.")]
public MSACC_CameraType[] cameras = new MSACC_CameraType[0];
[Tooltip("Here you can configure the cameras, deciding their speed of movement, rotation, zoom, among other options.")]
public MSACC_CameraSetting CameraSettings;
bool orbitalAtiv;
bool orbital_AtivTemp;
float rotacX = 0.0f;
float rotacY = 0.0f;
float tempoOrbit = 0.0f;
float rotacXETS = 0.0f;
float rotacYETS = 0.0f;
Vector2 cameraRotationFly;
bool changeCam;
GameObject[] objPosicStopCameras;
Quaternion[] originalRotation;
GameObject[] originalPosition;
Vector3[] originalPositionETS;
float[] xOrbit;
float[] yOrbit;
float[] distanceFromOrbitalCamera;
float[] initialFieldOfView;
float[] camFollowPlayerDistance;
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = 0;
Transform targetTransform;
GameObject playerCamsObj;
//global inputs
public float _horizontalInputMSACC;
public float _verticalInputMSACC;
public float _scrollInputMSACC;
public bool _enableMobileInputs;
public int _mobileInputsIndex; // 0 = off, 1 = all, 2 = scroll buttons only
void OnValidate (){
if (cameras != null) {
for (int x = 0; x < cameras.Length; x++) {
if (cameras[x].volume == 0) {
cameras[x].volume = 1;
void Awake(){
if (target) {
targetTransform = target;
} else {
targetTransform = transform;
GameObject temp = new GameObject ("PlayerCams");
temp.transform.parent = targetTransform;
objPosicStopCameras = new GameObject[cameras.Length];
originalRotation = new Quaternion[cameras.Length];
originalPosition = new GameObject[cameras.Length];
originalPositionETS = new Vector3[cameras.Length];
xOrbit = new float[cameras.Length];
yOrbit = new float[cameras.Length];
distanceFromOrbitalCamera = new float[cameras.Length];
initialFieldOfView = new float[cameras.Length];
camFollowPlayerDistance = new float[cameras.Length];
changeCam = false;
orbitalAtiv = false;
orbital_AtivTemp = false;
for (int x = 0; x < cameras.Length; x++) {
if (cameras [x]._camera) {
if (cameras [x].volume == 0) {
cameras [x].volume = 1;
initialFieldOfView [x] = cameras [x]._camera.fieldOfView;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FirstPerson) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = temp.transform;
originalRotation [x] = cameras [x]._camera.transform.localRotation;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FollowPlayer) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = temp.transform;
originalPosition [x] = new GameObject ("positionFollowPlayerCamera" + x);
originalPosition [x].transform.parent = temp.transform;
originalPosition [x].transform.position = cameras [x]._camera.transform.position;
if (CameraSettings.ajustTheLayers) {
targetTransform.gameObject.layer = 2;
foreach (Transform trans in targetTransform.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(true)) {
trans.gameObject.layer = 2;
camFollowPlayerDistance [x] = Vector3.Distance (cameras [x]._camera.transform.position, targetTransform.position);
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.Orbital) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = temp.transform;
cameras [x]._camera.transform.LookAt (target);
xOrbit [x] = cameras [x]._camera.transform.eulerAngles.y;
yOrbit [x] = cameras [x]._camera.transform.eulerAngles.x;
if (CameraSettings.ajustTheLayers) {
targetTransform.gameObject.layer = 2;
foreach (Transform trans in targetTransform.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(true)) {
trans.gameObject.layer = 2;
distanceFromOrbitalCamera [x] = Vector3.Distance (cameras [x]._camera.transform.position, targetTransform.position);
distanceFromOrbitalCamera [x] = Mathf.Clamp (distanceFromOrbitalCamera [x], CameraSettings.orbital.minDistance, CameraSettings.orbital.maxDistance);
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.Stop) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = temp.transform;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.StraightStop) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = temp.transform;
objPosicStopCameras [x] = new GameObject ("positionStraightStopCamera" + x);
objPosicStopCameras [x].transform.parent = cameras [x]._camera.transform;
objPosicStopCameras [x].transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (0, 0, 1.0f);
objPosicStopCameras [x].transform.parent = temp.transform;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.OrbitalThatFollows) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = temp.transform;
xOrbit [x] = cameras [x]._camera.transform.eulerAngles.x;
yOrbit [x] = cameras [x]._camera.transform.eulerAngles.y;
originalPosition [x] = new GameObject ("positionCameraFollowPlayer" + x);
originalPosition [x].transform.parent = temp.transform;
originalPosition [x].transform.position = cameras [x]._camera.transform.position;
if (CameraSettings.ajustTheLayers) {
targetTransform.gameObject.layer = 2;
foreach (Transform trans in targetTransform.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(true)) {
trans.gameObject.layer = 2;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.ETS_StyleCamera) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = temp.transform;
originalRotation [x] = cameras [x]._camera.transform.localRotation;
originalPositionETS [x] = cameras [x]._camera.transform.localPosition;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = null;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.LookAtThePlayer) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = null;
AudioListener audListner = cameras [x]._camera.GetComponent<AudioListener> ();
if (audListner == null) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.gameObject.AddComponent (typeof(AudioListener));
} else {
Debug.LogWarning ("There is no camera associated with the index " + x);
playerCamsObj = temp;
if (CameraSettings.followPlayer.minDistance > CameraSettings.followPlayer.maxDistance) {
CameraSettings.followPlayer.minDistance = 15;
CameraSettings.followPlayer.maxDistance = 15;
Debug.LogWarning ("The minimum distance from the 'FollowPlayer' camera is greater than the maximum distance, and this may cause errors.");
void Start(){
index = 0;
lastIndex = 0;
_enableMobileInputs = false;
EnableCameras (index);
void EnableCameras (int index){
if (cameras.Length > 0) {
changeCam = true;
for (int x = 0; x < cameras.Length; x++) {
if (cameras [x]._camera) {
if (x == index) {
cameras [x]._camera.gameObject.SetActive (true);
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FirstPerson) {
rotacX = 0.0f;
rotacY = 0.0f;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.OrbitalThatFollows) {
tempoOrbit = 0.0f;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.ETS_StyleCamera) {
rotacXETS = 0.0f;
rotacYETS = 0.0f;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.position = cameras [lastIndex]._camera.transform.position;
cameraRotationFly = new Vector2(cameras [lastIndex]._camera.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);
} else {
cameras [x]._camera.gameObject.SetActive (false);
void ManageCameras(){
if (changeCam) {
changeCam = false;
for (int x = 0; x < cameras.Length; x++) {
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FollowPlayer) {
if (cameras [x]._camera.isActiveAndEnabled) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = null;
} else {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = playerCamsObj.transform;
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.Orbital || cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.OrbitalThatFollows) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.LookAt (target);
xOrbit [x] = cameras [x]._camera.transform.eulerAngles.y;
yOrbit [x] = cameras [x]._camera.transform.eulerAngles.x;
distanceFromOrbitalCamera [x] = Vector3.Distance (cameras [x]._camera.transform.position, targetTransform.position);
distanceFromOrbitalCamera [x] = Mathf.Clamp (distanceFromOrbitalCamera [x], CameraSettings.orbital.minDistance, CameraSettings.orbital.maxDistance);
//set on/off mobile inputs
if (cameras [index].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.Stop || cameras [index].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.StraightStop ||
cameras [index].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.LookAtThePlayer || cameras [index].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows) {
_mobileInputsIndex = 0; // 0 = all mobile inputs off
if (cameras [index].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FirstPerson || cameras [index].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.ETS_StyleCamera ||
cameras [index].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.Orbital || cameras [index].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.OrbitalThatFollows) {
_mobileInputsIndex = 1; // 1 = all mobile inputs on
if (cameras [index].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FollowPlayer) {
_mobileInputsIndex = 2; // 2 = scroll buttons only
AudioListener.volume = cameras [index].volume;
float timeScaleSpeed = Mathf.Clamp (1.0f / Time.timeScale, 0.01f, 1);
switch (cameras[index].rotationType ) {
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.Stop:
//stop camera
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.StraightStop:
Quaternion linearRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(objPosicStopCameras[index].transform.position - cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, Vector3.up);
cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation, linearRotation, Time.deltaTime * 15.0f);
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.LookAtThePlayer:
cameras [index]._camera.transform.LookAt (targetTransform.position);
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FirstPerson:
float xInput = _horizontalInputMSACC;
float yInput = _verticalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.firstPerson.invertXInput) {
xInput = -_horizontalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.firstPerson.invertYInput) {
yInput = -_verticalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.firstPerson.rotateWhenClick) {
if (Input.GetKey (CameraSettings.firstPerson.keyToRotate) || _enableMobileInputs) {
rotacX += xInput * CameraSettings.firstPerson.sensibilityX;
rotacY += yInput * CameraSettings.firstPerson.sensibilityY;
} else {
rotacX += xInput * CameraSettings.firstPerson.sensibilityX;
rotacY += yInput * CameraSettings.firstPerson.sensibilityY;
rotacX = ClampAngle (rotacX, -CameraSettings.firstPerson.horizontalAngle, CameraSettings.firstPerson.horizontalAngle);
rotacY = ClampAngle (rotacY, -CameraSettings.firstPerson.verticalAngle, CameraSettings.firstPerson.verticalAngle);
Quaternion xQuaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis (rotacX, Vector3.up);
Quaternion yQuaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis (rotacY, -Vector3.right);
Quaternion _nextRot = originalRotation [index] * xQuaternion * yQuaternion;
cameras [index]._camera.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.localRotation, _nextRot, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f * timeScaleSpeed);
cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView -= _scrollInputMSACC * CameraSettings.firstPerson.speedScroolZoom * 50.0f;
if (cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView < (initialFieldOfView [index] - CameraSettings.firstPerson.maxScroolZoom)) {
cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView = (initialFieldOfView [index] - CameraSettings.firstPerson.maxScroolZoom);
if (cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView > initialFieldOfView [index]) {
cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView = (initialFieldOfView [index]);
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FollowPlayer:
RaycastHit hitCamFollow;
if (CameraSettings.followPlayer.useScrool) {
float camLerpSpeed = Time.deltaTime * CameraSettings.followPlayer.displacementSpeed * (camFollowPlayerDistance [index] * 0.1f);
camFollowPlayerDistance [index] = camFollowPlayerDistance [index] - _scrollInputMSACC * (CameraSettings.followPlayer.scroolSpeed * 50.0f);
camFollowPlayerDistance [index] = Mathf.Clamp (camFollowPlayerDistance [index], CameraSettings.followPlayer.minDistance, CameraSettings.followPlayer.maxDistance);
Vector3 direction = (targetTransform.position - originalPosition [index].transform.position).normalized;
Vector3 finalPos = targetTransform.position - direction * camFollowPlayerDistance [index];
if (!Physics.Linecast (targetTransform.position, finalPos)) {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, finalPos, camLerpSpeed);
} else if (Physics.Linecast (targetTransform.position, finalPos, out hitCamFollow)) {
if (CameraSettings.followPlayer.ignoreCollision) {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, finalPos, camLerpSpeed);
} else {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, hitCamFollow.point, camLerpSpeed);
} else {
if (!Physics.Linecast (targetTransform.position, originalPosition [index].transform.position)) {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, originalPosition [index].transform.position, Time.deltaTime * CameraSettings.followPlayer.displacementSpeed);
} else if (Physics.Linecast (transform.position, originalPosition [index].transform.position, out hitCamFollow)) {
if (CameraSettings.followPlayer.ignoreCollision) {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, originalPosition [index].transform.position, Time.deltaTime * CameraSettings.followPlayer.displacementSpeed);
} else {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, hitCamFollow.point, Time.deltaTime * CameraSettings.followPlayer.displacementSpeed);
if (CameraSettings.followPlayer.customLookAt) {
Quaternion nextRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (targetTransform.position - cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, Vector3.up);
cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation, nextRotation, Time.deltaTime * CameraSettings.followPlayer.spinSpeedCustomLookAt);
} else {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.LookAt (targetTransform.position);
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.Orbital:
//raycast hit
RaycastHit hitCamOrbital;
float minDistance = CameraSettings.orbital.minDistance;
if (Physics.Linecast (targetTransform.position, cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, out hitCamOrbital)) {
if (!CameraSettings.orbital.ignoreCollision) {
distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index] = Vector3.Distance (targetTransform.position, hitCamOrbital.point);
minDistance = Mathf.Clamp (distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index], minDistance * 0.5f, CameraSettings.orbital.maxDistance);
float xInputOrb = _horizontalInputMSACC;
float yInputOrb = _verticalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.orbital.invertXInput) {
xInputOrb = -_horizontalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.orbital.invertYInput) {
yInputOrb = -_verticalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.orbital.rotateWhenClick) {
if (Input.GetKey (CameraSettings.orbital.keyToRotate) || _enableMobileInputs) {
xOrbit [index] += xInputOrb * (CameraSettings.orbital.sensibility * distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index]) / (distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index] * 0.5f);
yOrbit [index] -= yInputOrb * CameraSettings.orbital.sensibility * (CameraSettings.orbital.speedYAxis * 10.0f);
} else {
xOrbit [index] += xInputOrb * (CameraSettings.orbital.sensibility * distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index]) / (distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index] * 0.5f);
yOrbit [index] -= yInputOrb * CameraSettings.orbital.sensibility * (CameraSettings.orbital.speedYAxis * 10.0f);
//move - rotation
yOrbit [index] = ClampAngle (yOrbit [index], CameraSettings.orbital.minAngleY, CameraSettings.orbital.maxAngleY);
Quaternion quatToEuler = Quaternion.Euler (yOrbit [index], xOrbit [index], 0);
distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index] = Mathf.Clamp (distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index] - _scrollInputMSACC * (CameraSettings.orbital.speedScrool * 50.0f), minDistance, CameraSettings.orbital.maxDistance);
Vector3 zPosition = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, -distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index]);
Vector3 nextPosCam = quatToEuler * zPosition + targetTransform.position;
Vector3 currentPosCam = cameras [index]._camera.transform.position;
Quaternion camRotation = cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation;
cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(camRotation, quatToEuler, Time.deltaTime * 5.0f * timeScaleSpeed);
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(currentPosCam, nextPosCam, Time.deltaTime * 5.0f * timeScaleSpeed);
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.OrbitalThatFollows:
float movXInput = 0.0f;
float movYInput = 0.0f;
float movZInput = _scrollInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.rotateWhenClick) {
if (Input.GetKey (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.keyToRotate) || _enableMobileInputs) {
movXInput = _horizontalInputMSACC;
movYInput = _verticalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.invertXInput) {
movXInput = -_horizontalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.invertYInput) {
movYInput = -_verticalInputMSACC;
} else {
movXInput = _horizontalInputMSACC;
movYInput = _verticalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.invertXInput) {
movXInput = -_horizontalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.invertYInput) {
movYInput = -_verticalInputMSACC;
if (movXInput > 0.0f || movYInput > 0.0f || movZInput > 0.0f) {
orbitalAtiv = true;
tempoOrbit = 0.0f;
if (!orbital_AtivTemp) {
orbital_AtivTemp = true;
xOrbit [index] = cameras [index]._camera.transform.eulerAngles.y;
yOrbit [index] = cameras [index]._camera.transform.eulerAngles.x;
} else {
tempoOrbit += Time.deltaTime;
if (tempoOrbit > CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.timeToReset) {
tempoOrbit = CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.timeToReset + 0.1f;
switch (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.ResetControlType) {
case MSACC_SettingsCameraOrbitalThatFollows.ResetTimeType.Time:
if (tempoOrbit > CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.timeToReset) {
orbitalAtiv = false;
orbital_AtivTemp = false;
case MSACC_SettingsCameraOrbitalThatFollows.ResetTimeType.Input_OnlyWindows:
if (Input.GetKeyDown(CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.resetKey)) {
orbitalAtiv = false;
orbital_AtivTemp = false;
RaycastHit hitCamOTS;
if(orbitalAtiv == true){
float _minDistance = CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.minDistance;
if (Physics.Linecast (targetTransform.position, cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, out hitCamOTS)) {
if (!CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.ignoreCollision) {
distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index] = Vector3.Distance (targetTransform.position, hitCamOTS.point);
_minDistance = Mathf.Clamp (distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index], _minDistance * 0.5f, CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.maxDistance);
xOrbit [index] += movXInput * (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.sensibility * distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index]) / (distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index] * 0.5f);
yOrbit [index] -= movYInput * CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.sensibility * (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.speedYAxis * 10.0f);
yOrbit [index] = ClampAngle (yOrbit [index], CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.minAngleY, CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.maxAngleY);
Quaternion quaterToEuler = Quaternion.Euler (yOrbit [index], xOrbit [index], 0);
distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index] = Mathf.Clamp (distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index] - movZInput * (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.speedScrool * 50.0f), _minDistance, CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.maxDistance);
Vector3 _zPosition = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, -distanceFromOrbitalCamera [index]);
Vector3 _camNewPos = quaterToEuler * _zPosition + targetTransform.position;
Vector3 _camCurrentPos = cameras [index]._camera.transform.position;
Quaternion camRot = cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation;
cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp (camRot, quaterToEuler, Time.deltaTime * 5.0f * timeScaleSpeed);
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (_camCurrentPos, _camNewPos, Time.deltaTime * 5.0f * timeScaleSpeed);
} else {
if (!Physics.Linecast (targetTransform.position, originalPosition [index].transform.position)) {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, originalPosition [index].transform.position, Time.deltaTime * CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.displacementSpeed);
else if(Physics.Linecast(targetTransform.position, originalPosition [index].transform.position,out hitCamOTS)){
if (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.ignoreCollision) {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, originalPosition [index].transform.position, Time.deltaTime * CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.displacementSpeed);
else {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, hitCamOTS.point,Time.deltaTime * CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.displacementSpeed);
if (CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.customLookAt) {
Quaternion quatLookRot = Quaternion.LookRotation (targetTransform.position - cameras [index]._camera.transform.position, Vector3.up);
cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation, quatLookRot, Time.deltaTime * CameraSettings.OrbitalThatFollows.spinSpeedCustomLookAt);
} else {
cameras [index]._camera.transform.LookAt (targetTransform.position);
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.ETS_StyleCamera:
float xInputEts = _horizontalInputMSACC;
float yInputEts = _verticalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.invertXInput) {
xInputEts = -_horizontalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.invertYInput) {
yInputEts = -_verticalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.rotateWhenClick) {
if (Input.GetKey (CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.keyToRotate) || _enableMobileInputs) {
rotacXETS += xInputEts * CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.sensibilityX;
rotacYETS += yInputEts * CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.sensibilityY;
} else {
rotacXETS += xInputEts * CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.sensibilityX;
rotacYETS += yInputEts * CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.sensibilityY;
Vector3 newPositionETS = new Vector3 (originalPositionETS [index].x + Mathf.Clamp (rotacXETS / 50 + (CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.ETS_CameraShift/3.0f), -CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.ETS_CameraShift, 0), originalPositionETS [index].y, originalPositionETS [index].z);
cameras [index]._camera.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.localPosition, newPositionETS, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f);
rotacXETS = ClampAngle (rotacXETS, -180, 80);
rotacYETS = ClampAngle (rotacYETS, -60, 60);
Quaternion _xQuaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis (rotacXETS, Vector3.up);
Quaternion _yQuaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis (rotacYETS, -Vector3.right);
Quaternion nextRot = originalRotation [index] * _xQuaternion * _yQuaternion;
cameras [index]._camera.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp (cameras [index]._camera.transform.localRotation, nextRot, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f * timeScaleSpeed);
cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView -= _scrollInputMSACC * CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.speedScroolZoom * 50.0f;
if (cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView < (initialFieldOfView [index] - CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.maxScroolZoom)) {
cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView = (initialFieldOfView [index] - CameraSettings.ETS_StyleCamera.maxScroolZoom);
if (cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView > initialFieldOfView [index]) {
cameras [index]._camera.fieldOfView = (initialFieldOfView [index]);
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows:
float xInputFly = _horizontalInputMSACC;
float yInputFly = _verticalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows.invertXInput) {
xInputFly = -_horizontalInputMSACC;
if (CameraSettings.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows.invertYInput) {
yInputFly = -_verticalInputMSACC;
cameraRotationFly.x += xInputFly * CameraSettings.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows.sensibilityX * 15 * Time.deltaTime;
cameraRotationFly.y += yInputFly * CameraSettings.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows.sensibilityY * 15 * Time.deltaTime;
cameraRotationFly.y = Mathf.Clamp (cameraRotationFly.y, -90, 90);
cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis (cameraRotationFly.x, Vector3.up);
cameras [index]._camera.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis (cameraRotationFly.y, Vector3.left);
float speedCamFly = CameraSettings.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows.movementSpeed;
if (Input.GetKey (CameraSettings.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows.speedKeyCode)) {
speedCamFly *= 3.0f;
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position += cameras [index]._camera.transform.right * speedCamFly * Input.GetAxis(CameraSettings.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows.horizontalMove) * Time.deltaTime;
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position += cameras [index]._camera.transform.forward * speedCamFly * Input.GetAxis(CameraSettings.FlyCamera_OnlyWindows.verticalMove) * Time.deltaTime;
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position += Vector3.up * speedCamFly * Time.deltaTime;
cameras [index]._camera.transform.position -= Vector3.up * speedCamFly * Time.deltaTime;
public static float ClampAngle (float angle, float min, float max){
if (angle < -360F) { angle += 360F; }
if (angle > 360F) { angle -= 360F; }
return Mathf.Clamp (angle, min, max);
public void MSADCCChangeCameras(){ //use this void to change cameras using buttons
if (Time.timeScale > 0) {
if (index < (cameras.Length - 1)) {
lastIndex = index;
EnableCameras (index);
} else if (index >= (cameras.Length - 1)) {
lastIndex = index;
index = 0;
EnableCameras (index);
void Update(){
// Get inputs
if (!_enableMobileInputs) {
_horizontalInputMSACC = Input.GetAxis (CameraSettings.inputMouseX);
_verticalInputMSACC = Input.GetAxis (CameraSettings.inputMouseY);
_scrollInputMSACC = Input.GetAxis (CameraSettings.inputMouseScrollWheel);
} else {
//GetComponent<MSCameraController>()._horizontalInputMSACC = InputX;
//GetComponent<MSCameraController>()._verticalInputMSACC = InputY;
//GetComponent<MSCameraController>()._scrollInputMSACC = InputScroll;
_horizontalInputMSACC = Mathf.Clamp (_horizontalInputMSACC, -1, 1);
_verticalInputMSACC = Mathf.Clamp (_verticalInputMSACC, -1, 1);
_scrollInputMSACC = Mathf.Clamp (_scrollInputMSACC, -1, 1);
//camera switch key
if (!_enableMobileInputs) {
if (Time.timeScale > 0) {
if (Input.GetKeyDown (CameraSettings.cameraSwitchKey) && index < (cameras.Length - 1)) {
lastIndex = index;
EnableCameras (index);
} else if (Input.GetKeyDown (CameraSettings.cameraSwitchKey) && index >= (cameras.Length - 1)) {
lastIndex = index;
index = 0;
EnableCameras (index);
//update cameras
if (CameraSettings.camerasUpdateMode == MSACC_CameraSetting.UpdateMode.Update) {
if (cameras.Length > 0 && Time.timeScale > 0) {
if (cameras [index]._camera) {
ManageCameras ();
void LateUpdate(){
//update cameras
if (CameraSettings.camerasUpdateMode == MSACC_CameraSetting.UpdateMode.LateUpdate) {
if (cameras.Length > 0 && Time.timeScale > 0) {
if (cameras [index]._camera) {
ManageCameras ();
void FixedUpdate(){
//update cameras
if (CameraSettings.camerasUpdateMode == MSACC_CameraSetting.UpdateMode.FixedUpdate) {
if (cameras.Length > 0 && Time.timeScale > 0) {
if (cameras [index]._camera) {
ManageCameras ();
saccasolutions- Iniciante
- PONTOS : 1664
Respeito as regras :
Re: Camera Height
I'm on my phone, it's hard to tell you the number of the line, but after the class name, there a property called target, you can declare your Vector3 offset after that.
In the ManageCameras()
There's a line:
Just change the code adding a +offset.
You should look if there's another line like this one, and change the code too, use the search in your code editor (LookAt)
Another option is to use a gameobject as target, drag it to the avatar hierarchy, preferably being the first child object.
Look at the Awake () function, you can set the target using:
Target = transform.GetChild(index of object in hierarchy):
@MarcosSchultz, dá uma olhada aqui, veja se é só isso mesmo
In the ManageCameras()
There's a line:
Just change the code adding a +offset.
You should look if there's another line like this one, and change the code too, use the search in your code editor (LookAt)
Another option is to use a gameobject as target, drag it to the avatar hierarchy, preferably being the first child object.
Look at the Awake () function, you can set the target using:
Target = transform.GetChild(index of object in hierarchy):
@MarcosSchultz, dá uma olhada aqui, veja se é só isso mesmo
Fagner- Moderador
- PONTOS : 4444
Áreas de atuação : Modelagem 3D, Programação.
Respeito as regras :
Re: Camera Height
Hello. The code has a variable in the inspector called 'Target'. It is the first variable that appears. Just associate in this variable the object that the camera must follow.
Try to create an empty object (your player's child) and adjust it to the position of your player's head, and after that, associate this object in the 'target' variable.
Try to create an empty object (your player's child) and adjust it to the position of your player's head, and after that, associate this object in the 'target' variable.
Re: Camera Height
Yes, except I am using an UMA avatar with an idle animation so the camera moves and sways with any body part I try and attach the camera to.MarcosSchultz escreveu:Hello. The code has a variable in the inspector called 'Target'. It is the first variable that appears. Just associate in this variable the object that the camera must follow.
Try to create an empty object (your player's child) and adjust it to the position of your player's head, and after that, associate this object in the 'target' variable.
saccasolutions- Iniciante
- PONTOS : 1664
Respeito as regras :
Re: Camera Height
i found the line of the code, however I am a VERY new C programmer. Can you help with the correct syntax for the offset?Fagner escreveu: I'm on my phone, it's hard to tell you the number of the line, but after the class name, there a property called target, you can declare your Vector3 offset after that.
In the ManageCameras ()
There's a line:
camera [x] ._ camera.transform.LookAt (target);
Just change the code adding a + offset.
You should look if there's another line like this one, and change the code too, use the search in your code editor (LookAt)
Another option is to use a gameobject as target, drag it to the avatar hierarchy, preferably being the first child object .
Look at the Awake () function, you can set the target using:
Target = transform.GetChild (index of object in hierarchy):
@MarcosSchultz, take a look here, see if that's it
I'm thinking it could go here:
- Código:
case MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.LookAtThePlayer:
cameras [index]._camera.transform.LookAt (targetTransform.position);
or where you suggested (using follow player), somewhere here:
- Código:
if (cameras [x].rotationType == MSACC_CameraType.TipoRotac.FollowPlayer) {
cameras [x]._camera.transform.parent = temp.transform;
originalPosition [x] = new GameObject ("positionFollowPlayerCamera" + x);
originalPosition [x].transform.parent = temp.transform;
originalPosition [x].transform.position = cameras [x]._camera.transform.position;
if (CameraSettings.ajustTheLayers) {
targetTransform.gameObject.layer = 2;
foreach (Transform trans in targetTransform.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(true)) {
trans.gameObject.layer = 2;
camFollowPlayerDistance [x] = Vector3.Distance (cameras [x]._camera.transform.position, targetTransform.position);
saccasolutions- Iniciante
- PONTOS : 1664
Respeito as regras :
Re: Camera Height
Ok so that was easy! I thought maybe I would need to hardcose the coordinates, I did not realize it would add the editing to the editor! So... that gives me the ability to tilt the camera up, but how do I RAISE it? The camera itself is still sitting at the same level of the avatars feet.
saccasolutions- Iniciante
- PONTOS : 1664
Respeito as regras :
Re: Camera Height
I've made a simple script to add the offset on the LateUpdate() and restore the original position On Update(). this should work with MarcosSchultz original script.
You need to change your script execution order to make sure my script is the last executed.
You need to change your script execution order to make sure my script is the last executed.
- Código:
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraOffset : MonoBehaviour
public Transform cameraT;
public Transform target;
public Vector3 offsetCam, offsetTarget;
private Vector3 lastposition;
private Quaternion lastRotation;
private void Update()
cameraT.position = lastposition;
cameraT.rotation = lastRotation;
private void LateUpdate()
lastposition = cameraT.position;
lastRotation = cameraT.rotation;
cameraT.position += offsetCam;
cameraT.LookAt(target.position + offsetTarget);
Fagner- Moderador
- PONTOS : 4444
Áreas de atuação : Modelagem 3D, Programação.
Respeito as regras :
Tópicos semelhantes
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